Another Dog Story...

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Jul 16, 2014
Are there ANY CASES where tortoises & dogs lived happily ever after ? I'm guessing not. Holy Moly, ignorance is not bliss !! Fortunately, I can keep my fellows in front yard . We have a temporary corral that just got Top Priority for permanent build out. Dang. Hadn't a clue.THANK YOU
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The Dog Trainer
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Yes, actually, not all dog/tortoise stories end badly for the tortoise. Often the tortoise is unbothered and outlives a long series of dogs. But the risk is always there and the consequences so terrible that we cannot relax or be complacent.

Well said Mr. Boswell.


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Jul 10, 2013
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So sorry for your nephew. Had an old eastern since I was 10 yrs old. All my sons grew up with her. Had 36 years. One day the little neighber girl wanted to show her company. GR was killed by thier dog. Hard to to except.

OMG! That is just terrible. So sorry. :(

josh shultis

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Jul 19, 2014
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Surprisingly, my Shih Tzu is more afraid of my Russian tort than he is of her! Though I never leave the two
unsupervised, I am happy to see the two get along! :) View attachment 90545
Same! I hate to do it but i only do when supervised as well, I figure it's better they get used of each other, if the dog knows it's not supposed to be around it, an finally one day gets to it, that's when I think something bad will happen!
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Aug 13, 2014
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I am sorry to read about the loss of the tortoises. I have three small Chihuahua's (smallest is 4 lbs). If Sophie the RT is on
the move, the Chi's get out of her way. Sophie has the right of way. I was glad to have seen the original story , it shows that you should never trust your dogs with your tortoises. Tortoises are a prey item.

RV's mom

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my 40# pocket pit avoids RV. If RV is in the way of going in or out of the house, the dog has fits trying to get around her. Thankfully, Trixie is very respectful, very cautious, and wants NOTHING to do with the tort. Having said that, Trix will steal carrots from RV... And then get quickly away, lest the tort (who couldn't care less) should come after her for the stolen treat.

I would be extremely cautious with dogs and torts/turtles of any kind. No room or margin for error.
I am horrified every time I read the initial post.


Sep 29, 2014
A very sad story, and a very hard lesson indeed.

I don't trust dogs and much less so. cats. I am a keeper of box turtles and ferrets, I let neither interact with each other, with another family member's dog nor the semi stray cats outside. The outdoor cats are the worst, as I have seen them kill everything, including other cats.

Years ago, back when the area around my house was surrounded by forest (now all cleared by developers) I used to look for box turtles. All I would find were their shells with lots of raccoon bite marks on them. All the wild box turtles in this area are gone now.


Oct 14, 2014
This is quote possibly one of the most horrifying stories I've ever read. I am so sorry for your loss, RIP mr and mrs Horace!

I have tried explaining to my husband that this is why he has to watch the shellkids when they are out while the dogs are around, but he always say "oh, they'll be fine!" Yeah, wait until I make him read this story. I myself have witnessed my Morkie trying to 'play' with the shellkids (and have corrected him quickly!)

This is so sad though! :(


The Dog Trainer
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This is quote possibly one of the most horrifying stories I've ever read. I am so sorry for your loss, RIP mr and mrs Horace!

I have tried explaining to my husband that this is why he has to watch the shellkids when they are out while the dogs are around, but he always say "oh, they'll be fine!" Yeah, wait until I make him read this story. I myself have witnessed my Morkie trying to 'play' with the shellkids (and have corrected him quickly!)

This is so sad though! :(

You are on a path for disaster. Seriously. Your husband needs to understand how wrong he is about this BEFORE it is too late.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
my 40# pocket pit avoids RV. If RV is in the way of going in or out of the house, the dog has fits trying to get around her. Thankfully, Trixie is very respectful, very cautious, and wants NOTHING to do with the tort. Having said that, Trix will steal carrots from RV... And then get quickly away, lest the tort (who couldn't care less) should come after her for the stolen treat.

Don't you let my future tortoise get chewed on!!! :p


Oct 14, 2014
You are on a path for disaster. Seriously. Your husband needs to understand how wrong he is about this BEFORE it is too late.

I finally told him that if that's the way he feels, then don't touch MY tortoises. I will have them out for play time when I am home, and he does not need to worry about them. I try not to be that kind of person, claiming things as MINE, but I'm a protective mama.

My husband is also the same guy who gets mad at our dogs when they tear up the house while he's upstairs in the bedroom, even though I've told him countless times to either crate the dogs or keep them in the bedroom if he's going to sleep. SMH.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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As a married man, I can tell you: Being married isn't easy... My wife and I have these same sort of issues about some things. She can't seem to turn a light or TV off ever. We argue over the AC constantly too.
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