
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I just got back from the doctor and I have two ear infections[emoji22]

I’ve been sick for a week with flu symptoms and this morning I had a migraine and couldn’t take the pain.

I can’t wait for the antibiotics to kick in!!
Oh no. Shame that is not pleasant and you have it in both ears.[emoji33] [emoji33] I hope it kicks in quickly too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Evening all.
Before I try to catch up with you all I just spoke to the vet.
The good news is Lola's kidney function is normal :).
But the bad news is his red blood count is quite low which could be for a number of reasons such as an infection or diet and there could be something going on with his liver.
She said it could be something to do with egg production until I said that I thought he was male, She thought he has a short tail but unless females have a similar part they can flash I've seen his bits! But maybe the first vet I saw was right after all!
So it could still be something very serious but he is having a scan on Friday to try to find out more.
At least it wasn't a 'sorry nothing we can do' call.
The vet thought the critical care formula was a good idea, I assume more iron is needed so will research that. I have always been quite fussy with Lola's diet and tried to make sure in the winter I use a good mix of leaves and they are sprinkled with ground Readigrass ( a good source of calcium and phospherpus according to the bag)
So he is not out of the woods yet and I hope the scan can throw more light on it.
Oh wow. Can they only fit him in for the scan Friday? Now you have to wait even longer to find out more info. [emoji85]


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Evening all.
Before I try to catch up with you all I just spoke to the vet.
The good news is Lola's kidney function is normal :).
But the bad news is his red blood count is quite low which could be for a number of reasons such as an infection or diet and there could be something going on with his liver.
She said it could be something to do with egg production until I said that I thought he was male, She thought he has a short tail but unless females have a similar part they can flash I've seen his bits! But maybe the first vet I saw was right after all!
So it could still be something very serious but he is having a scan on Friday to try to find out more.
At least it wasn't a 'sorry nothing we can do' call.
The vet thought the critical care formula was a good idea, I assume more iron is needed so will research that. I have always been quite fussy with Lola's diet and tried to make sure in the winter I use a good mix of leaves and they are sprinkled with ground Readigrass ( a good source of calcium and phospherpus according to the bag)
So he is not out of the woods yet and I hope the scan can throw more light on it.
Btw I am glad about the good news though. At least some of the worry has been lifted.

Lyn W

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10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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Oh wow. Can they only fit him in for the scan Friday? Now you have to wait even longer to find out more info. [emoji85]
Yes I know.
She was fully booked for Thursday so Friday was the earliest appt , and then only if the scanner isn't needed in another practice they share it with.
It has been noted that it is needed for my tort so I am hoping it isn't cancelled and I have to wait until week Thursday!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good evening all

I hope the appointment goes OK @DE42 Dan

We have done a lot of walking today. The weather was great this morning and turned bad about 4.30pm. That’s blown over now and the forecast is for no more rain this week.

I’ll post some pictures later, but first we need to eat!
Enjoy. Haggis anyone?

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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What. Is that in the alternate universe where whatever we have here, they have the opposite over there ( well almost the opposite)?
When none of us could access the Tortoise Forum because of repairs /updates a while back the CDRers joined the Gecko Forum where Adam set up another 'room' so we could still chat


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
In 4 years have never seen Lola drink in his soak.
Only caught him drinking at his water bowls a few times, He has a large plant saucer which he lies in and walks through and a smaller but deeper bowl in his room. (It was actually a porcelain serving dish which I have no need for).
Maybe a video camera would be an idea. Then he wouldn't see you watching and you could maybe see if he drinks while you are not there.