Trading Goodies?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jun 24, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Northeast Tennessee
I'm in west Sunrise.
I have a few adult Hibiscus. Some Suriname Cherry bushes and a few cactus plants.
Though I can't help much on how to make cuttings into new plants. The cactus is very simple. Just cut off a pad, drop it on the ground, and soon there's a new cactus plant that weighs 500 pounds.
I also still have some INDOOR tortoise keeping supplies as well.
UVB lighting. CHE. Etc.
Thanks for the reply. I can grow things from cuttings, I know how to propagate most things. Lol. Most things back in TN was started that way. About all I have to trade is spider plant, I have loads of it if ya need any. I could might use a CHE maybe, im probably going to hang some sorta heat specs in their house this winter. This is my 1st winter in FL so I ain’t sure what to expect. I’m in Clewiston, just right down below Okeechobee lake. I could probably get over your way next week sometime. I’ll have to get back w ya this weekend about it. Again thank you.

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