Some Questions


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I like a wide dumb for several reasons. First, it was much cheaper at the feed store. The wideness of the dome, at least in my opinion, spreads out the heat and the UV better. So you can notice this by just putting a regular lightbulb in each fixture hanging them up and then look down and see how big the lighted area is. The wider the fixture the wider the light area will be.
Sometimes the bulb will stick out past the end of the fixture and there is no problem with that. I hang mine up with the zoo med lampstand. But if you're handy you can build a lamp stand. If you want to lay the fixture directly on top of a screen, use something like pig wire or something with large holes so that the bulb it's selfdoes not actually touch the wire. I don't know if it really makes a difference if it touches but I don't want mine touching anything. You can also put a ceramic he emailedr in this fixture if you want to. You might need that for night heat if your house gets cold, you will not need it when you're tortoises an adult.
I know all of this can get confusing and frustrating. When I started out I had the coil bulb gasp! Then I moved up to the mercury vapor bulb but I had it in the deep dumb because that's what the pet store said. It took me a while to figure out that I could buy many things at the hardware store. I still buy eco-earth online. None of The nurseries or plant stores here ever have it in bulk. And I'm worried about pesticides. So I stick with the pet brand on that one but that is just my opinion. I did buy cypress mulch at Home Depot. And organic garden soil etc. for outdoor pens at Home Depot.


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The life expectancy of the UVB portion of an MVB bulb is about 90 days. MVB bulbs are very good for heat after 90 days. The best UVB bulb is a T5.0HO
bulb either from Zoomed or equivalent. I have mine set at 18" above substrate ( based on UV meter results at that height.)


The Dog Trainer
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The life expectancy of the UVB portion of an MVB bulb is about 90 days. MVB bulbs are very good for heat after 90 days. The best UVB bulb is a T5.0HO
bulb either from Zoomed or equivalent. I have mine set at 18" above substrate ( based on UV meter results at that height.)

I had a 4 year old MVB that was giving me a reading of 7.1 on my Solarmeter 6.5, at a distance of 14" through a metal screen.

What makes you say they only last 90 days? I ask not to argue, but to learn from you.


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
@Tom and others

the coco fibre is sticking EVERYWHERE, especially after his bath

I hope he doesnt eat too much of this stuff. I wipe off his hands, but he's a messy guy and throws his food on the ground

Also after switching to the coir, I can no longer find any poop. I always saw it in the pellets
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It's OK if he eats it. It will pass right on through. Make sure it is slightly damp but not soggy. Push it down with your hands to make it more firm. You can put a ring of rocks around his food and water dish so that he won't track through it. But it will still get dirty. Tortoises are dirty, they like it that way. You can just brush it off of him before you soak up.


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
@leigti, yeah he gets soaked b4 fed, but then only more of the coir sticks to him lol

also, i cant find his poop in the coir now at all. sucks. i always saw it in the pellets


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You can use a cat litter scoop to find the poops, check especially around the food bowl. Dry him off before you put them back in the enclosure after a soak. It won't hurt him to get it all over him. At least you know it is "clean" dirt.


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
You can use a cat litter scoop to find the poops, check especially around the food bowl. Dry him off before you put them back in the enclosure after a soak. It won't hurt him to get it all over him. At least you know it is "clean" dirt.
Trying! He just doesnt like to be dried. He normally hides in his shell.

Lyn W

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Lay an old towel out ready for after his soak, and put a small bit of food on a plate on it. When you put him on the towel it will dry off some off the water while he is busy eating and you can gently dry his shell if it's wet. Don't leave him unattended though in case he decides to wander and falls off your surface.


The Dog Trainer
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@Tom and others

the coco fibre is sticking EVERYWHERE, especially after his bath

I hope he doesnt eat too much of this stuff. I wipe off his hands, but he's a messy guy and throws his food on the ground

Also after switching to the coir, I can no longer find any poop. I always saw it in the pellets

It helps if you hand pack it down. Make a very thick layer, keep it damp, and then take a few minutes to pack it all down. It will take about 2 weeks for it to settle in.

Daily soaks will keep the substrate poop free. They usually poop in their soak water.


The Dog Trainer
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Trying! He just doesnt like to be dried. He normally hides in his shell.

I never dry mine off. The water is good for their shell. I since the poopy soak water off of them with a little hand sprayer and put them away dripping wet. You can use the same sprayer to rinse them off while they are walking around in the enclosure too.


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
I never dry mine off. The water is good for their shell. I since the poopy soak water off of them with a little hand sprayer and put them away dripping wet. You can use the same sprayer to rinse them off while they are walking around in the enclosure too.
haven't gotten him to poop in his bath yet. he normally poops while eating right next to the food dish


The Dog Trainer
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15-20 mins.

It's on a table or the floor. (no other animals and I live alone, nothing can get to him)

Its unusual for them to not poop while soaking. All of mine make poop soup every time. Try going a little longer, 30-40 minutes, and make sure the water stays warm during that time. Some times I place the soak tub near the heat lamp in the enclosure to keep the water warm. Or you can refresh the water a few times during the course of the soak.


New Member
Oct 24, 2015
Its unusual for them to not poop while soaking. All of mine make poop soup every time. Try going a little longer, 30-40 minutes, and make sure the water stays warm during that time. Some times I place the soak tub near the heat lamp in the enclosure to keep the water warm. Or you can refresh the water a few times during the course of the soak.
Is it possible I'm not using enough water? I'm trying to get it so it's slightly under his chin and up to the bottom of the shell in the back.

Yvonne G

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The water should come up to the middle of his sides; where the top shell meets the bottom shell.


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I checked all of my Powersun bulbs at 90 days, all of them read 0 w/ the meter. I checked new ones as well and were fine. zoomed guarantees them for 1 year so they can be replaced at no charge. It was easier to go to T5.0HO bulbs that have lasted much longer and are less expensive.

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