baby sulcata is really sick

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5 Year Member
Jan 23, 2009
fwiw, thank you for posting. I think you may have saved our little Georgie.

We got him for Christmas from the reptile store. I asked them to set up the enclosure for us because we're new to turtles/reptiles. My daughter Stevie LOVES Georgie and wants to take good care of him (she's 9). He's a hatchling...don't know how do you tell?

When we got him we were told that the white stuff on his eyes was normal and that it would eventually go away. After a month he has yet to open his eyes, and he's starting to get lethargic. Also, the book we got mentioned NOTHING about needing to soak him, so we've just been expecting him to drink when he wanted. I feel awful now to find out that we needed to soak him every day!

How long can we soak him for? Is it bad to leave him soaking for more than say 15 minutes?

Also, he's stopped eating...we changed his food after finding out that lettuce isn't what he should be having all the we're picking greens out of the yard and I'm going to get the spring mix and baby food today.

He is in a terrarium type tank with alfalfa bed(I'm now convinced the reptile store doesn't really know what they're doing). There's been no hide (but I've made one just now) and it's dry as a bone everywhere but his water tank. I'll clear out the alfalfa tonight...but what do I put in?

Any suggestions on how to get his eyes cleared up? I saw one idea...any others??

Thanks much. I was told by the reptile store that these little guys were great for kids...I really need this little guy to make it 'cause he has become so important to my baby girl. Any suggestions are very appreciated.

Thanks all!
Georgie's Grampa

Bit of good news...just checked on Georgie and he found his way to the water and is soaking in it. I just blended up some carrot dropped it in around him...he seems to be perking up!

Yvonne G

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Hi Grampa: Welcome to the forum! You probably reached us just in time. If you soak Georgie in either the bird vitamins (Vitasol mfg'd by 8 in 1) or the Gerber baby food carrots or sweet potatoes, the eyes will clear up in a couple days. You can soak for about 15 minutes, but keep an eye on him as they sometimes tip on their backs trying to climb out and might drown.

Pet stores are in the business of making money...not a bad thing, but not good for the health of your new animal. They sells stuff, and that's what they want you to stuff.

It sounds like you're on the right track with Georgie now. Soak him every day as mentioned above, feed him Spring Mix from the grocery store with clean weeds and grasses added and be sure he gets him sunshine vitamin d either from the sun or from the special UVB bulb that you can buy.



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5 Year Member
Jan 23, 2009
he seems to be quite content to just sleep in the that OK?? It's not like he's going to drown or anything, right?

Maggie Cummings

Hey Gramps...welcome to the forum. I am so glad you found us and I hope that we can help you bring your little tortoise back to health. Soak him everyday for about 15 minutes in water with baby food in it...or the bird vitamins. Change his substrate to eco-earth and play sand, about a 50/50 mix. He needs a hide which you just found out and he needs a hot basking light also with UVB. I use the Trex bulb. Please don't believe anything that pet store told you. The are in it for the money only. You need a substrate that you can keep moist to create humidity. Those alfalfa pellets aren't too good for a Sulcata hatchling. Also please understand that hatchlings are extremely hard to raise and a new keeper shouldn't have a hatchling as a first tortoise. I am telling you that so you are aware that you are involved in raising a baby that is not easy to raise so you must be aware of every little nuance...
Please go to the introduction page and introduce yourself and then post in the Sulcata section, that way you will get more people aware of your new baby. Most will think this thread is about that other hatchling that died.
And please please ask any question and stay in contact with us so we can help you...

GeorgiesGrampa said:
he seems to be quite content to just sleep in the that OK?? It's not like he's going to drown or anything, right?

they like to stay in the water when they don't feel well...Do you have a reptile Vet? Would you mind telling us what city you are in and I will see if there is a reptile Vet there...
I would take him out of the water after he's soked for 15 minutes or so and put hi under the basking light so he can warm up...

Get him some packaged Spring Mix in the produce section at the store. He'll more readily eat that and right now you need to concentrate on just getting him to eat. So the Spring mix is best for that. Then we'll work on feeding him better after he's eating good...Has he opened his eyes at all since you got him?


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5 Year Member
Jan 23, 2009
i bath my 2yr old horsfield every day now in reptaboost, which is a food and vitamins supplement and she absorbs through her tail, its £10 in english, and is good for tortoises not eating, i have just got mine back from vets, shes had punemonia, she had oxygen and a nebuliser or 6 days in their care, baths with reptaboost evryday and antibiotics injected twice a day this cost me £100 which was brilliant for 6 days care. She also wasnt eating and sleeping alot, she had gooey eyes and problems breathing. shes fit and healthy now, i have to monitor her alot and make sure shes ok. I have mine in a vivarium with a thermostat at 25 degrees in middle and top corner baskin of 28-30, bedding area of around 22-23 to cool down. I fed her with mixed lettuce wehn she was ppoorly (raddico/chinese) to tempt her to eat, which was recommended by a specialist. Carrots, and fruit will tempt them to eat maybes. best of luck xxx


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5 Year Member
Feb 13, 2009
i had a iguana with the MBD and with the help of my vet and shots I had to give him myself and almost forcefeeding him he made a good recoverey. There is a substance out there in the herp section that encouages the tort to eat or what ever is not eating. Thats is what I gave the iguana and soon he was eating on his own.
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