Tortoise death


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Dec 28, 2023
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I lost my sweet baby last month. He was so so sick and it's all my fault because I didn't get the proper care info for him. I grew up with him and he was my only friend throughout. I was very su1cidal but he saved me from ending it all. We did everything together and I loved him more than anyone. He fell sick during november. Unfortunately it kept on piling up. My parents had booked a trip around and didnt cancel it even though he was so so sick. I kept him with my uncle who is a doctor. There was not a day when i didnt think about him. The trip was horribke and my baby passed away a day after i turned 18. I couldn't bury him and my family won't take me to visit his grave. I thought it would get better but it's getting worse. My family doesn't understand why I am so emotional over a tortoise. I miss him so terribly and I hope he knew how much I loved and adored him and I didn't ever want to go on that stupid trip. Does anyone have any tips on getting over this

Tim Carlisle

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So sorry to hear! Many of us get emotionally attached to a pet, myself included. You've taken an important first step in talking about things, so you are well underway to recovery. Time heals all wounds, and it's important to learn from mistakes instead of reliving them. I wish you all the best, and hang in there.... it WILL get better! :)

Yvonne G

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Try to not dwell on "woulda', coulda' shoulda'." It's past and there's nothing you can do about it now. Move on and when you think of your tortoise, remember the good times you had together, not the end of his life. You might even think about getting another tortoise. It can't take his place, but it will give you something else to think about and get busy with.


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I agree with what Tim and Yvonne said. When I was your age, I poured all my attention and love into my pets. I felt alone and misunderstood and angry. I am sure that lots of us here can remember a time like that! All I can say now to try to help you, is don't blame yourself or anyone else for what happened, shake it off, and think about your future which holds wonderful possibilities for you, your life has just begun! March on!

Cathie G

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I'm so sorry you lost your tortoise. Of all the animals to have die I think I would be most heart broken too over the loss of my tortoise. I don't know what it is about them that does that to us. But like yavonne said get another one. Now with your experience you may have a better experience with another one. It may be that no one could have stopped the death of your tortoise so try to just learn from the experience. Mother nature kills more of them than we do. 🤗

Megatron's Mom

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Oct 29, 2022
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I'm so sorry for your loss. You just turned 18, you were just a child when you got your tortoise and you could not have known on your own the proper care. Most adults myself included didn't and don't know what we don't know. Now you have all the great ppl on this site to help you if you ever want to go down the tortoise keeping path again. If you just need a shoulder to cry on with ppl who feel the pain you are feeling right now. Just be easy on yourself and your parents. They didn't know any better either.

jeff kushner

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Get another....and move forward. It does suck really bad but nothing removes the pain like a "new love". It's not always a bad thing because it allows us to process the loss without being stuck in the moment.

I left home at 16 and made it to 66 so far.....don't assume age dictates ability my friends.

It also hurts the same if you are 16 or 60. I know.

For some reason, I always thought that being older would make losing a little guy less painful. It doesn't.

You got this though...i have faith in youth!

In a couple of weeks, we will be congratulating you on your new guy!

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