Jacky And Daisy


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Angie,

I'm sorry to hear about you and Richard. How are you both today? I think you both need to rest. I was also hoping that you wouldn't have to have those injections but I don't like to think of you with those headaches and as Sue says there must be new treatments on the horizon

Little Zola is there to comfort you both just as Jacky is here with me and Daisy is by her side. I know Zola will miss his walks as well but according to the forecast you've got a lot of rain. We've had rain here and I brought Jacky in because I thought she was cold and she has an appointment on Wednesday. She is very cross with me for putting her in the enclosure to stop her from fasting for hibernation! She is pacing up and down and insisting that it is housework!

Keep safe


PS: I want to keep her weight up for that appointment!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - thank you for your concern - we are both a bit better today - except that I have a bad headache, probably from coming off those pills - and I also feel a bit weepy, which is silly ! Really, I am so lucky, having Zola and Richard around. The weather has been very bad indeed today - wet and cold - I put the heating on for 2 hours, and Richard said he would have lit the fire if his hamstring would have let him !
Goodnight to you and Jacky - and Angel Daisy, of course -and love to all our forum friends from Angie and Zola xxxxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Sue,

I'm just wondering how Dickie's been today as it's been miserable here and I've had to put Jacky in the enclosure to stop her hibernating before her checkup on Wednesday. Angie I hope you have a better day tomorrow and better weather.



PS: A pupil brought me back a souvenir from Greece:IMG20240905214651.jpg

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