
Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
I can't believe you are awake! The birds are probably starting to wake up outside! I hope your schedule isn't too tough tomorrow---I mean "Today!"

hopefully I'll manage another couple hrs, had to get out of bed though... the dog snoring I could handle but then jade started as well:/

it's going to be an expresso kind of day I suspect

W Shaw

Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2015
Who says it was MY sentence?? ....Mwwa HA HA haaaaa

There's an old joke that gets recycled for every president. It goes something like this.... The president dies and is sent to hell, where he's led past one cell after another. One member of his group is taken and put in a room with an ogre and told that as punishment for his sins, he's to spend eternity with this beast. Another is led away to a cell with a horrible demon and told that as his punishment, he's to spend eternity with this demon. The president is led to his own cell, and is shocked to find it occupied by a beautiful woman. Before he can ask what's going on, the guard turns to the woman and informs her that for her sins, she's to spend eternity with this monster.

W Shaw

Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2015
I'm going to start rounding up the Armadillos and preparing them in the off-chance some emergency transport is needed. If anyone wants to help me, I'd appreciate it. They're looking a little nervous and could use some cuddles. I'm sure they can be lured with the huge amounts of cheese in here!

I'm totally jealous of anyone living where there are armadillos!


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 23, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Dubai/New York
Hiya guys! I got the blood test results and they said I have high cholesterol because I eat a lot of meat and eggs (yikes!) and I might develop (or have developed) a bone disease from the high cholesterol. They gave me a list of foods good and bad foods for me and I'm just kinda pissed. There are like a bajillion foods I can't eat anymore.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Hiya guys! I got the blood test results and they said I have high cholesterol because I eat a lot of meat and eggs (yikes!) and I might develop (or have developed) a bone disease from the high cholesterol. They gave me a list of foods good and bad foods for me and I'm just kinda pissed. There are like a bajillion foods I can't eat anymore.

it's good that at least you know what's going on now and can keep on top of it. hopefully you'll be back on top form soon :)