Pretend chat 2

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Jan 17, 2011
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Karen sounds so sweet. And LOL that you had ice packs. Well sorta it also kind of makes me scared for my future!!!

RosieRedfoot said:
Ouchie! Hope she's ok!

And when I came into work today someone was also there being trained for the position I usually do. Kind of felt like it was a slap in the face seeing as when I no-showed I could have been lying dead in a ditch somewhere and they didn't even call and ask if I was ok or coming in after the ok 10 minute late period. I think they were happy I came in and I apologized for the mistake but it kind of made me feel like they don't even care. :(

Guess I really am just a pawn to bring in more money to feed the bottom line. And the CEO's pockets.

Thaat's why I kind of want to see about working for the local zoo instead, but can't say no to a solid paycheck for the time being. Ugh, long day and tomorrow will be a longer 9 hour day on my feet.

Our zoo has lots of tortoises and even naked mole rats :) I think they're cute in an ugly kind of way.
Sorry, it is not fun to feel unappreciated. While the bottom line, surface dwelling people may not see you or care, I am sure that the people that you interact with directly would feel your absence.


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Of course Karen is sweet. I married her. Err, she married me? Lol. Obviously she has a sense of humor!!!! We both led lives that beat the hell out of our bodies and now we are blessed with that hindsight B.S.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Of course Karen is sweet. I married her. Err, she married me? Lol. Obviously she has a sense of humor!!!! We both led lives that beat the hell out of our bodies and now we are blessed with that hindsight B.S.

It was all worth it though, right?


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Totally worth it. You young kids still say totally, right?

Good to know. I'm not sure what the "young people" say, I got yelled at by the teenager for saying "dude" the other day.


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Wait that didn't even make sense.

When Karen's son was in high school, he and his buddies wanted to get rubber band wrist bands that said WWKD, what would ken do? I took it as a huge complement that these guys looked up to me in such a way. We've always been, “The Cool Parents". We didn't let them do what they always wanted, but we were always willing to listen in confidence.


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Kerryann said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Totally worth it. You young kids still say totally, right?

Good to know. I'm not sure what the "young people" say, I got yelled at by the teenager for saying "dude" the other day.

Dude is an obscenity now?

No, I just think that, according to my eldest, I am too old and uncool to say it.


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Kerryann said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Totally worth it. You young kids still say totally, right?

Good to know. I'm not sure what the "young people" say, I got yelled at by the teenager for saying "dude" the other day.

Dude is an obscenity now?

No, I just think that, according to my eldest, I am too old and uncool to say it.

What do they say now? :p I am old and uncool too.

Oh so I volunteer for this project to try to help boost post college students integrate into the IT market. I had them at my office and was helping them set up. One of the mentors was all up in my space and was a super close talker. I stepped back trying not to be obvious and then I started showing him how to set up with some space and he pulled in closer to me again. When I came home I told mikey that I found a new boyfriend and was telling him about the situation and he recommends that if he does it again that I should lick him and if he is like wtf.. I can say I thought he wanted to make out. Mike was like why do you think no one ever gets in my space. :rolleyes: Now I have to worry that he is out randomly licking people.
At least the close talker was not stinky but it was weird. Why do people do that?


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As adults, they look forward to our weekend bashes. And the best part? In that we've known them forever they like to brown nose us by showing how much they've grown up. It works out as a win win. We get ditches dug, and they feel a boost in self esteem. And we like seeing them too. They'll bring their recent relations for us to provide feed back on, and we're honest. We've nothing to gain by blowing smoke or being mean, and they know it. Wow, I sound pretty full of myself right now.

Kerryann said:
They are hoping to gain the respect they have for you by proxy.

Or you need to change shampoo.

Try using Mikes deodorant one day. That'll scare them off.



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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
As adults, they look forward to our weekend bashes. And the best part? In that we've known them forever they like to brown nose us by showing how much they've grown up. It works out as a win win. We get ditches dug, and they feel a boost in self esteem. And we like seeing them too. They'll bring their recent relations for us to provide feed back on, and we're honest. We've nothing to gain by blowing smoke or being mean, and they know it. Wow, I sound pretty full of myself right now.

Kerryann said:
They are hoping to gain the respect they have for you by proxy.

Or you need to change shampoo.

Try using Mikes deodorant one day. That'll scare them off.

You don't agree with Mikes licking them plan.
Eww he uses axe man pit stop aka deodorant.



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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
Slight vomit reflex on the licking part.
Axe deodorant would totally flip him out.

Yes that's how I felt about that. I said either that'd be effective or I really would have a new bf. I just thought of it because he just sent me a message.
The deodorant would weird me out if he even got closer huh :p


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Totally worth it. You young kids still say totally, right?

Totally! Although now out of college I feel out of the loop as to what's "in"... Probably something silly, as usual.


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RosieRedfoot said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
Totally worth it. You young kids still say totally, right?

Totally! Although now out of college I feel out of the loop as to what's "in"... Probably something silly, as usual.

Now I really do feel old because I just realized how young you are. I thought you were older than that.

So good morning all, Now that Lily is recovering from strep and her concussion, Rand the wild 2 year old got a rash soni took him to the doc yesterday and they have no idea what it is and the poor kid has the early stages of pneumonia. Well, his rash is worse so I sent pics to his infectious disease doc that handles all of his immune stuff and he said "Wow, brilliant!! Bring him in". I HATE how excited the doc gets when my kids get a strange sickness or their bloodwork looks bad. I am seething mad right now.


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Just curious, have you had your home mold tested? Was watching a show on home and garden about how mold growth often shows up in kids first as respiratory infections and weird skin rashes... This family had leaky windows that caused the drywall to mold in the kid's room and the kid had constant asthma attacks and bronchitis. Just food for thought and not trying to add to your pile of expenses or stresses right now.

I really hope it's nothing serious and both your kids recover quickly!


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RosieRedfoot said:
Just curious, have you had your home mold tested? Was watching a show on home and garden about how mold growth often shows up in kids first as respiratory infections and weird skin rashes... This family had leaky windows that caused the drywall to mold in the kid's room and the kid had constant asthma attacks and bronchitis. Just food for thought and not trying to add to your pile of expenses or stresses right now.

I really hope it's nothing serious and both your kids recover quickly!

Yes, thanks I have only lived in my current house for 3 months now. We had a full inspection including mold. But I welcome any and all ideas. I'm thinking chicken pox at this point.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

CtTortoiseMom said:
RosieRedfoot said:
Just curious, have you had your home mold tested? Was watching a show on home and garden about how mold growth often shows up in kids first as respiratory infections and weird skin rashes... This family had leaky windows that caused the drywall to mold in the kid's room and the kid had constant asthma attacks and bronchitis. Just food for thought and not trying to add to your pile of expenses or stresses right now.

I really hope it's nothing serious and both your kids recover quickly!

Yes, thanks I have only lived in my current house for 3 months now. We had a full inspection including mold. But I welcome any and all ideas. I'm thinking chicken pox at this point.

They say it's better for them to get that as kids than add adults but chicken pox are no fun. I was five when I got them and I remember the misery. I have pox marks on my forehead

I planted more today. I almost padded out from dehydration.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Kerryann said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
RosieRedfoot said:
Just curious, have you had your home mold tested? Was watching a show on home and garden about how mold growth often shows up in kids first as respiratory infections and weird skin rashes... This family had leaky windows that caused the drywall to mold in the kid's room and the kid had constant asthma attacks and bronchitis. Just food for thought and not trying to add to your pile of expenses or stresses right now.

I really hope it's nothing serious and both your kids recover quickly!

Yes, thanks I have only lived in my current house for 3 months now. We had a full inspection including mold. But I welcome any and all ideas. I'm thinking chicken pox at this point.

They say it's better for them to get that as kids than add adults but chicken pox are no fun. I was five when I got them and I remember the misery. I have pox marks on my forehead

I planted more today. I almost padded out from dehydration.

I was about 5 when I got them too. Don't worry your kids won't get them because they will receive a vaccination for them at 6 months and a booster at age 6. We are still not sure if he has them but he is unable to build antibodies to polysaccharide vaccinations do it would not be a complete shock.

Despite all this sickness nonsense, the kids had a fun day playing outside. It is about 80 today but really breezy. I have been cleaning all day and Rob has been cleaning the yard and doing all outside work. It has been a beautiful and productive day.

Except Dagny the giant furry toddler is in her crate because she heards the kids when they are in the yard but she started using her paws and hitting them if they don't listen to her and she is in time out for knocking Rand over. She is crying like a baby as I type this.
So that's my day, sorry it is not that exciting.
Kerryann, did you go kayaking?
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