Set my quit date!

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alysciaingram said:
Thanks guys! I don't plan on using any nicotine aids, that's not quitting, just substituting lol. I did purchase one of the vapor only, tar/tobacco/nicotine free electronic cigarettes. I don't think I'm going to use it much though once it runs out. Did anyone have luck with Ecigarettes? (Not that I'm looking for an easy way out!)

You did not get addicted overnight. You went through a process that got you there and it takes a process to come away from it. Cold turkeyu NEVER works and anybody who says they did it is not telling the entire truth. They may not be lying, they just may not realize what they used to help quit. Not using anything to help you quit is a sure fire way of failing. it is NOT a weakness to use an aid. The good vapor units are safe and provide a great way to curb back and quit. Like anything else though, if you don't put in the effort and do the work you will not succeed. There is also no easy way out and choosing a healthier substitute is NOT that. I can tell you that not only have I not had a craving for a real cig in almost a year, the smell of them makes me ill. Try a real vape unit for a month with no real cigs and then take a few drags off of a real cig and it will make you sick! Choose a flavor you like and mix it up! Variety is the spice of life!


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My parents used chantex, which can be recieved if you talk to your doctor, and it helped both of them quit. My dad smokes now, but that's because when his girlfriend who moved in, he started again because she smoked. But he stopped for two and a half years. My mom used it but the she was one that was effected by the side effects (they can get bad apparently). She had crazy nightmares and thoughts so she used it for three days and it made her quit ( it's supposed to be taken for two weeks or so). So you could try chantex or some other form of it. It's just a pill.

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hunterk997 said:
My parents used chantex, which can be recieved if you talk to your doctor, and it helped both of them quit. My dad smokes now, but that's because when his girlfriend who moved in, he started again because she smoked. But he stopped for two and a half years. My mom used it but the she was one that was effected by the side effects (they can get bad apparently). She had crazy nightmares and thoughts so she used it for three days and it made her quit ( it's supposed to be taken for two weeks or so). So you could try chantex or some other form of it. It's just a pill.

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Unfortunately with the medication I take currently, the side effects are exaggerated. I would be a pretty disgruntled human being lol. I did consider it though. My mother in law used it and quit no problem! Never looked back, and tells me "you'll know when it's time". Well, it's time :)


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I smoked Camels, three packs a day for 25 years. I finally got so disgusted with myself that I just quit. Saying things like I'm gonna try to quit again, isn't very convincing. YOU have to decide that enough is enough. Once you do, there's nothing to it. If you were determined to quit, instead of setting a date in the future (which never works, by the way) just finish your current pack...and quit. Sorry if I don't sound sympathetic to your problem. I know exactly what it's like. Toughen up, and just quit. You will be glad you did.
alysciaingram said:
yagyujubei said:
You do not need counselors, hotlines or anyone else. No gum, no patches. Just quit. Hoping doesn't work either. What does work is lung cancer, so if you wait long enough...

Yes, lung cancer is real. Yes, lung cancer is scary. However waiting until one has lung cancer is not a productive means of quitting. By your account, quitting isn't even hard, especially if you're already sick. I already had cancer, and had it removed. It is my wake up call. Not being able to do the things I want, being sick, and feeling like a burden on my family is not a quality I am proud of. But, the counselor will help me get back on track and on the road to quitting. It's a free service and why not try it? Have you ever been addicted to something? It is hard for people who haven't to sympathize. I started this thread to get ideas, view points, and all around support from others who have gone through this, not to mention perhaps motivate others who want to take the steps to quit.

Thank you so much to those who shared their point of view and suggestions that I will definitely try. By September 4th I am to be completely nicotine free. No gums, patches, or accessories. I've signed back up for yoga three times a week, and start school again next Monday. Between that and work I should be using up all my smoke time, and filled it with healthier ways of stress management. I also purchased more sunflower seeds, and my favorite pumpkin seeds will be in season in a few weeks. I have never been this motivated to let go of my crutch, and glad so many of you are supportive people :) I was hesitant to post this thread, but definitely glad I did.


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Best of luck to you! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

mike taylor

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I quit about two years ago you just have to say no and keep saying no I will not smoke

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Grandpa Turtle 144 said:
Are you still doing great without the smokes ? My best wishes to

Thanks for asking! Three days, no cigarettes. I am using an e cigarette but one without any nicotine so it's more of a mental aid than a physical :)

I'm not going to lie, patience is scarce, but luckily everyone in my home is understanding enough to let me have my moments to collect myself and not take it personally. The biggest obstacle will be this week coming up. School starts and stress is my biggest trigger. It does help a lot that my school is an "anti tobacco campus" and doesn't allow products on the premises, so I won't be tempted to bum one off of a classmate and take a smoke break.

Thanks again for asking. It means a lot.

mike taylor

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Oct 28, 2012
You just have to take you a brake every so often and chill out . Keep saying to your self it's nasty they smell they taste nasty
you can do it
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Dec 12, 2012
I quit using the vapes also. I still vape occasionally but I don't smoke anymore. If you have been smoking for a long time it's a good idea to wean yourself off the nicotine and vapes give you that option with different nicotine levels.

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Jun 24, 2013
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I agree with others about having gum, seeds or something to do to replace smoking in your daily routine. I quit cold turkey 8 years ago and that was key for me - I had to conscientiously make a new routine. Also, for myself, I know I cannot be a social snooker (wish i could!!) it slowly leads back to full blown addiction for me. Once I realized that And was real with myself about it, I have not allowed myself a even a drag. It's been hard at times, especially the first few years when I would have alcohol. But stay strong and it gets easier as time goes by. You can do it!

Smoker not snooker lol :)

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
Be carful I met a ladie in the smokers lounge at the airport that hasn't had a cigarette in 3yrs but cannt put her E- cigarette down . Has been smoking it for 3 yrs . I'm still praying for you and good luck again:)


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For the record; I quit quitting. When my doctor suggested I quit, I pointed out that he is over weight and suggested he get some exercise. He has yet to tell me to quit again.

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
My brain surgeon told me to quit smoking , drinking , and drinking coffee! After my anyourism I got abrain x ray 3yrs later and they found 5 more anyourisms 3yrs later we x rayed it again and they gone ! So I told the surgeon that the naborhood was so bad the 5 anyourisms moved out !


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For the record; I quit quitting. When my doctor suggested I quit, I pointed out that he is over weight and suggested he get some exercise. He has yet to tell me to quit again.


My brain surgeon told me to quit smoking , drinking , and drinking coffee! After my anyourism I got abrain x ray 3yrs later and they found 5 more anyourisms 3yrs later we x rayed it again and they gone ! So I told the surgeon that the naborhood was so bad the 5 anyourisms moved out !



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Apr 10, 2011
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I use to smoke a pack + of cigarettes day....then when I had my son I stopped and then after he was a few months old I smoked again..and now I will smoke sometimes and then go for long periods of time not smoking...then if I drink a touch too much :)P) I will smoke a cigarette and then it will be a long time before I do it, keep in mind that I smoked my first cigarette when I was 9 years old (yeah, no parental guidance for most of my young life---not blaming, just saying) and I am somewhere around 46 ish I suppose one would say either I am a crafty nicotine addict OR I have become social smoker....:p

I hope you do well, the best way to stop smoking is either---don't smoke or simply wait until we all have our day of death--then you will not smoke any longer, and who is to know what the cause will be, hell, look at George Burns,, whiskey and cigars=ripe old age, and funny to boot---I suppose that did not help the cause, huh?


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Laughing My A$$ Off

I've got 2 grand kids but my younger kids keep me up to date-ish.


Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
Thank you Ken now I know but I thought I joined to learn about turtles and tortoises and now poor ken has to teach me English first :)
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