Rescue efforts so far...

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Jul 12, 2013
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Irving Texas
A few weeks ago I started a rescue hobby and posted on this forum that I had rescued a male three toe who was being kept in a bird cage with no substrate and only a few rocks and pieces of grass for hiding behind. I named him Picard because he is so old his shell looks like a bald head. Anyway, I have him in a 5 x 2 indoor enclouser I build for him in order to make sure he is ok. he is better than ok, he is awesome! He "attacks" me whenever I look into his pen. He will run full speed across the ppen and try to crawl up the wall when I watch him. I will post video when I can.

So in the nine days since I got Picard, I have also rescued a 3 toe male named Tink who has never had a heat light or UVB and who's Mommy showered him with kisses...yuck.. I need to find a way to un-paint him but otherwise, he is a perfect turtle. Next, I paid $60 each for three juvenile Gulf Coast Boxies. They eat like pigs and I have to seperate them because the big one will steel the worm from the little guys. Then last night aroung 10 pm, I got a call about another little three toed. I rushed out to get him and he is actually another juvenile GCB. I gave the little kid $40 bucks but not before he told me how they used to have turtle and grass snake "fights" with him.

Well, to wind this up, Picard and Tink are going to move into my Uncle's turtle garden this weekend. The 4 Gulf Coast Boxie babies will be placed in their outdoor pen here at my apartment and next year or the one after, they will move into my Brother's turtle garden.

If you have the means to do so, I suggest you go to craigslist and try some rescueing! I love it and the little guys are all so much better off.

Sorry for the wall of text! Pics this weekend!


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That's really great. They are illegal here to own (I have a permit which I renew each year), so I never see any on Craigslist. If I did, I would be doing the same thing.


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Jul 12, 2013
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DSCN0616 (800x600).jpgDSCN0617 (800x600).jpgDSCN0618 (800x600).jpgDSCN0619 (800x600).jpgGarden1 (640x480) (640x480).jpgGarden2 (640x480) (640x480).jpgveggies from human garden also in turtle garden (640x480) (640x480).jpgBack of one turtle pen (640x480).jpgI will be posting pics of the "Release" hopefully on Sunday. I really want to keep them. The two adults have gone from drawn up hiders to full on attack turtles! They literally run across the habitat when they see me. I think they have figured out that I am the worm guy! They should do very well in the garden.
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Apr 24, 2013
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Poor Tink, with all that paint on his shell! I'm glad he's in your care now. That's wonderful that you are rehoming these guys in healthier settings. Way to go.


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Jul 12, 2013
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thatrebecca said:
Poor Tink, with all that paint on his shell! I'm glad he's in your care now. That's wonderful that you are rehoming these guys in healthier settings. Way to go.

Thanks. Yeah, the Lady I got him from needed gas money and posted him to Craigslist. I have a friend who has had his for 10 years and she still has paint on her. There is nothing safe to remove it though. He is full grown and it looks like he has not suffered from it too much.


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Sep 16, 2012
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Great pics!!!!!
You have a huge heart for rescueing these guys!!
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