Jacky And Daisy


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Dear Angie,

I'm sorry to hear about you and Richard. How are you both today? I think you both need to rest. I was also hoping that you wouldn't have to have those injections but I don't like to think of you with those headaches and as Sue says there must be new treatments on the horizon

Little Zola is there to comfort you both just as Jacky is here with me and Daisy is by her side. I know Zola will miss his walks as well but according to the forecast you've got a lot of rain. We've had rain here and I brought Jacky in because I thought she was cold and she has an appointment on Wednesday. She is very cross with me for putting her in the enclosure to stop her from fasting for hibernation! She is pacing up and down and insisting that it is housework!

Keep safe


PS: I want to keep her weight up for that appointment!


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - thank you for your concern - we are both a bit better today - except that I have a bad headache, probably from coming off those pills - and I also feel a bit weepy, which is silly ! Really, I am so lucky, having Zola and Richard around. The weather has been very bad indeed today - wet and cold - I put the heating on for 2 hours, and Richard said he would have lit the fire if his hamstring would have let him !
Goodnight to you and Jacky - and Angel Daisy, of course -and love to all our forum friends from Angie and Zola xxxxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Sue,

I'm just wondering how Dickie's been today as it's been miserable here and I've had to put Jacky in the enclosure to stop her hibernating before her checkup on Wednesday. Angie I hope you have a better day tomorrow and better weather.



PS: A pupil brought me back a souvenir from Greece:IMG20240905214651.jpg


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Mar 1, 2023
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Dear Sue,

I'm just wondering how Dickie's been today as it's been miserable here and I've had to put Jacky in the enclosure to stop her hibernating before her checkup on Wednesday. Angie I hope you have a better day tomorrow and better weather.



PS: A pupil brought me back a souvenir from Greece:View attachment 378572
Aww that is lovely 😍
Dickie didn’t come out at all yesterday as it was quite chilly first thing. Like Angie I put the heating on briefly whilst I had my breakfast! It stayed damp & dull all day & quite windy.
Had to go to hair appt then other things so we were out for 6 hours but we knew she wouldn’t come out with the weather like that so not surprised to see her door still closed.
She pushes it open herself when she’s ready. It’s funny because she moves to the front of her box & nudges the door open a bit to see what the weather’s like, bit like me when I first get up in the morning peeking out the curtains! Then gradually she pushes it open a bit wider if she’s considering coming out then out she comes with a trail of straw. That’s how I know if she’s been out & gone back in 😆 So far today she’s at the middle part but I expect her to come out as it’s quite mild.
I will bath her & see if she will eat. She’s favouring dandelion leaves & runner bean leaves over her usual food but still likes a little peach.
Hope Jacky gets on ok at the vets. I’m sure she’s fit & well & in prime condition for hibernating.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

Had to wait half an hour for a bus again! Very frustrated😡! Very tired😡! Can't wait to see Jacky.

Got back at 8.45 pm. I hope you're both feeling better Angie and Richard. I'm so lucky to get back to Jacky so I know how feel about Zola.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Good evening everyone!

Had to wait half an hour for a bus again! Very frustrated😡! Very tired😡! Can't wait to see Jacky.

Dear Natrah - we hope you are back safely now. We have had really heavy rain, which makes my conservatory very noisy, bashing on the roof, and it has been cold too. My dad and mum are both feeling a bit better now, and my mum hopes to be hearing about going back to her former head injections in Tavistock pretty soon, as the old headaches are coming back with a vengeance.
The other day, my dad was out with me, when a lady came up to him and said " Excuse me, but do you happen to have a tortoise under your coat ? " So he produced me, and she was so pleased - we had met before, long ago, but I hadn't remembered her. But people remember my dad - he now has long silvery hair, and generally wears a squishy hat !
Goodnight and love from Zola and Angie to all my forum friends xxxxxxxxxx
p. s. We love your new little Greek tortoise friend xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Natrah - we hope you are back safely now. We have had really heavy rain, which makes my conservatory very noisy, bashing on the roof, and it has been cold too. My dad and mum are both feeling a bit better now, and my mum hopes to be hearing about going back to her former head injections in Tavistock pretty soon, as the old headaches are coming back with a vengeance.
The other day, my dad was out with me, when a lady came up to him and said " Excuse me, but do you happen to have a tortoise under your coat ? " So he produced me, and she was so pleased - we had met before, long ago, but I hadn't remembered her. But people remember my dad - he now has long silvery hair, and generally wears a squishy hat !
Goodnight and love from Zola and Angie to all my forum friends xxxxxxxxxx
p. s. We love your new little Greek tortoise friend xxxxxx
Jacky and her new ornament:IMG20240906095308.jpg


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah - it has been really cold all day, and raining most of the time. We have the heating on, but the place feels damp. Richard took these photos some weeks ago - I asked him to take one of the hydrangea while it was still a lovely blue colour, as it has never been this bright before. I thought they might be a cheerful thing to look at - like your new little Greek tortoise !
Goodnight and love from Zola and me to you, Jacky and all our forum friends. xxxxxxxxxx


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Apr 6, 2024
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone,

Zola those pictures are stunning and I loved gardening at the old house with my two helpers. I was immensely proud of my work and if I find any pictures I'll post them here. How are your parents? I hope they're feeling better now. Edward how are you and your servant adjusting to university life? Sue how are Dickie and Sherman is Dickie slowing down even more now?

I was hoping to put Jacky out today but we strange weather with sunshine and a thunderstorm. Jacky will need to stay in the enclosure until after her appointment when I can start to lower the temperatures and put her outside. She wasn't very pleased with her 'drowning' session today.


Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy

PS: I ordered a new pet carrier for her to replace the one that she and Daisy used as a bed when she's not in the enclosure.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
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Sue how are Dickie and Sherman is Dickie slowing down even more now?
Hello Natrah,
To our surprise Dickie came out earlier than usual this morning following a thunderstorm & very heavy rain about 4am. She has been basking in the afternoon sunshine & has eaten a reasonable amount.
She has slowed down & isn’t doing the perimeter walks any more, just staying in the border or basking.
We are guided by Dickie as to what she wants to do & eat & when. She knows what she needs.
Pete hasn’t seen Sherman but I’m sure he’s fine. 😊


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Edward how are you and your servant adjusting to university life?
Dear Natrah,

Edward returned to his usual sleeping schedule last Wednesday. He has been trying to get through/over the railing on his ramp every morning and eating a lot.

I have ordered him the Arcadia UVB tube for winter and really hope it doesn't get messed up in the post.

Edwards servant ☺️ :<3: :tort:


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah - we have been having wet,windy and cold weather here, and Zola has been getting rather bored - he does look forward to his walks with Richard, who is still struggling with his hamstring injury, though it is definitely getting better. Also he has been getting a lot of pain in his fingers at times, which ,of course, is a problem to a musician - as you will know. We both take various vitamins and supplements, and eat a healthy diet, but there you go - it's just age, I think.
Anyway, I'm getting over whatever I sprained, but hope I shall hear soon about going for injections again.
Zola is the fittest one in our family ! He had a long rest and stroke on me earlier - he pressed the front of his head firmly below my lower lip, and stayed there all the time ! Other than that, he was climbing around almost non-stop most of the day!
Goodnight to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and love from Zola and me to all our forum friends xxxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I forgot to charge my phone at the usual time so that's one reason why this is late. I am also finishing teaching at 7 pm now so I will be slightly later on Mondays. I did log in earlier to find a conversation from Josh (moderator) who was concerned about MaNaAk🤣. He noticed that MaNaAk hadn't been seen for some time so I said that I was MaNaAk and that I had been using my name. I'm glad your both feeling better Angie and I wonder if Richard injured his hand at all. Sue I imagine Dickie is has slowed down a bit more today. Edward I bet it is cold at your servant's uni.

Jacky is basking and eating loads in the enclosure ahead of her appointment but I shall gradually lower the temperature after the vet appointment. This morning I ended up cleaning the enclosure twice because Jacky likes the food all over the place, burying herself in her bedding and basking in the food bowl!

We always say goodnight to everyone starting with Daisy where Jacky taps her photo and ornament before we tap family photos and go through our friends. Eventually we say goodnight to each other and I get shoved and kicked 🤣🤣🤣. That said Jacky and Daisy like their heads and shells rubbed but they don't like being picked up.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy