Shell/Plastron questions


5 Year Member
May 30, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hi guys, I'm looking for some help/advice with some shell-based issues. First, background. Ringo is a 1-and-a-bit-year-old hermanns who we've had for almost six months. We won't be brumating him (we're guessing he's male, but obviously we can't be sure at that age) this year, since most of the advice we've had suggested we wait until he's a bit older and we've had a winter to observe him and find out how he usually behaves. He's slowed down a bit over the last couple of weeks as the days get shorter, but he's still reasonably active and eating well. Now for the questions:

1) He seems to have a couple of scutes fused together on his back (see photo). There's growth around them, but could this have any sort of long-term impact? Is there anything we can/should be doing to help?


2) His plastron dips in quite noticeably at the back, but the "spine" is still quite prominent. Is this normal? If not, any ideas as to what's causing it? It's not going soft, thankfully. It's hard to get across what I mean in a photo, but hopefully you can see what I mean.


Finally, a shot of him investigating the camera, complete with flaky bit of skin :rolleyes:

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Yvonne G

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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi Colin:

I don't know the answers you're looking for, but I wanted to say your tortoise is very pretty.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I really don't see anything wrong with that plastron.

As to the stuck together scutes, I have taken a Q-tip dipped in olive oil and gently massaged the area that seems to be stuck. Then wipe off the excess. The last time I mentioned this, EricIvans commented on it and gave an explanation, but I can't find that thread now.

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