
Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2014
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good mornooning everyone! hope everyone's well and had a nice weekend :). I literally slept all Sunday again, but did manage to get my driving theory test booked :).

not looking forward to work today, will be finding out about the damaged cars and no doubt be getting my ears nipped again:(

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
good mornooning everyone! hope everyone's well and had a nice weekend :). I literally slept all Sunday again, but did manage to get my driving theory test booked :).

not looking forward to work today, will be finding out about the damaged cars and no doubt be getting my ears nipped again:(
Morning, John.:)
Hope you get through the day okay and that the other poor guy doesn't have to fork out too much.
Good luck!

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
There were 112,521 8 year old girls in Sweden on the first of January 1994 and there were exactly the same number of 9 year olds on the 1st Jan 1995 and this is unique in statistics because it suggests that none died, no one emigrated, no one of that age entered the country to live, precisely the same number survived the whole year.

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
In Britain in 1994, 8 people were injured by place mats.
13 sustained cruet injuries.
5 were wounded by dustpans.
8 suffered as a result of a bread-bin accident.
5 were hurt by sieves.
14 fell foul of a serving trolley.
17 were treated for injuries caused by a draft excluder.
476 people were injured while on the lavatory.
Underwear hurt 11 people.
But tea cosy damge was down from 3 in 1993 to nil in 1994.

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
The dionne quintuplets?
The Dionne quintuplets, born from a single egg to a rather poor family.
The father talked about exhibiting them himself, as they were very famous in those days before fertility treatment, but the government took over, placed them in a hospital and slowly the hospital began admitting people and it became the single biggest attraction in Canada.
But after 9 years, the parents successfully got their girls back, but at the age of 18, they all left.
In 1998,Mike Harris, the Prime Minister, travelled to and apologized to the two surviving quins, and each were paid 4 million dollars in compensation and given an official apology on behalf of Canada.

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