Tortoise walked away outside-- any ideas to attract him back?

Chip's mom

Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I agree with Wellington just for your conscience sake make sure. But the tort sure does look like the same one. Wow 8 miles away!!! That's a miracle. Did people see you looking and turn the darling over to you? How did you get Chip back 🤗
I have tirelessly posted everywhere possible, put flyers out, etc. The Facebook community group is what did it. Someone the first time in this neighborhood posted that she spotted him (no one responded) and someone saw the post and sent it to me. She hadn't picked him up, so he was still out there and I went to every house and business, so I'm quite sure he isn't someone's pet or if so then he was let loose.

But after observing him at our house his behavioral patterns and favorite foods are the exact same, and he just looks like him though a bit skinnier, so I feel confident that he is either a rescue at this point and left there, or he is ours, either is great.

Ironically where he was found 8 miles away is the exact direction he always tried to walk and escape to.

Chip's mom

Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Congratulations -that's so wonderful !!!!!
Perhaps you might want to get him microchipped as an added precaution now, though I don't suppose he will be given the slightest chance to wander off again. I expect he is really happy to be back with you !
I was thinking that too. I'm going to bring him to the vet for a check up and microchip. You are right now that we know his escape artist ways we will be insanely careful!

Chip's mom

Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Sure does look like yours, but no way to 100% ID.
However, you should check to be sure someone in your area also hasn't lost one. Check CL, local neighborhood groups, etc. if it wasn't yours, you shouldn't keep it until you have tried to find the rightful owners. If none is found, then it's yours to keep.
If you had a 100% positive way to ID that he's the one you lost, then trying to find a owner wouldn't be needed.
Never fair or nice to keep a lost tortoise without first trying to find the rightful owners.
Thank you! I think I responded to this but not sure where the comment went. I feel confident that this one is either dumped (a rescue) or ours since the person who originally founded posted in her neighbor groups and on Facebook and he has been spotted several times (finally picked up!), then I put flyers in everyone's boxes and posted in the community groups. We're good with keeping him as a rescue if he isn't ours though he really seems to be! Wish he could tell us about the adventures over 9.5 months!


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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Thank you! I think I responded to this but not sure where the comment went. I feel confident that this one is either dumped (a rescue) or ours since the person who originally founded posted in her neighbor groups and on Facebook and he has been spotted several times (finally picked up!), then I put flyers in everyone's boxes and posted in the community groups. We're good with keeping him as a rescue if he isn't ours though he really seems to be! Wish he could tell us about the adventures over 9.5 months!
Yes you did, but that's okay. I almost didn't find it either
I do think it is yours. So glad he was found.