Success At Last!


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Nov 3, 2013
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I was struggling to get my temperatures up into an ideal range within my enclosure, so I decided to spend some extra cash on some acrylic panels to replace my plastic shower curtain screens. I also completely covered the back of my lid with a sheet of sanded plywood. And, after turning on my light and new 100w ceramic heat emitter, SUCCESS! Hot end 81 degrees, middle 77, and cool end 75! This was the first time during one of my heat trials that the thermostat I bought for my CHE actually kicked into gear and had to turn it off. Never before did it get warm enough to warrant that happening. I almost danced around the house in joy! Here's a picture of the completed closed chamber. I must say, those acrylic sheets, along with having a higher heat retention, look markedly clearer than any sort of plastic and much more professional.

Acrylic Closed Chamber.jpg

I may have to trade in my current dome fixture for one with a dimmer, because the basking temperature is just a teensy bit too warm, but that's perfectly fine by me. Having a dimming option will certainly help in the summer. Out here in Michigan, we have hugely dynamic changes in seasons. It's bitterly cold up here right now, so I guess I've successfully made a closed chamber that's prepared to handle the worst. Just for fun, I snapped some pictures of what it looks like outside in Central Michigan for you guys to enjoy. Or, rather, perhaps pity me for, haha :p

House in the Snow 2014.jpg

Mailbox in the Snow.jpg

Yes, that is our mailbox. We're running out of places to shovel the snow. I've already had at least six snow days so far in 2014.

Snowy Street 2014.jpg

So, as you can see, it doesn't look like I'll be getting my tortoise shipped to my any time soon :p Oh well! That just gives me plenty to time to perfect everything.
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Yvonne G

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Hi Julie:

Wow! That's a work of art. Did you build that all by yourself? It's sort of a mixed blessing that the weather's too cold to ship a tortoise because it gives you all this time to get the habitat all settled in and figured out. (I'm so glad I live in Sunny California)


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Nov 3, 2013
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I did build it, actually! I've worked very hard on it. Frankly I was surprised it didn't collapse into a pile of toothpics when I hammered in the final nail, haha. I've never built anything like this before. It turned out much better than I ever would've expected. Thank you so much for the compliment!

I'm planning on getting a Hermann's tortoise, argus333 :) Most likely a juvenile


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Excellent job!

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
You did an awesome job! I likes I likes!


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Nov 3, 2013
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Thank you all very much :) All of your responses have made me want to go out and make it even better! I'm starting to hoard tortoise safe plants, cool rocks, and other interesting decorations to make my future tortoise's enclosure as stimulating as possible. I can't be any more excited for spring

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