White flesh

Yvonne G

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Jo Jo's new activity level is a bit worrisome to me. When we see hyper activity in a tortoise we think there is something wrong. . . trying to escape, get away from pain, too hot, too cold, enclosure too small, etc. I hope you are interpreting it correctly, but be alert.


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Jo Jo's new activity level is a bit worrisome to me. When we see hyper activity in a tortoise we think there is something wrong. . . trying to escape, get away from pain, too hot, too cold, enclosure too small, etc. I hope you are interpreting it correctly, but be alert.
O lord didn't think about that. She's calm in her enclosure just doing things she didn't before. Like lifting her front legs to try and climb. When she is on flat ground her walk is 1 1/2 times faster.
I will keep a VERY close eye on this though.
Another @Yvonne G piece of info i'll put in my Tort knowledge bag.


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May 19, 2015
O lord didn't think about that. She's calm in her enclosure just doing things she didn't before. Like lifting her front legs to try and climb. When she is on flat ground her walk is 1 1/2 times faster.
I will keep a VERY close eye on this though.
Another @Yvonne G piece of info i'll put in my Tort knowledge bag.
Could it be that she is very confused about what has happened - suddenly she feels quite different, and she doesn't know why? It might be a bit scary for her! Is she eating ok ?


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Maybe she feels "that thing" attached to her and is trying to get rid of it. Maybe she will settle down when she gets accustomed to it.


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Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
Could it be that she is very confused about what has happened - suddenly she feels quite different, and she doesn't know why? It might be a bit scary for her! Is she eating ok ?
Maybe she feels "that thing" attached to her and is trying to get rid of it. Maybe she will settle down when she gets accustomed to it.
She has calmed down alot. Maybe it was the device. Kinda like the rider on a bull, her being the bull. She is eating better to be honest. I use mazuri pellets and count everyday how many pellets per tort. It is easy for me to keep track of their intake as well as not waste food. Some days they eat most and some just a little. Jo Jo has increased her intake. She was on a good day at 8 pellets but most days 4-6. I noticed the day after she ate all 8 pellets, the next 10, she is grazing on natural stuff as well. The image that keeps popping up is when Forest Gump starts running as a child for the first time. Jo Jo wanted to move and I don't know if it was scared or just pain free.


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May 19, 2015
That's such good news - it sounds like she is becoming her real self at last - how is she reacting to you and your wife now ? I was wondering if she would have any sense of you being involved in this huge change in her life - perhaps that's too difficult a concept for a little tortoise !
Is her eye about the same?
Please can we have some photos of her soon?


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Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
That's such good news - it sounds like she is becoming her real self at last - how is she reacting to you and your wife now ? I was wondering if she would have any sense of you being involved in this huge change in her life - perhaps that's too difficult a concept for a little tortoise !
Is her eye about the same?
Please can we have some photos of her soon?
I think that the experience of my wife and I flipping her over and all the other stuff involved was different for her. Meaning it was the first "bad" experience she had with us, all other was comforting or caring experiences. So she's not as receptive but just yesterday she was lifting her head and looking right at my wife. My hope is this is a sign of her coming back around to realizing were only here to help. Her eye is the same, we continue with the mineral oil and vaseline to cover it.
I'm such a dunce. I just realized that I didn't even mention her eating. So when she was trying out the new legs and going so fast, she did stop alot and just eat what she wanted. Our "yard" is full of what she would naturally eat, and she takes full advantage of it. On the thread "To Much Mazuri" it was said that the molasses covering on Mazuri spoils torts. They stop eating other things wanting the sugar. With Jo Jo she devours Mazuri and then 30 minutes later she at the buffet of our yard eating it. So I'm not convinced yet that the molasses spoils them.


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May 19, 2015
I think she will gradually forget the "bad" experiences where you were cruelly flipping her over and messing her about - the far more important times, I'm sure, are all the memories of your kndness and care. I hope that she has totally forgotten everything that happened before she was rescued. It's great that she is eating so well -presumably her gut is finally free of string and feathers and whatnot .
Zola sends Jo Jo love and goodnight wishes every night, as well as to his various friends ! His shell was damaged when we first got him, so he has some idea of what it's like.


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I think she will gradually forget the "bad" experiences where you were cruelly flipping her over and messing her about - the far more important times, I'm sure, are all the memories of your kndness and care. I hope that she has totally forgotten everything that happened before she was rescued. It's great that she is eating so well -presumably her gut is finally free of string and feathers and whatnot .
Zola sends Jo Jo love and goodnight wishes every night, as well as to his various friends ! His shell was damaged when we first got him, so he has some idea of what it's like.
You are a Truly Sweet person. I've got some good news for you ... Yesterday when Jo Jo was in her outdoor pen I walked up to check on her. When I looked down at her she tilted her head to the right, so she could look at me with the left eye. It was a Beautiful moment, It almost brought me to tears. To watch her looking at me with the "Bad" eye was a great feeling. I just couldn't wait to tell you.
I have decided that in EVERY tort pen I will build a Hill. I will dig a hole and then cover it with a sturdy piece of metal, with a way for the tort to walk under it. (An Underpass) The dirt will be put on top of that so the tort can look over their fence and see the whole world they are in.


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May 19, 2015
Jo Jo looking at you like that is wonderful - what a remarkable little creature she is !!! You must be so proud of her and how you have managed to help her. I think the time will come when you will have to write the story of her life - from when you first met her,anyway - you are so very good at describing things, and it would be very interesting to many people. But not yet - who knows how much more progress she may make!
I love the idea of a little hill for every tortoise pen - I think you might need a large-leaved plant or two on the top,as well - a little tortoise gazing into the distance with no cover might attract predatory birds, if you have any in the area - and also in the hot sun a tortoise could shelter in the shade while gazing out into the distance. I am sure Zola can see qute a bit into the distance - you only have to look at his intent expression, with his head stretched out, torealise that.


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Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
Jo Jo looking at you like that is wonderful - what a remarkable little creature she is !!! You must be so proud of her and how you have managed to help her. I think the time will come when you will have to write the story of her life - from when you first met her,anyway - you are so very good at describing things, and it would be very interesting to many people. But not yet - who knows how much more progress she may make!
I love the idea of a little hill for every tortoise pen - I think you might need a large-leaved plant or two on the top,as well - a little tortoise gazing into the distance with no cover might attract predatory birds, if you have any in the area - and also in the hot sun a tortoise could shelter in the shade while gazing out into the distance. I am sure Zola can see qute a bit into the distance - you only have to look at his intent expression, with his head stretched out, torealise that.
We do have Predatory Birds so the large leaved plant is a great idea. Consider it done, not yet in the spring. My best friend and neighbor passed a little over a year ago, Scott Macabe. The last week we have had a Peregrine Falcon on our property. My wife SWEARS it's Scott. It (when noticed) will fly to his property then fly/follow us to our new property. I also worry about the Crows or Ravens, they are very large here.
I love the idea of writing her story, hadn't thought of that.


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Oct 4, 2022
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O 1 more thing ... Today I will mix Mineral Oil with some Vaseline in a small container. I am SO afraid of the Vaseline being applied to her eye. The Vaseline is a "glob" and kinda stiff, compared to her eye. I am afraid the "glob" of Vaseline will push on her eye when being applied. Imagine rubbing a glob of Vaseline over her eye, It will push on her little eye. Her eye is going to need decades of help, with no eye lid. When she turned her head to look at me 1st was a wave of emotion, followed by "I have to protect that eye, forever. The vet said that there may be surgical options for the eye lid, so maybe next year we'll take the drive to Dr. Boyer in San Diego. At least for a through-ow exam and Plastron check.

Yvonne G

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We do have Predatory Birds so the large leaved plant is a great idea. Consider it done, not yet in the spring. My best friend and neighbor passed a little over a year ago, Scott Macabe. The last week we have had a Peregrine Falcon on our property. My wife SWEARS it's Scott. It (when noticed) will fly to his property then fly/follow us to our new property. I also worry about the Crows or Ravens, they are very large here.
I love the idea of writing her story, hadn't thought of that.
I don't know if they're the CHIEF killer of small tortoises, but crows and ravens kill many, many young tortoises in the desert. It's wise to watch for them and chase them away. Make it uncomfortable to come to your property.





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May 19, 2015
O 1 more thing ... Today I will mix Mineral Oil with some Vaseline in a small container. I am SO afraid of the Vaseline being applied to her eye. The Vaseline is a "glob" and kinda stiff, compared to her eye. I am afraid the "glob" of Vaseline will push on her eye when being applied. Imagine rubbing a glob of Vaseline over her eye, It will push on her little eye. Her eye is going to need decades of help, with no eye lid. When she turned her head to look at me 1st was a wave of emotion, followed by "I have to protect that eye, forever. The vet said that there may be surgical options for the eye lid, so maybe next year we'll take the drive to Dr. Boyer in San Diego. At least for a through-ow exam and Plastron check.
I get what you mean about pushing on Jo Jo's eye - and how important it is to protect it. But knowing that she can actually use it - and is possibly getting better at doing so, is a great incentive, isn't it ! I really do admire Jo Jo - after all she has been through, to make so much progress is amazing. I wonder if there is an eyelid there, but sort of squashed under her eyeball, which might become unstuck in time ? I don't know anything about stuff like that - did the vet say anything ?
Congratulations to Jo Jo and to you for getting so far !


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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
I don't know if they're the CHIEF killer of small tortoises, but crows and ravens kill many, many young tortoises in the desert. It's wise to watch for them and chase them away. Make it uncomfortable to come to your property.
Thank You for the conformation, Had a feeling but didn't know it was such a big thing. These Crows are big, the kids call them Pterodactyls. Absolutely no more outside unless someone is there or in a enclosed area with bird netting. Tomorrow the chicken pen is getting covered with it, looks like we are getting more.
I get what you mean about pushing on Jo Jo's eye - and how important it is to protect it. But knowing that she can actually use it - and is possibly getting better at doing so, is a great incentive, isn't it ! I really do admire Jo Jo - after all she has been through, to make so much progress is amazing. I wonder if there is an eyelid there, but sort of squashed under her eyeball, which might become unstuck in time ? I don't know anything about stuff like that - did the vet say anything ?
Congratulations to Jo Jo and to you for getting so far !
The Dr. was not sure about an eye lid, but did say it was not something she could do. She could give a referral to a vet that does eye surgery's, but not a tortoise necessarily. Maybe we'll go to the Dr. recommended here Dr. Boyer in San Diego. Coating her eye a couple times a day is well worth it. Today i made my own version of artificial tears, Mineral Oil mixed with Vaseline and it works great.


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UPDATE 12/10 668 grams.71B0A871-6D16-4E21-A54B-DCE614D8673D.jpegHere's a picture of her eye. This little "Glob" of stuff on her eye appears every morning, but comes off easily once soaked. She has calmed down alot leaving me to believe you all were right. She did not like the support device. Kinda kicking myself for not thinking of that. I just ran with "o she's in less pain so she's moving more." She still does walk faster than before but alot less urgency in it I guess. The Orchid bark is not good for a substrate right now. It continues to get stuck in her supports, so today I had no choice but use sand. I do not feed her in that enclosure so I'm thinking it will be ok. On a funnier not ... she loves her chin to be rubbed, lightly and slow. There are little things like this that give me confidence that she is not scared or intimidated by the constant handling. The color coming back to that area of her face is a plus as well. It's starting to look more like a tort face, instead of a burn patient. I feel real lucky that there is Mazuri to add to her diet. We have seen big growth since using the Mazuri with our other torts. It makes me feel good to that her diet is "Well Balanced" and she isn't lacking any of the vital nutrients she needs. This has to be a big help for her healing Plastron.
I totally for got to let you know about the calcium supplements ... I showed the Vet our well report and asked if we needed to supplement anything. She said she didn't feel we needed to supplement calcium or any other nutrient, YET. She made it clear that in may indeed not be enough Calcium.


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Zola absolutely loves having his head stroked above his nose to the top of his head, but doesn't like his chin touched at all. It is lovely to know that Jo Jo is enjoying the attention and the closeness with you - and her skin is looking much better, as you say - you must be very proud of her ! I wonder if it would be ok to use old towels as a temporary flooring for her enclosure, as the sand might irritate her skin ? I know it isn't the proper thing to use, but just for now ?
All best wishes from Angie


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Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
Zola absolutely loves having his head stroked above his nose to the top of his head, but doesn't like his chin touched at all. It is lovely to know that Jo Jo is enjoying the attention and the closeness with you - and her skin is looking much better, as you say - you must be very proud of her ! I wonder if it would be ok to use old towels as a temporary flooring for her enclosure, as the sand might irritate her skin ? I know it isn't the proper thing to use, but just for now ?
All best wishes from Angie
You are right ... I ditched the sand for the irritating reason. We went with a dish strainer mat, one of those that dries easily. Jo Jo is enjoying the new Tortoise (and 2 turtles) Room. I have found that she REALLY enjoy's herself at 85-90 degrees. Once her body temp gets warmer than 92 she constantly try's to get out of her enclosure. At 88 ish she just sticks out her legs and and soaks up the heat. I'm trying to get a pic of her in that position. She has been grazing (but only with me next to here) freely and enjoying this last bit of warm weather. We're in for a week of rain in the next couple days. Good call Angie on the sand.


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Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
Well change of plans, the mat we were using is slippery. Jo Jo can not stand up without her legs slipping. The mat is Polyester or some other oil byproduct material. Today she will get a plain towel in her enclosure. Her appetite still is great, she now has bird netting over an outdoor enclosure to go in safely, but still under someones watchful eye. She has almost eaten all of her foliage so we will move it when she does. With her being outside alot there is no question her eye works. She can notice someone pretty far away and only on the left side. I can be 20 feet away and she will notice me moving, or walking up. It is almost like her sight improves over time, as does her dis-like of the artificial tears being applied.

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