Tortoise diet


New Member
Aug 30, 2024
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San tan valley arizona
Hi all! Today we brought my female leopard tortoise to the vet due to a limp she had. Essentially they just said she was low in calcium and need to add more to her diet and to get her to eat more “earthy greens” like grass and hay. So I guess I have 2 questions 1. My tortoises will not eat grass or hay we have grass in our yard and I’ve tried grass hay before and they won’t touch it. Any recommendations to get them to like it? And question 2. Are there any other types of greens we could give them that would be similar enough to grass and hay that it would be effective like dandelion greens? (They love those!!) TIA!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello and welcome!

You tried mixing fresh grass in with the regular feed?🙂

Just to check, your tortoises aren’t housed as a pair are they? tortoise of any species should NEVER be housed in pairs under any circumstances, they’re incredibly territorial, behaviours that look cute to us really aren’t, following one another and sleeping huddled up is all bullying the the tortoise world, you’ll eventually see more extreme signs of aggression. Anyone who tells you pairs are fine, have no idea what they’re talking about.

Small groups are ok when there’s lots of land and the correct male to female ratio.

Theres a good diet link to check out in this thread I made towards the bottom, it includes lots of different plants to try and ones to keep clear of🙂


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
How old and big is your tortoise?
What size enclosure is it in?
What are you feeding it now?
How much are you feeding?
Do you give any calcium?


Well-Known Member
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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
What kind of test did they do to say low in calcium?
If they did nothing but look at her then they have no clue and do not return to them.
Tortoises should not be fed one thing but a variety of as much different food as possible. Dandelion is fine but not daily and the only item.
Cactus pads, mulberry leaf, hibiscus leaf and flower, rose of Sharon leaf and flower.
Babies usually won't eat hay or grass but if you do try it, cut it up small and with the hay use orchard grass hay and soak it. Also mazuri tortoise pellets is a good food to round out grocery greens
Usually when tortoises can walk, it's a bladder stone, metabolic bone disease or raised in too small enclosure or on slippery floors.

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