Why tortoise species should be kept apart from each other

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Redfoot NERD

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Dec 5, 2007
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Admin Note: This thread was split off from the Photo Contest Thread
Just a note of caution: Its not a good idea to keep a desert tortoise and a sulcata together. I've taken in couple desert tortoises in the past who were quite sick because of being kept with a sulcata.


Explain why Yvonne...


Yvonne G

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RE: Photo Contest - Winter 2008

Just a note of caution: Its not a good idea to keep a desert tortoise and a sulcata together. I've taken in couple desert tortoises in the past who were quite sick because of being kept with a sulcata.

Explain why Yvonne...

Putting me on the spot, huh? Ok, here's an excerpt from the Tortoise Trust on this subject: " Mixed collections tend to have very poor overall survival rates. Keeping species (and geographical sub species) separately not only improves captive breeding, but mixing 'spur-thighed' tortoises from Turkey with those from north Africa is definitely not a good idea; there is no doubt whatsoever that where this is done on a large scale the more delicate north African species suffer a much enhanced rate of disease and mortality. When kept separately there is no such problem. It is the view of the Tortoise Trust that a combination of adopting good general hygiene measures and maintaining only naturally sympatric species in close contact makes a major contribution to the safety of any collection. If tortoises from widely differing backgrounds are allowed to mix at random, there is no doubt that some will have no natural immunity to organisms carried normally by others but it drastically reduces the incidence of disease. "

It has long been felt that the mycoplasma that is killing off the native desert tortoise population was brought into the desert by exotic tortoises released illegally by their keepers.


Redfoot NERD

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Not putting you on the spot Yvonne..

I believe instead of simply making a statement.. ( which can easily be viewed as an opinion ).. we need to post a valid reference source to back it up. Make sense?

And everybody:
We're all in this for our tortoises.. and to demonstrate what we've learned has done to make their lives better - aren't we???



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Feb 22, 2008
Just so you know Yvonne before you go making judgements and opinions before knowing the circumstances....Our desert tortoises are housed separately than our sulcatas...That day they were enjoying being outside...and SNAP! and picture was taken. I put the picture on here because I felt it was a good shot that showed some character....instead of getting a comment about how cute the picture was...I got an unwanted criticism...It would be appreciated if you imposed your thoughts when asked...not pushed on others...I do not need to justify myself or the care of my tortoises to the Tortoise Rescue Lady....Thanks for taking the fun out of my picture....When I need info I know where to go....NO THANKS for your pushy information!


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I think Yvonne's words were said very carefully and respectfully; she just wanted to let you know in case you didn't, as she cares about your tortoises (and therefore you).

It's like... if someone posted a pic with a baby with a knife (okay not THAT dramatic but you get the idea...)... more people are gonna say... HEY WAIT! That's not safe!... because they care!

So please, try not to take it so harshly! Know she was just trying to help!


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I believe Yvonne was trying to help both you and other new owners (or should I say members) and meant no malacious critisism. Alot of newbies get erronous info on tort husbandry from both sales people and even on-line caresheets. Please accept the critisism in the helpful spirit meant.
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