Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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How about this, then.
I've always had a lot of hair. Thick, long hair. And I always laughed at my balding younger brother. Saying I "wish" I could go bald!
Well, I just got my six month hair cut...and as I was inspecting the length, I saw this.
If I'm not mistaken...And my memory isn't as sharp as it once was..I seem to recall hair being there.

View attachment 238542
That's not so bad Ed!
One of my nephews had beautiful thick hair when he was kid but has been balding since he was in his mid 20s -shaves it all now.
My Dad always used to say
'Grass doesn't grow on a busy street'

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I just got back from the doctor and I have two ear infections[emoji22]

I’ve been sick for a week with flu symptoms and this morning I had a migraine and couldn’t take the pain.

I can’t wait for the antibiotics to kick in!!
Aw heck. I'm sorry you're not up to snuff. Thankfully, I've never had ear aches, so can't really sympathize, but I have had bad headaches. No fun. BUT!!!!! A perfect excuse to lay around all day and watch soap operas!


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Oct 26, 2011
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Good evening all

I hope the appointment goes OK @DE42 Dan

We have done a lot of walking today. The weather was great this morning and turned bad about 4.30pm. That’s blown over now and the forecast is for no more rain this week.

I’ll post some pictures later, but first we need to eat!

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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It’s a shame there’s nothing more conclusive :(
Yes it is Linda I was hoping there would be some meds I could start him on sooner rather than later but it's all still up in the air. I'm hoping the scan will reveal the problem or at least rule out some things. My big fear now is that it is liver failure or a growth of some sort. More sleepless nights!!
Can you recommend anything I could add to his diet to raise his red blood count?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Really? In Turkey, it’s the groom’s family. The bride’s family have their responsibilities too but not as major.
Here in the SA it is supposed to be the brides family who covers everything except the drinks which is supposed to be covered by the grooms parents. But generally it is the bride and groom who end up paying with both families chipping in. Unless your parents can afford it.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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Earlier I mentioned that Rue stuck her head in deep in her soaking water and had a nice drink. That I did manage to get a photo of.View attachment 238592
In 4 years have never seen Lola drink in his soak.
Only caught him drinking at his water bowls a few times, He has a large plant saucer which he lies in and walks through and a smaller but deeper bowl in his room. (It was actually a porcelain serving dish which I have no need for).

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