Unusual Behaviour


New Member
Dec 31, 2021
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My hermann tortoise had been acting slightly odd the last few days, under the weather and generally quite lathergic but eating well. However I realised she must have just reached sexual maturity as she then layed an unfertile egg for the first time. After which she seemed to settle down and be back to normal. However later on today after laying the egg this morning, she's had these random sudden spurts where she will suddenly get up and 'run' around her enclosure, even after dark shes still moving around a lot like shes stressed or irritated. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Im concerned.

Many thanks,

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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They can lay more than one egg so maybe there's another on the way.
Is she straining or digging?
I don't really know how females behave because I have a male, but @Yvonne G @Tom @zovick and any of the members with females will be along soon.
Do you soak her?
I would make sure she's warm and feeding OK and hopefully members experienced with this will come along soon.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2013
My hermann tortoise had been acting slightly odd the last few days, under the weather and generally quite lathergic but eating well. However I realised she must have just reached sexual maturity as she then layed an unfertile egg for the first time. After which she seemed to settle down and be back to normal. However later on today after laying the egg this morning, she's had these random sudden spurts where she will suddenly get up and 'run' around her enclosure, even after dark shes still moving around a lot like shes stressed or irritated. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Im concerned.

Many thanks,
It is quite possible that your tortoise has more eggs in her. If you can get her to a vet, an X-ray picture would confirm or rule out that possibility. If there are indeed more eggs, the vet can give the tortoise lutalyse or oxytocin to help her lay the remaining eggs.