The last about Wobbles

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Maggie Cummings

I first wanted to tell everyone thank you so much for your kind words, it's been pretty hard around here the last couple of days and your words really helped me thru this sad time.
This is what her Vet just told me...Wobbles had a Herpes Virus caused by a mycobacterium...Mycoplasma in other words. Not all Mycoplasma displays itself as an URTI. In her case it was the caseous mass first then as the disease progressed it exploded out as the open wound on her paralyzed foot and the mass in her mouth back again. Her Vet feels that she probably had tumors and open wound type things all thru her body and she probably could have been in pain, there no way for us to know that as turtles don't ever let us know they hurt. So my choice to euthanize her was the best one to be made for Wobbles.

Torty Mom

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Your post made my cry, I felt so bad for you and what you both were going thru. Wobbles was lucky to have you and rec'd the best care ever. You were her guardian angel. May you both find peace.


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So sorry that you had to make that decision. At the very least you gave Wobbles 7 years that he never would have had otherwise.


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What a hard decision but I am sure you took the hardest one but the good one. Wobbles was very lucky to have you!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Do you or your vet have any idea if the herpes that wobbles had is the same type they are finding in a lot of sea turtles? the symptoms sound the same.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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*hugs* and then some more *hugs*. So sorry.


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Just to clear something up for you all. Herpes is a virus. Mycobacterium and Mycoplasma are both bacterial agents but very different in structure. A mycobacterium is responsible for the disease tuberculosis and other diseases that often present with pus (caseous) nodules in the oral cavity, lungs, liver and other organs. Mycoplasmas are a special breed of bacteria that have no cell wall, so common antibiotics like the penicillins (that attack and destroy the cell wall) are not effective. All three are very different beasts that can cause similar disease in different species or wildly different diseases in the same species. As for herpes being caused by a mycobacterial infection..??? Herpes is very widespread among different species, but does have on thing in common..once you get it, you have if for good and it likes to flare up during times of stress. So I would say that poor little Wobbles had the herpes and it probably flared up and helped cause respiratory problems when her immune system was being challenged by the bacterial infection. You did the right thing in taking away her pain and discomfort.

Maggie Cummings

exoticsdr said:
Just to clear something up for you all. Herpes is a virus. Mycobacterium and Mycoplasma are both bacterial agents but very different in structure. A mycobacterium is responsible for the disease tuberculosis and other diseases that often present with pus (caseous) nodules in the oral cavity, lungs, liver and other organs. Mycoplasmas are a special breed of bacteria that have no cell wall, so common antibiotics like the penicillins (that attack and destroy the cell wall) are not effective. All three are very different beasts that can cause similar disease in different species or wildly different diseases in the same species. As for herpes being caused by a mycobacterial infection..??? Herpes is very widespread among different species, but does have on thing in common..once you get it, you have if for good and it likes to flare up during times of stress. So I would say that poor little Wobbles had the herpes and it probably flared up and helped cause respiratory problems when her immune system was being challenged by the bacterial infection. You did the right thing in taking away her pain and discomfort.

When her Vet saw the first caseous mass in her mouth and removed it she said it was tuberculosis caused by a mycobacterium. Then 7 months later a second caseous mass appears in her mouth and the open wound on her foot and the decision was made that this thing would continue to come back and she was probably in pain with bad stuff going on inside her . The next day after she was put down I called the Vet and asked her just what it was and she came up with the herpes thing. Leading me to believe she maybe didn't exactly know what it was. I try to have confidence in this Vet, but sometimes I am just not so sure...Thanks


The Dog Trainer
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So sorry for you Maggie. I know how much they ALL mean to you.


10 Year Member!
Jun 2, 2010
This is so sad. I'm sorry that Wobbles had to suffer like it did. Real bummer when your beloved pet has one illness after another. Same went for my Elephant, 1yr old Indian star with worms and then mild rns, and finally renal failure that killed him last mth.


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So sorry for your loss, Maggie. Wobbles had the last 7 years because you cared for her, I'm sure she blesses you from wherever she is.... :(


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sometimes, as I have also had the unfortunate to find out, the best decisions are the hardest ones. It isnt untill after the decision, and after we have had time to heal, do we realize it was the right thing to do.
Hang in there, you will be o.k. :)


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I am sorry you had to make such a difficult choice Maggie. But you made the right one:(
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