WalkingRocks Annual Visit to Westwood


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
Every year at this time The Westwood School (Montessori Preschool) studies the Continent of Africa, so WalkingRock (and Eros & Gaia now) get to go back to his early years of life (he was raised in a Montessori classroom for his 1st 5 years, for those that don't know him) and he gets to visit the kids, who also get a lesson on the animals of Africa.

Today was that day! WalkingRock had a great time with the kids. He enjoys all the attention that the children give him and for the last couple of years, he has also been a big draw for the parents.



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I remember him doing this in past years. I'm sure he is always a big hit. I know he is here. How did the other two do? This was their first year wasn't it?


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
I remember him doing this in past years. I'm sure he is always a big hit. I know he is here. How did the other two do? This was their first year wasn't it?
This is their 3rd trip actually! They were VERY young on their 1st trip (5 month and 11 month) and the children who saw them the 1st year, commented about how small they still where on their second visit last year. This year all they said was "The babies are back"!


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The Crystal Unicorn
What a great thing to do with your group.
Thanks! This year I had to transport WalkingRock in a trailer because I can no longer lift him into my truck by my self! Last year I almost dropped him lifting him in. :(

Maggie Cummings

I loved seeing those pictures. Bob used to go out and around like that too, but my son got rid of his SUV, and he needs 2 men to lift him now, I sure am not going to put that poop machine in my Camaro.
Personally, I wish you would post more about WalkingRock. I really enjoy seeing such a large and beautiful looking animal...

Len B

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It's great that you are able to exposed all those children to tortoises, especially one so large. Walker never goes anywhere, he does have visitors come here and school buses stop beside the yard so the kids can see him. I even got a bunch of free salads from the beach school system that was out dated because of all the snow days, some days I would find up to 50 pounds in 5 pound bags on the front porch.


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How fun is that?! Looks like every one, including, WalkingRock had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for volunteering your time to do this for the little ones who may, otherwise, have gone their entire life without ever getting an opportunity to get up close and personal with such an amazing creature!

I, too, would love to see more frequent updates on WalkingRock.


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Apr 10, 2014
@Zamric my big girl, Delilah is making her first appearance at our elementary tomorrow. I usually only take our juniors in but everyone has been requesting her! I am a nervous wreck! What am I afraid of? No idea! I guess of everything or anything happening to her! My whole family would just stop functioning!!! I can't sleep! Belly is upside down! Why did I ever commit to bringing this baby in?!! I have lost my mind! :/ I have completely regressed to a first time parent!!! Everyone else thinks I am hilarious and silly for being so paranoid! I guess I am providing entertainment to say the least! ;) tell me you were at least a little nervous taking him in for the first time??? Or just lie and make me feel better!! Lol


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Wow, what a great looking sully. Amazing how personable sully's are, plus a big tortoise is always a hit.


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
I loved seeing those pictures. Bob used to go out and around like that too, but my son got rid of his SUV, and he needs 2 men to lift him now, I sure am not going to put that poop machine in my Camaro.
Personally, I wish you would post more about WalkingRock. I really enjoy seeing such a large and beautiful looking animal...
Believe me when I say I truly understand why Bob no longer makes the circuit he used to! Im not sure how much longer WalkingRock will be able to make it.


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
It's great that you are able to exposed all those children to tortoises, especially one so large. Walker never goes anywhere, he does have visitors come here and school buses stop beside the yard so the kids can see him. I even got a bunch of free salads from the beach school system that was out dated because of all the snow days, some days I would find up to 50 pounds in 5 pound bags on the front porch.
WOW! I wish I could get ANYONE to drop bags of food off for WalkingRock!


Well-Known Member
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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
How fun is that?! Looks like every one, including, WalkingRock had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for volunteering your time to do this for the little ones who may, otherwise, have gone their entire life without ever getting an opportunity to get up close and personal with such an amazing creature!

I, too, would love to see more frequent updates on WalkingRock.
I am always amazed at the looks in their eyes and the smiles on their faces when the get to touch and pet him!. Children are truly "Tactile" in nature and the feel of a grown Sulcata shell is like no other! Our "Special" students don't want to stop petting him and will just sit and rub his shell....


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
@Zamric my big girl, Delilah is making her first appearance at our elementary tomorrow. I usually only take our juniors in but everyone has been requesting her! I am a nervous wreck! What am I afraid of? No idea! I guess of everything or anything happening to her! My whole family would just stop functioning!!! I can't sleep! Belly is upside down! Why did I ever commit to bringing this baby in?!! I have lost my mind! :/ I have completely regressed to a first time parent!!! Everyone else thinks I am hilarious and silly for being so paranoid! I guess I am providing entertainment to say the least! ;) tell me you were at least a little nervous taking him in for the first time??? Or just lie and make me feel better!! Lol

How big is Delilah? Please don't be fearful of this task! Just remember a few things and all will be fine.

1) if Delilah has never been around children, Do Not allow the children to stand directly in front of her. If she gets "spooked" she may charge forward and depending on her size, she could really hurt someone.

2) Expect LOTS of questions and be ready with answers. My FAQ's are "How old is he and how long can they live?" (he will be 14 next month and he could live as long as 150 years {here I also make a comment about Multi-generational pets}). "How much does he weigh?" (He weighs 125lbs and they can get as large 250lbs) "How long have you had him?" (Ms. Scott has had him since he was 3 days old. {here Cathie will step up and explain about how he still had his yolk attached to his belly and how big he started out as and that his name was almost "Walnut" because of his size and color})

3) Since the reason for his visit is ALWAYS "Animals of Africa", do a little research and be able to answer question about his natural habitat and how much different life is where you live.

4) Remember to have FUN! you are showing off a wonderful creature and try as they might, the children can not hurt him without the aid of heavy instruments! LOL!


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
Wow, what a great looking sully. Amazing how personable sully's are, plus a big tortoise is always a hit.
You are SO RIGHT! There are a couple of other occation that WalkingRck visits the school and I always have the most fun when the parents are in attendance! Because the children know him and get to see him on a simi-regular basis, the parents are always agape and awed at his appearance! That's when I really have to be on my toes with Questions and answer sessions!


The Dog Trainer
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HA! The teacher in that first pic looks like she is horrified, disgusted and ready to run far far away... So glad you take the time to do this. You may be inspiring the next Bill Zovickian.

Katie, You gotta relax. You are much more worried about all this than Delilah. I drive or fly animals all over the place everyday. Its really no big deal. You and Delilah will be just fine.


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
HA! The teacher in that first pic looks like she is horrified, disgusted and ready to run far far away... So glad you take the time to do this. You may be inspiring the next Bill Zovickian.

Katie, You gotta relax. You are much more worried about all this than Delilah. I drive or fly animals all over the place everyday. Its really no big deal. You and Delilah will be just fine.

Hehehehe! Yah, That's Ms. Moffet and she has been at the school almost as long as Cathie and I and she IS NOT an "Animal Person"! If its not a Bird in a cage or a fish in a tank, she is convinced all animals are out to get her! its funny really tho I'm sure that fear has a basis in reality.


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Apr 10, 2014
@Zamric your insight was fantastic. My daughter was reading it to me on the way to school, she was so cute. Delilah was amazing, I was so proud of her! @Tom you were totally right, it was all me! She was fearless and showed off like she was on stage! All of the questions were right on, we had finished up the year with animal habitats so it was perfect for them to see the tortoises and go through the environment that each thrive in. Mostly thanks to this forum! I was able to teach almost 60 kids how to care for the tortoises or how to find the information if they need it.

One of the kids dad brought their 8yr old sulcata as well and my belly dropped when I saw how small and emaciated he was. He saw Delilah and the difference between the two and he didn't stop asking questions. With his permission of course , I was able to use the two as examples for the classes. We went through the daily care and diet one by one and as the kids eyes were wide as saucers he was very distraught at the same time. It was the perfect teaching moment. Hopefully he will alter the tortoises care now that he is aware or the severe differences. The pyramiding was extreme and the kids were very vocal about how bad that was! Out of the mouths of babes!

Here's my sweet Delilah! She's 6 and an even 50lbs ;)

ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1400699790.898808.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1400699814.386432.jpg

Thank you for your guidance once again!!!


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
Excellent Job Katie!

You say Delilah is only 6 years old and already 50lbs? WOW! WalkingRock was only about 20lbs when Cathie and I met 9 years ago. He was 5 at the time!


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5 Year Member
Apr 10, 2014
Excellent Job Katie!

You say Delilah is only 6 years old and already 50lbs? WOW! WalkingRock was only about 20lbs when Cathie and I met 9 years ago. He was 5 at the time!

Lol, all the sudden I was questioning myself!! I had to go back and recount! Our littlest got her for her 6th birthday so I went back and she turned 7 this year! I missed a year somewhere! I'm not sure if I was trying to keep our daughter from getting older or the tortoise! ... Anyway, the kids said Delilah was "the bomb!" It was really fun to see the kids just soaking the information in. They couldn't get enough. To top it off our wonderful librarian heard about our unit and decided to let one of the kids adopt her desert tort that lives in the library during the year! They each had to write about how they would care for him and why they feel like they would be responsible tortoise owners. Tonight they discuss the opportunity with their parents and send in a letter tomorrow! Names of the approved homes go in a hat!!! All of the kids wrote their little hearts out! I believe it was the best writing I have seen all year!! Amazing day! ;)