Baby Redfoot Shell and Overall Health Issues - Advice Wanted


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Jan 2, 2024
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Hello! (This is a long one, sorry.)

I am in need of some advice/recommendations on an ill baby redfoot. I received Walter, my redfoot tortoise, on January 24th. He hatched on December 1, 2023. I got him from Southern Reptiles. The first few months I had him, he was doing very well; eating, drinking, pooping, active, etc. He currently weighs 31 grams.

Early last week (~3/25/24) I noticed he kept making squeaky noises and was worried he may have developed an upper respiratory infection. I got him an appointment for the vet on 3/28/24. Upon taking him to the vet, I was told he was in great condition. He was given the all-clear on any infection, his fecal came back clean, and I was told my care was pretty spot-on for what he needed. My vet told me he might just be a bit of a vocal guy. On Saturday (3/30/24) evening, I noticed his shell had gotten soft. I had checked him that morning and he was fine, but by that night, his shell was soft to the touch. I knew this was a calcium issue, so I started dusting every meal with calcium powder and lowered the height of his UVB light by a few inches to increase D3 for him to help absorb calcium. Sunday (3/31/24), he didn’t want to drink much, and he refused food all day. Monday morning (4/1/24) I went to check on him and he was doing incredibly fast, spastic movements while trying to walk that kept causing him to flip himself over. Within 30 minutes he had flipped himself four times and I had to flip him back. The fifth time he flipped himself over was in his water dish. Luckily, I was actively watching him and was able to get him out fast. I called the vet to get him an emergency appointment that day. At the vet, even he said that had I not brought him in the previous Thursday, he likely would not have believed that his shell got soft that fast. He agreed that it was a calcium issue and guessed that the spastic muscle movement was likely also linked to calcium absorption issues. He gave him a liquid calcium injection in-office that day and sent me home with 6 more days worth of calcium injections. It was also recommended to get calcium with D3 for his food until his shell starts to show improvement and to dust every meal with calcium powder for the time being. His last injection is due to be given tomorrow. Monday afternoon he only flipped himself one more time, but I righted him and he just chilled out for the rest of the day. That night in his evening soak, he did not want to drink, but he soaked in the warm water for a while. Tuesday-Thursday (4/2/24-4/4/24) he wasn’t very interested in food still, but he started drinking water really well during his morning and evening baths. Yesterday (4/5/24) he ate a few bites of squash and strawberry for me that had some calcium on it. Last night during his bath, his plastron was still soft, but now appeared slightly sunken and wrinkled. This morning, it didn’t look as bad, but was still slightly sunken. He got a big drink in his morning soak and ate a bit of produce for me. He is still not incredibly thrilled about eating and his shell is still very soft. Also in the last 36 hours, he hasn’t wanted to keep his eyes open much, which to me signals some issues with vitamin A. He gets carrot and sweet potato offered each week, but I imagine since he hasn’t eaten much in the last week, that may be where that stems from. Even though he has been getting calcium injections and extra D3, his shell appears to be worsening more than improving. I trust the experience that many of you have and would appreciate any recommendations you all have to help him. Will his shell be a slow, long process to heal and reharden? As long as I know what to expect, I think I’ll feel better, but if I can do anything to help him in the meantime, I will take any advice you can give. I am happy to continue working with his vet to get him what he needs, but I wanted to see if any of you had any experiences like this and might have some advice for things I can do to help him. Below are his current enclosure parameters and foods offered to him.

Enclosure Base:

The base of the enclosure is a 4ft x 3ft x 1ft high wooden box lined with a shower pan liner (very thick vinyl). It then has a pvc frame covered in clear shower curtain liners to create a closed chamber.

Lights, Heat, and Humidity:
  • Two 100W CHE
    • On thermostats
  • ReptiSun 5.0 UVB T5 HO Fluorescent Bulb - 22" (Zoo Med)
    • On a timer – 10 hours per day (usually 4 hrs/day but longer by vet recommendation)
  • LED plant light for general light and for live plants
    • On a timer – 13 hours on, 11 hours off
  • Heat mat on the underside of the roof of the hide in the corner
    • On a thermostat
  • Humidifier
    • Automatic shutoff
  • One inch of coco coir at the bottom
  • 3 inches of cypress mulch
    • Dry to the touch on top to mitigate shell rot risk
Temperatures and Humidity:
  • Ambient air temperature: 84°F
  • Absolute maximum temperature: 91°F
  • Absolute minimum temperature: 82°F
  • Temperature within main hide: 84°F
  • Humidity: 85-95%
  • Wooden hide with heat mat on roof in the corner
  • 18in x 18in square, with the front corner cut off at a 45° angle
  • Wood is sealed in finish and left to cure for multiple weeks
  • Two terracotta saucers, the larger for water and the smaller for food
  • Wooden log cave
  • Resin driftwood log cave
  • Resin corner cave (his favorite)
  • Silver inch plant – Tradescantia zebrina (the only one he has ever taken a few bites from)
  • Spider plant – Chlorophytum comosum
  • Rattlesnake plant – Goeppertia insignis
Food (varies week to week based on what is available):
  • Dark leafy green options
    • Collard greens
    • Kale
    • Turnip greens
    • Mustard greens
    • Romaine lettuce
    • Dandelion greens
    • Spring mix
    • Spinach (very little)
    • Red leaf lettuce
    • Arugula
    • Red chard
    • Rainbow chard
    • Clover sprouts
  • Vegetable options
    • Butternut squash
    • Sweet potato
    • Yellow squash
    • Green beans
    • Carrots
  • Fruit options
    • Raspberry
    • Strawberry
    • Blueberry
    • Banana
    • Apple
  • Protein options
    • Mushrooms (the only protein source I have ever gotten him to eat)
    • Red wiggler worms (he acts like I’m trying to poison him)
    • Hard-boiled egg (offended when offered to him)
  • Supplements
    • Calcium powder dusted on produce every day (usually no D3 and only 3x per week, but per vet recommendation, he is on Ca + D3 everyday)
    • Mazuri tortoise diet
      • Rehydrated
      • Served as topper to salad
    • Dried rose petals (occasional)
    • Dried hibiscus petals (occasional)
    • Dried marigold petals (occasional)


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@ZEROPILOT should be able to help you . Welcome to the forum

Yvonne G

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Very nicely done! THIS is the sort of info we need in order to try to help.

You're doing everything that needs doing - UVB, calcium. . . I don't s'pose you have a UV meter do you? Just wondering if your UV light is any good.


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Jan 2, 2024
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Very nicely done! THIS is the sort of info we need in order to try to help.

You're doing everything that needs doing - UVB, calcium. . . I don't s'pose you have a UV meter do you? Just wondering if your UV light is any good.
Glad to know I'm not missing anything major here. I do not own a UV meter. I can absolutely look into getting one though. I started his set up and testing temps and humidity in early January, so the light has been running for about 3 months. I have another bulb for it on standby, but I usually try to get the bulbs closer to the 6 months mark if I can. It's not a bad idea to have an ability to check output though. Thanks!!


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I don't see anything blatantly wrong with your information.
In fact, it sounds just about perfect.
Southern Reptiles is local to me. Also a member of this forum. His baby RF and CHERRYHEAD are born and started right here in south Florida. An almost ideal start. Yet I don't see anything that you've done wrong.
Soft shell is nearly always uvb related in some way or another. But your T5 5.0 should've been adequate. Especially with your excellent diet, etc. (Even though a 10.0 is needed for most other species)
Shells getting soft are an outward sign of serious issues and the condition doesn't happen overnight. In fact. To me it doesn't seem likely to contract severe MBD in such a short time. So I'm at a loss.
Everything else seems like a neurological issue. Like something has poisoned him.
That's just a theory. But it's all I have.
I'm sorry to say that many young tortoises this sick do not survive.
Are the plants he can access poisonous? Do any of the plants show evidence of being nibbled on? I'm also curious about systemic pesticides or things like Perlite, etc. But again. Just theories.
I'm sorry. It's all I have at the moment.


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Jan 2, 2024
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I don't see anything blatantly wrong with your information.
In fact, it sounds just about petfect.
Southern Reptiles is local to me. Also a member of this forum. His baby RF and CHERRYHEAD are born and started right here in south Florida. An almost ideal start. Yet I don't see anything that you've done wrong.
Soft shell is always uvb related. But your T5 5.0 should've been adequate. Especially with your excellent diet, etc.
Shells getting soft are an outward sign of serious issues and the condition doesn't happen overnight. In fact. To me it doesn't seem likely to contract severe MBD in such a short time. So I'm at a loss.
Everything else seems like a neurological issue. Like something has poisoned him.
That's just a theory. But it's all I have.
I'm sorry to say that many young tortoises this sick do not survive.
Are the plants he can access poisonous? Do any of the plants show evidence of being nibbled on? I'm also curious about systemic pesticides etc. But again. Just theories.
I'm sorry. It's all I have at the moment.
Thank you for your response. The only plants available to him in his enclosure are wandering inch plant, spider plant, and rattlesnake plant. All three are safe according to various sources. The only one I've seen any bites out of is the wandering inch plant. And even then, it's just a few bites, not excessive eating. He couldn't have gotten into anything else. I don't bring him outside currently, for one because it's still not quite warm enough for him, but also I live in an apartment currently and I know that they spray pesticides around the outside of the building so I don't ever want him to come in contact with that. I have tried to be so careful about washing all produce and plants and keeping contaminants away. Would you recommend blood tests at the vet to check for anything? I don't know what is possible, but I'm willing to if you think it might lead to anything helpful.


10 Year Member!
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Thank you for your response. The only plants available to him in his enclosure are wandering inch plant, spider plant, and rattlesnake plant. All three are safe according to various sources. The only one I've seen any bites out of is the wandering inch plant. And even then, it's just a few bites, not excessive eating. He couldn't have gotten into anything else. I don't bring him outside currently, for one because it's still not quite warm enough for him, but also I live in an apartment currently and I know that they spray pesticides around the outside of the building so I don't ever want him to come in contact with that. I have tried to be so careful about washing all produce and plants and keeping contaminants away. Would you recommend blood tests at the vet to check for anything? I don't know what is possible, but I'm willing to if you think it might lead to anything helpful.
Although I've kept Redfoot for a very long time, my vet takes care of illness and ive never encountered anything like you're describing. Like I said, it sounds neurological and I think that the soft shell is just part of a larger issue.
If you trust your vet, I'd do whatever test they recommend. Just do so knowing that most vets don't know squat about tortoises.


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Be very careful with over dosing the calcium. To much is as bad as too little.
Sorry you are having issues. Usually it's not with someone doing everything right. I hope you have good luck and he bounces back
You may want to try adding baby food carrots or piedialyte or both to his soaks


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Jan 2, 2024
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Be very careful with over dosing the calcium. To much is as bad as too little.
Sorry you are having issues. Usually it's not with someone doing everything right. I hope you have good luck and he bounces back
You may want to try adding baby food carrots or piedialyte or both to his soaks
Once the little guy goes back to eating a bit more regularly, I'll cut back on the amount of calcium I am throwing at him. I'm just trying to get him to act like himself again.
And thank you. I really hope he pulls through, but only time will tell.


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Jan 2, 2024
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Also, he has stopped all erratic movements since Monday afternoon. He's now just a bit more lethargic than usual and isn't wanting to eat as much. As I type this he is napping on top of his post-soak salad. I removed the only plant he has consumed in his tank in case that is what caused all of this. If poisoning caused metabolic and neurological issues, that would explain the movements and his inability to take up many nutrients right now. I'm not sure how long it would take to know if he has started recovering, but I will try to remember to keep this thread updated if anything changes. Thank you all again for your advice. It is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Whilst I can’t recommend anything here as you’re clearly doing things right already, I’m commenting to follow along as I’m very eager to see how this little one progresses, I really hope they get better!❤️


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Also, he has stopped all erratic movements since Monday afternoon. He's now just a bit more lethargic than usual and isn't wanting to eat as much. As I type this he is napping on top of his post-soak salad. I removed the only plant he has consumed in his tank in case that is what caused all of this. If poisoning caused metabolic and neurological issues, that would explain the movements and his inability to take up many nutrients right now. I'm not sure how long it would take to know if he has started recovering, but I will try to remember to keep this thread updated if anything changes. Thank you all again for your advice. It is much appreciated.
If that is/was the case, hopefully he can overcome this.


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Jan 2, 2024
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An unfortunate update to this thread: as of 8:00 this morning, Walter has passed away. I was unable to get his calcium and D3 levels to improve before it became too much for his little body. Thank you for all your advice and kind words to try to help him.


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I am sorry he didn't make it after all. Something must have been wrong from birth and nothing could help it. Another, healthy baby would certainly benefit and thrive in your excellent care, if you decide to try again.