What kind of leopard is this?


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Nov 8, 2013
Ive had him now for a few days and when i bought him i was told he or she idk was a giant. I have no idea on the age either im assuming a year... I can tell its been raised dry though ive read all 18 pages of toms thing on keeping them smooth lol. Any ideas would be awesome i have named it though "tank".
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He is a Babcocki. It's hard to tell by pics how big he really is. Have you measured him yet? He looks the size if mine who is 2 1/2 years. But, again pics always seem to make them look bigger then they are.


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He looks like a South African variant to me (S.p.pardalis). It would be hard to determine for certainty if it is "pure" as we like to refer to it as, but he has a strong South African influence.


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What a cutie! Love. The two dots on the scutes means that it has South African leopard genes. Either 100%, or partially. Hard to say unless you know from whence your baby came from, breeder wise. Not too many for totally sure GPP breeders out there, from what I understand by reading here. The pardalis pardalis do get bigger than the pardalis bacocki. If you do a search with "GPP GPB" above, top right, you will get all the threads where the forum has discussed this. Fascinating stuff. Your baby was raised in dry conditions as evident by the lumpy scutes. That's okay, with proper care, again, lots of info to read on TFO, you can have smooth future growth. Yay! : )


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Oop, see, I didn't notice the double dots on the top. Only the single ones on the side, duh, I needs to look at the whole picture:D. His face though does look a lot like mine, which is a Babcocki.


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Nov 8, 2013
Awesome thanks guys!! im just trying to figure out fact from fiction from what the guy at the store told me... And yeah im keeping him moist and warm like what tom said to do. The pyramiding wont go away correct but future growth will be smooth?


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I think he might be a mix. His face. Neal, is that a babcocki nose? (Neal would know, he is an expert). I have 75 percenters. So I am always interested in both variants (as Neal said, which is most appropriate way of saying, like). Either way, and no matter, your baby is purty! Congrats on finding him. And you found the best place to help you with his/her care! Yay! : )

PS And haha, too funny, how the pet shop called him/her a "giant" leopard tortoise". Naughty, naughty misinformation. The possible "giants" are the Ethiopian leopard tortoises, which are considered "babcocki", so there. Do a TFO search with "Ethiopian" and check those threads out. Big(gest) babies. None in the USA, however, so do not even think that you can get one ... yet! : )


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Nov 8, 2013
So him being a mix would that change how big he grows? Cause to be honest im not even sure how big he's suppose to get... The guy said around 80 pounds but seeing as he has been off thus far. haha. im glad i got him though he's currently running around my loft and hiding under pillows whenever he isnt eating. And i think he enjoys the water im soaking him at once a day at this point. At first he was freaked out but now he plays around in the water.


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Id say she is cool regardless.. Get her a good soaking, and outside enclosure as soon as possible. Sunshine, dirt, grass... Much needed...


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steelrumor said:
So him being a mix would that change how big he grows? ... And i think he enjoys the water im soaking him at once a day at this point. At first he was freaked out but now he plays around in the water.

Aha spaaa time! Warm and cozy. Awesome about the soaks. I add 5 drops of bird vitamins to the warm water on Sundays. I used to do squash baby food but have been told that is not needed unless sick. I do these added things for added assurance. I have leopard babies.

With mixes, actually I guess with all leopards, they are like a box of chocolates, you never know whatcha gonna get (thanks Forrest Gump's mum). Many factors, besides genetics, how the first months were, how you take care of him from now on. Sunshine, variety - variety is so important so they eat all kinds of nutrients and micro nutrients - of foods, calcium and correct temps, and again sunshine when possible, with available shade always. Some members have obtained leopards, like you did, and in a few months, boom, growth spurt-a-go-go. And some members have theirs since they were hatchlings and they are slo-motion growing. No matter. All beautiful is the great thing. I doubt very much 80 lbs (I really wish they would not say stuff like that, I'm looking at you pet shop Pinocchio person) but if there is South African in those genes you may get a hefty ... or not. And the shells. Oh those shells. Living works of art. Congrats on your baby and I am glad you are here to be a great keeper for your baby to thrive and get the best care for now on! : )


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Nov 8, 2013
Im going to do an outside house when the weather gets nice its already 30s at night and maybe mid fifties during the day here. And i honestly hope 80 pounds... haha i love the massive torts that ive seen!! so awesome!!

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