Sulcata indoor enclosure

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5 Year Member
Mar 2, 2013
DSC_0512.JPGDSC_0509.JPGHi Tortoise Lovers, I am new to the Forum and fairly new to owning a Tort. I got my first Tort ever back in May of 2012. I bought it at the local pet store, which I've since heard buying Torts at a pet store is a bad idea. We named it Joey, after Joey Votto. Go REDS!!! Anyway, when I first got it we kept it in a 40 gallon aquarium. After much research that seemed to be a bad idea. I have learned when it comes to Sulcata's most topics are argued opinions. We retired the aquarium and built a tortoise table. After I joined this forum I saw Tom's pictures of the "underground" addition to his table. I thought that was a great idea. I have always been concerned about not having enough humidity for the little guy/gal and that seemed to be the answer. Finally at around 1am it was a finished product. I think it turned out good but I'd love to hear opinions. I have Timothy Hay on the top level, which is the main diet. I plant grass in a pot and just cut some off to give as a snack. The grass that I plant seems to be wet so I guess I should keep that at a minimum with the fruit and Spring mix. I leave the water bowl in there so that the Tort and drink/soak freely. I have two day lamps so that it stays warm while also providing the UV rays. I have one small night light so that it can be a little cooler at night. Now for the new addition of the bottom level. The only thing down there is Coconut Fiber. I put the Tort on the ramp when it was finished. He/she explored down there for awhile then came back up. I will post pictures but please keep in mind that I need to go back to Home Depot today and get some 2X4's to add to the top so that we don't have an escapee. I didn't realize how close to the top the Tort would be after adding the bottom level. What are your suggestions/ideas for the side where he can fall from the top level down to the bottom. I wouldn't want that to happen especially when we were at work or sleeping.


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5 Year Member
Mar 2, 2013
One other question... Should I add a top to the Tort Table?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2011
The lights need to be moved so that they point straight down.

On your trip to Lowes, pick up some 1" x 2" strips and build an elevated track about 30" above your hay. If you run 2 parallel strips horizontal you can create a track that allows you to slide vertical strips up and down for temperature control and from left to right for positioning. Or you could just buy lamp stands.

Good luck! Everyone would like to see pictures of the tort! :)


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Here are my suggestions:
1. Ditch the hay. Babies seldom eat it and it molds far to easily. Instead use orchid bark, cypress mulch, coco coir or suitable dirt from your yard.
2. For a water bowl get a terra cotta plant saucer from the hardware store. Sink it into the substrate so its flush with the surface.
3. Hang the lights from overhead as Will suggested. This will allow you to raise or lower your bulbs to get the temps right. What sort of UV are you using? The coil type bulbs sometimes cause eye problems. I recommend against them.
4. If your tortoise decides to spend a lot of time on the lower level, this set up will work well. If not, it will be too dry. I would add a humid hide to the top level and be ready to rethink this and build a closed chamber if he doesn't stay underground a fair amount.
5. Fresh grass is a great food. I'd feed a lot of that. I'd cut out the fruit all together and look for weeds, leaves and cactus pads instead. Spring mix is okay if you can't find anything better. Endive and escarole are decent foods too, if you must use grocery store foods.

There is a whole lot more sulcata info in my signature. Good luck.


5 Year Member
Mar 2, 2013
So... I will put Coconut Fiber on the top part and take the hay out and get a terra cotta saucer. What would be your suggestion on closing the chamber? Can I just close the sides and top with wood and leave the front open?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California have a baby right? (may to now---almost a year old?) If so, I think that your aquarium can work out well also, it will keep heat in, keep some humidity in and will likely work for awhile until you get the tweaks done on the tort table....this way he won't be bothered with every fix, you know what I mean?:D
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