Temp drop last night, should I worry?

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5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Bonifay, FL
This morning I went to turn my baby Sullys night light off and his day bulbs on, to find that night light had been turned off and the enclosure temp was 66, lucky my Sully was sleeping in a dry spot instead of his hide, Thank God, he had no moisture on him so I didn't panic, I turned the lights on and let him warm up, he has acted the same today, ate great as always, trampled around, took a big poo, but a minute ago I woke him for his evening soak and he was hesitant to open his left eye, I ran the warm water over his eye and it then opened, I dont know if that is norml or I need to worry some.. I will def keep an eye on it.. Any input from you experts would be nice, I love my Sully so much...

Yvonne G

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I'm guessing he's in the house, right? I doubt there's anything to worry about.


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Bonifay, FL
Yes ma'am, thank u.. He is in the house, I have a garge converted into a large room/ 1/2 bath, its my turtle room, it wasn't built as insulated as the rest the house, it gets much colder in there at night, but seems all is good, thank u, I needed one of y'all to tell me not to worry, lol, u know how first time tort owners can be, I feel like I'm on edge about every little bitty thing with my Sully, my family thinks I'm crazy, but they are delicate and I was not expecting one so young, lol I'm gonna be a nervous reck for many more months

Maggie Cummings

Keep a black light bulb on him at night and make sure he is not wet during that period. He is probably all right this time, but make sure he's got good bulbs at night


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2011
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Bonifay, FL
Yes Ma'am, I always put the night light on him, black critter care buld and it does well, keeps right at 78-80, every night I switch his lights, turn off the day lights and put the night light on him, but last night my sister come by, she had went to a festival in Alabama and got some red ear sliders, said she got a bowl for em, so I went in the turtle room and was gathering some things so she could set up a real tank, I was showing her the lamps I use and all, I guess I switched the light off while doing so, I just dont think so cause it wasnt even his light I was showing her, if I did it was very careless, my poor baby, if he had stayed in his hide he would have gotten sick... Thank u all for your replies, I'm gonna be more careful and if he does that thing with his eye again I'll let y'all know


5 Year Member
Nov 10, 2010
might want to look into a thermostat controlling a ceramic heat emitter. I like the idea of keeping a fixed temp and not having to worry about turning it off during the day


The Dog Trainer
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EKLC said:
might want to look into a thermostat controlling a ceramic heat emitter. I like the idea of keeping a fixed temp and not having to worry about turning it off during the day

I second that motion. You can use a thermostat with a "black" bulb too, but the CHE would be better since it can then give you supplemental heat, if needed, in the coming winter days too. There is a great thermostat called "A Life" that I buy from LLL Reptile. They are only around $25. It can handle 1000 watts (so says the package, I've never tested that). I run 8 of them all over my ranch. Indoors, outdoors, inside underground bunkers, etc...

One night of temps in the 60's should not do any harm. I think he'll be fine too.


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Bonifay, FL
I need to look into something controlled like that, also something for wiring and power, I dont know what I would need but on one outlet (because its the only outlet on that side) I have 2 lamps for my tortoise, 2 hoods on the big tank, 1 lamp on the big tank, 2 filters for the big tank, a heater, then on the small tank 1 hood light, 1 lamp, 1 filter and a heater, all this is hooked up to 1 outlet using many power strips and cords, its alot, its 2 large powet strips and plugged into those is two smaller ones, I dont know if its safe but I've never had a problem, lol sorry I changed my own topic


The Dog Trainer
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Look on the backs of all that stuff and add up the wattage of all of that if everything were on all at once. You are probably somewhere around 600 watts with all of that. Some of the space heaters that are meant to be plugged in to a normal wall outlet use 1500 watts and those do okay. We have some electricians here on the site, maybe one of them will chime in here.


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Bonifay, FL
Thanks Tom, I always love your advice.. The heaters I have hooked up are submersible water heaters for my aquatic turtles but I do have a space heater in there I have to use sometimes because like I said the turtle room was a garge and isnt insulated as well but it is hooked up to central heating and cooling, but we havent used the heat yet this year so I do turn the space heater on from time to time, especially when I bathe my Sully, from what u say I think I should plug it in on the other side of the room on the other outlet, and I'm gonna check out that A Life on lllrepte too, thanks.. One question though, what about my Sullys eye, today it seems when he wakes from a rest he is hesitant to open it, I mist him and then he opens it but I think if I didnt mist him it may would stay shut, it is clear once opened but just concerns me to see him open the one eye fully with the other completely shut


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Hmm... eyes issues can be an indicator of problems. Just to be sure, you don't use any of those coil type UV bulbs, right? Was he having this eye problem before last nights cold spell?

I would warm him up a bit more than normal for a while, do daily warm soaks, and keep a close eye on things. Often when winter sets in things get cooler than we think. Just yesterday I had to revamp one of my underground enclosure that was not staying warm enough with the onset of cooler weather. You can warm him up by lowering existing bulbs, adding another bulb, or getting higher wattage bulbs. How are you measuring temps? How many thermometers and what type?

Oh and I would definitely plug that space heater into its own outlet with nothing else. Those things draw A LOT of power.


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Bonifay, FL
Dont use coil bulbs, and he didnt have the eye problem before yesterday, he had done it once when I first got him but he opened it soon as I wet it and hasnt done it again before yesterday.. He did it again this morning, I put just a drop or two of water on the eye and it opened right up, and all else looks clear, he is not acting different at all, so far that is.. I use the thermometer u adviced, the indoor/outdoor weather reader, and a I also have one the sticks into the substrate, it only measures temp, my temps are, 100 at the basking spot, sometimes gets up to 103, the warm side is in the 90s and cool area in 80s, like 84-88, night time temp go from 79-82, I fight with my humidity but with hard work I get it up to 71%.. It seems his eye must be getting dry, with a little water it opena right up, no signs of infection and no signs of illness, what do u think? Is there something I can use to help keep his eyes moist


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Your parameters sound perfect to me. If its just the one eye, it might be an injury or some sort of irritant in there. Might be worth a vet trip so they can scope it. Terramycin ointment might clear it up too.


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Bonifay, FL
Here is a pic of his face, to get a good look at his eyes, they look healthy and clear, just dont understand the hesitation in getting the one open when waking.. I will call the vet and see what he thinks.. Please excuse the little poop in the pic, and his stained face, seems moist green stain well


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