Virus supplies worldwide comparison


10 Year Member!
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
The mass gun buying is happening here. You can't go in any gun store/pawn shop/sporting goods store and get ammo. Especially if it's a common round like 22. The guns themselves are extremely picked over as well. A local "private" gun club has taken it upon themselves to offer FREE lessons and such as a lot of them are retirees/ppl off work. So at least some folks here are trying to "help"? with that situation.

I just saw that on the news.
I was wrong.


10 Year Member!
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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I get that some populations it would be important to do testing. But fact is, if I catch it (and I know the likelihood is there, especially with how much I travel around for work exposing myself to plenty of populations) I’m not just going to go rush to get tested, in fact unless I had complications (and at 26 without any underlying conditions chances arent huge) I’d just need to self quarantine (myself and the boyfriend) and stay hydrated and move on with my life after. In a way I’d almost just be relieved to get it over with. I’ve had the flu, did I go get tested to see if that’s what it was? No, I suffered through ate my crackers and drank all the juice and seltzer’s and got better. My biggest concern this whole time has been getting sick and accidentally passing it on to someone at risk, especially with the fact that some of the places I work are assisted living (who before vacation they were not letting anyone in so that made things a little better minus not being able to do my job there).
Without breathing difficulty, I would also just stay home and not get tested.


10 Year Member!
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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
In Oregon the governor has effectively shut down life as we know it...she even stopped truck interstate and intrastate driving except for trucks that carry necessities for the grocery stores, if you drive a log truck you are shut down...big paper rolls outa work... the necessities drivers have an increased hours of service which scares me...when I drove I was in good shape mentally and physically and constantly fabricated my log book, so I can say that after about 13 to 15 hrs of driving a big truck with all the things that involved..your driving becomes dangerous...I hate the thought of the trucking industry shutting down...because that WILL bring the nation to a halt...everything you touch in your daily life came in some form or another on a big trk...from your make up, your gas, food, to your car.
I have a class A CDL and drove a few large trucks on occasion for the school board including a semi wrecker rig.
I never stopped being scared to death while operating one of those big SOBs.


10 Year Member!
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
My bestest friend works in a gun store here in Oregon...there HAS been a run on guns, bullets, scopes and ammo. I usta laugh and say..."what are they gonna do...shoot sick people"...but now I'm thinking there's gonna be looting...Old a** people like me and my sister will be in some danger then. Sort of like the Zombie
acopoliss (sp) with real people...anyway...I'm trying to be logical about it...I live close to meth addicts and Oregon weirdo's so I bought a 9mm...figuring my knife isn't good for that...freakin dim fears in my head...I am experienced with guns and shoot fairly good...I probably won't ever need it...but in case I do...
Just the sense of security must do some good for our overall health.
I know it does for me.
And I remember seeing what happened in Louisiana when the levees broke...Shooting at rescue helecopters and "rape gangs".
Humans can get pretty sh#tty. Pretty fast.


10 Year Member!
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Dang little brats. I just recently had the fuel pump replaced sooo I'm going to try it. I'll put historic plates on it and show it as (and win) the ugliest vehicle contest. It still runs good.
1990 is before that catastrophic Chrysler/Fiat merger.
Those are hands down the worst vehicles you can purchase in the U.S.
Absolutely crap. And very likely the death of Fiat (Again) in the U.S.
Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep and Fiat belong together.
I'm glad I'm no longer a mechanic.


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May 29, 2014
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I thought this way too, but just for a second only. People are buying guns to shoot looters, home invaders, and government invaders. Criminals still exist even though the law abiding citizens are following quarantine and trying to get along. Police officers are people too, need to quarantine, stay with family also. They can’t be everywhere normally, going to be less now. Were same here on the shut down- las vegas. We have 5 horses, and have hay for 25-30 days as of now. But yesterday our local feed store was limiting to 4 bales of hay per person and she had not been able to get in contact with her suppliers..Thinking this has to do with trucking also.

Baltimore, MD -We’re dealing with the COVID virus and those of you who want to continue to shoot and kill people in this city, we’re not going to tolerate it. We’re going to come after you and we’re going to get you," the Mayor said.

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Exactly, good luck on that one. And we never test for all the other viruses Americans die from everyday! Saw a chart with # of supposable infections in the US states, It was there in many states, but very low. Id like to see a chart with different viruses and how many are in circulation in the US at any given time. Anyone know of some good research on that?
Most doctors do a simple test in their office for the flue. It only takes minutes. It would come up negative if it's covid19. The test kit they have for covid19 takes 4 days I believe to develop and they just started testing. Their math can't possibly be correct but I'm glad they are trying to take care (a little to late) for the elderly and vulnerable. I just wish that certain people would understand that if they hoard everything, we won't be able to keep them safe from the virus in us.


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Feb 27, 2020
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New Jersey
Infected men are more likely to die than infected women (though infections rates are equivalent):

Covid-(20)19 can live in airborne droplets for at least 3 hours (longer times have not been tested); on cardboard for up to 24 hours; on plastic and stainless steel for several days:


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
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New Jersey
We have a line of ppl here currently blocking a very busy road and a road used by the truckers so they aren’t driving through the down town.

Guess why?

Our local hospital got delivered a truck of tests. And the info was leaked.


And just showing up to a hospital or doctor's office without calling ahead is the best way to mass-infect the emergency medical staff in your area.


Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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1990 is before that catastrophic Chrysler/Fiat merger.
Those are hands down the worst vehicles you can purchase in the U.S.
Absolutely crap. And very likely the death of Fiat (Again) in the U.S.
Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep and Fiat belong together.
I'm glad I'm no longer a mechanic.
I❤my Dodge. I don't want a newer one. It's new enough that the computer kind of diagnoses it. The rest is mechanical. I have the codes and such in an old book. The only reason I haven't put historic tags on it is because I want it to get a little exercise. Everyone I know is actually a mechanic. My sons, brothers, etc. They used to make fun of me until they needed a little hand...

Pistachio's Pamperer

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Sep 11, 2019
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ZenHarper:: Yep sat through an hour of conference call yesterday about the clean clean clean part. And the how long it lives outside the body. I hope ppl are using the info to protect themselves versus flipping out.

And that was exactly what I thought. The panic led and more than likely when they get to the end of that line they are going to get turned away unless they actually appear ill. The hospital has been on a lock down for awhile now anyway, so hopefully they just have a couple of people out there suited up to turn ppl away.

Thank you for the virtual hugs. I need them.

I have to drive through that mess to get home. My job is such that I will not be on "vacation" anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
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New Jersey

I have to drive through that mess to get home. My job is such that I will not be on "vacation" anytime soon.

Yeah, you do the best you can. Gotta eat, gotta pay bills, gotta stay clear of the trolls and gaslighters, yadda.


Speaking of cleaning up coronaviruses, here's the latest poop on poop:

WASH YOUR HANDS, for the love of Chelonia and all cherished things!

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Baltimore, MD -We’re dealing with the COVID virus and those of you who want to continue to shoot and kill people in this city, we’re not going to tolerate it. We’re going to come after you and we’re going to get you," the Mayor said.
It's all so sad. If they were going to panic it should have been at least a couple of months ago anyway....the quarantine and cleaning will only make it die out anyway.


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Without testing everyone with symptoms I think a lot of people might just think they've got a cold and continue to go about their business further spreading it. If these same people were tested and in fact knew they had Covid 19 they'd be much more likely to isolate themselves and take precautions to not spread it.
I agree. And I know common sense isn’t that common, so it’s probably wrong of me just to assume that with the current plague being cough oriented that maybe just maybe if you had symptoms you’d think “huh, could be that highly contagious disease the world has right now maybe I should stay away from everyone” normally I’ll work through a lot of crummy feelings, but knowing this is going around any symptoms and I’d be staying far away from others.


10 Year Member!
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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Baltimore, MD -We’re dealing with the COVID virus and those of you who want to continue to shoot and kill people in this city, we’re not going to tolerate it. We’re going to come after you and we’re going to get you," the Mayor said.
That's both sad and frightening


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Jun 30, 2018
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Why sigh? Because you think I'm a gun idiot or because I think the gun is necessary? I personally think this whole thing right now is sad...and I won't use my gun until and if the panicked people get crazed...some thieves broke into an SUV pulling a small trailer and swiped something like 100 packages of 12 rolls toilet paper...sand and funny as well...


10 Year Member!
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Why sigh? Because you think I'm a gun idiot or because I think the gun is necessary? I personally think this whole thing right now is sad...and I won't use my gun until and if the panicked people get crazed...some thieves broke into an SUV pulling a small trailer and swiped something like 100 packages of 12 rolls toilet paper...sand and funny as well...
Guns, religion and politics are just too hot topics.
Everyone has a side and everyone absolutely knows they're right.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Baltimore, MD -We’re dealing with the COVID virus and those of you who want to continue to shoot and kill people in this city, we’re not going to tolerate it. We’re going to come after you and we’re going to get you," the Mayor said.
What the hell does any of that have to do with Covid19? Why wouldn't they go after the criminals shooting and killing people EVERY day. When there isn't a virus scare its a-okay to go around murdering people in Baltimore???

Maybe if the mayor and whoever is going to be doing the "we're going to get you" part had this attitude all the time, they wouldn't have the crime problems that they have.

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