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One of my turtles is exhibiting a loss of appetite and floating. What should I do with it?​

Hello NaviCherrios - I'm following up on the hingeback tortoise that you had for the summer - If we could confirm the species, I wonder if the teacher would be willing to consider placing it in a breeding program? It might be an extremely rare tortoise! :) I could possibly trade back a hatchling of the same species that the class could grow up. Just thinking out loud...Thanks for your help!
2 1/2" leopard tortoise owner
Hi. Have a Spurred (Sulcata) tortoise . About Ten years old. Good 40 lbs . He was kind of "dumped" on me. But now we are best buddies! Haha!
So happy to hear the painting helped raise a bit for the forum. What a wonderful place this is for helping each other!
I plan to post images of some of my friends I took care of in AZ
jeff kushner
Good morning Pam,
Your artwork is on the way to my sweetheart so thank you for donating it! There aren't many online forums that I'd support, but some seem to exceed their a mile!

Thanks again for seeing the bigger picture!
Thank you, Jeff, for your kind words.
When I came across Tortoise Forum, I was happy I had a way to help. I’m glad money was raised and that my desert tortoise finally found his home.
Yvonne did such a nice job framing it, I’m not sure her costs were even covered…but I’ll look forward to pictures of where it’s hanging. 😄
Thanks again, Pam B
I am looking to get an Aldabra and am in a similar climate to you in Delaware. I was wondering how difficult it was to keep them.
I am ex Air Force, retired, have 3 redfoots Ive raised from babies and might be able to help you. And I will NOT steal your tortoise. Can you supply any pics and give a size please? Thank you.
William Lee Kohler
William Lee Kohler
I asked about sex because all your posts had referred to her as he or him about 30 times or so😅. I'm pretty sure I can do this and all I'd ask is for you to pay for shipping and if there was any Vet expense. The food is cheap and I'm feeding 11 tortoises already so what's one more.
Thankyou, but it’s fine I have had it confirmed today the other tortoise is definitely a female so the eggs will not be viable .
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William Lee Kohler
William Lee Kohler
Not a problem as it might have been a thrill. I was just confused in the change of sex from your posts online before I contacted you. After ZEROPILOTS post I have a request. If you decide to entrust your tortoises care to me would you mind getting your tortoise a health check beforehand for me?
About two days ago I got a male Russian tortoise who is 3 and a half years old. Over all he seems happy but sometimes he seems a bit bored. If it is possible do you have some advice on how I could play or interact with him? Would you recommend any toys or activities?
My hatchling passed away I took him to the vet here his lungs weren't fully developed due to him accidentally splitting his egg a bit to soon. Does anyone know of anywhere to get a baby box turtle??????? Please let me know
Hi ,my name is Sara and several weeks ago I purchased a Leopard Tortoise about 4 months old we named him or her Frankie and when him or het came its eyes wouldn't open so I quickly got some turtle eye drops and it seems to be helping . Frankie is eating now but her weight has been fluctuating she'll loose then gain is this normal ?Thank you!
Please help me my baby box turtle egg would of been 60 days old on the 27th of this month on my incubator that was doing great but I went to check on the egg yesterday morning the egg was split and he was still moving I put him on paper towels that are warm moist and shaped as a small donut his yolk sac was as big as him almost today he seems the same he's opening his eyes more but I don't know what to do to help him
Worried about my brand new Sulcata. She is about 7inches long and we just got her from Ballands Tortiose Ranch. I think she has a respiratory infection already 😩 because I have seen little tiny nose bubbles and I sometimes hear her squeak. She is super active and eating but I’m still a new nervous mama! She lives outdoors and has an incredible set up. Should I raise her night time temp if I think she might be sick?
Sorry to hear about this trouble. I would try to keep the tortoise at no less than 80 degrees at night and up to about 90-95 for the daytime. You may also need to get some injectable ceftazidime for the tortoise if the problem doesn't get better by increasing the temperatures.

Bill Z
Jess H
Hi Milliesmama, I found when mine had a cold and runny nose, that putting Vick vapour rub under his chin helped clear it and help him breathe better. Trouble is, if they can't smell food, they tend to stop eating. Probably a good idea to take it to a specialist (if possible) vet, as a respiratory infection could get worse quite quickly?
My tortoise, Bonnie, has a large divot or indentation on her shell in the center towards the back. She was a rescue and had it when she was a 5-pounder. It never changed as she grew and now at 85 lbs., it’s really obvious. Not sure how to post a pic.but have some good ones. Wonder if it’s an injury? Hasn’t seemed to have affected her growth although her scutes are really skewed now. Any theories?
Not much you can do but keep it healthy . I have rescued turtle with horrific injuries to shells. They don't seem to be effected once the initial team is over and healed. She'll is just scared.
*trauma, not team. Dam auto spell!
Can I put my sulcata tortoises and 2 hermit crabs together in an enclosure? Would it be safe for all animals?
I wouldn’t do it. The habitat requirements are completely different.