Will this work?

Adam L

New Member
Jun 29, 2024
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Is it feasible to get one of these for a hatchling? It is quite large for his little size, 4x3.5x3.5. And if so, how to properly seal it? I know the basics but I wanted to know if I should just go another way. This would fit my current indoor needs. But I know other options are out there I just can’t do a plastic tub in my otherwise Bateman level clean house, I would die. His needs are currently met but is due for an upgrade.


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What kind of tip is on it? When I blow it up, it's hard to tell if is solid or looks like a mesh?
The closed chamber needs to not have a mesh top but a solid top
Also for what kind of tortoise?
If you can close off the mesh, if that's what it is and hang all lights and heat inside, it will work. However, if it's for a sulcata, it won't last long, maybe 2 years and he will need something bigger. Just in case this is very expensive, you might want to find a cheaper option.
For sealing, you can line it with plastic, pond liner or seal with flex seal or most any sealer as long as you let it air out first and cure. You can also use marine paint.

Adam L

New Member
Jun 29, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
What kind of tip is on it? When I blow it up, it's hard to tell if is solid or looks like a mesh?
The closed chamber needs to not have a mesh top but a solid top
Also for what kind of tortoise?
If you can close off the mesh, if that's what it is and hang all lights and heat inside, it will work. However, if it's for a sulcata, it won't last long, maybe 2 years and he will need something bigger. Just in case this is very expensive, you might want to find a cheaper option.
For sealing, you can line it with plastic, pond liner or seal with flex seal or most any sealer as long as you let it air out first and cure. You can also use marine paint.
Thank you, for a Redfoot hatchling, it has no top, and the front is acrylic. I planned on getting a wood board to the dimensions with some hinges and a handle to put on top and seal the entire inside. This is on sale dirt cheap open box for a crack in the acrylic I could easily fix. Thank you for the sealing tips!