
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I'm alive but can't say much more. I'm weak,sweating all the time,achey all over, blood pressure is all over the place, headaches, dizzy spells.
Are you in hospital. I think you should be until they can get you back to normal. And how is your turtle doing? It must be very difficult for you going through this and having just gotten your turtle after so long.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I'm glad I have yet to encounter this wool spider, the leprechauns kind of annoying though, who let this guy in?

I am a friendly alien, unless your a cat. We eat cats on my home planet Melmac. Melmac actually blew up when everyone accidentally plugged in their hair dryers at the same time. I was cruising thru space at that time, and happened to crash land in the Tanners garage. They were nice enough to let me stay, I just have to hide from the neighbors the Ochmoneks. True story, and definitely not the plot of an old tv show..........
Whahaha. You are most definitly going to fit in here. Welcome to the family.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Greetings, Roomies!:)
I'm just popping in with a word from our Dark Lord, whom I "see" sometimes when I'm on the Fossil Forum.
He sends his love to all and expects to be back here on TFO some time after the World Cup!!! :):):)
Yayyy. That is good to hear. Looking forward to more craziness. Hee Hee Hee Hee.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Good Mornooning All.
Dam but this weather is driving me crazy. It is really cold in the morning then gets hot during the day. I don't know whether I am cold or hot anymore. On the plus side......I survived Monday only 4 more days to go until weekend. [emoji6]

Good morning, my optimistic friend! :)
What’s driving me crazy right now is having to stay indoors (because daughter is sick). I wasn’t even aware how dependent I have become on daily walks to feel good. Can’t really concentrate on any work either, so I’m just waiting for her to get better.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good morning, my optimistic friend! :)
What’s driving me crazy right now is having to stay indoors (because daughter is sick). I wasn’t even aware how dependent I have become on daily walks to feel good. Can’t really concentrate on any work either, so I’m just waiting for her to get better.
Oh dear. Sending some good get better vibes your daughters way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I'm glad I have yet to encounter this wool spider, the leprechauns kind of annoying though, who let this guy in?

I am a friendly alien, unless your a cat. We eat cats on my home planet Melmac. Melmac actually blew up when everyone accidentally plugged in their hair dryers at the same time. I was cruising thru space at that time, and happened to crash land in the Tanners garage. They were nice enough to let me stay, I just have to hide from the neighbors the Ochmoneks. True story, and definitely not the plot of an old tv show..........
So did anyone else survive the destruction of your planet? And I think that I'll keep Bella away from you if you don't mind.


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10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Good morning, my optimistic friend! :)
What’s driving me crazy right now is having to stay indoors (because daughter is sick). I wasn’t even aware how dependent I have become on daily walks to feel good. Can’t really concentrate on any work either, so I’m just waiting for her to get better.

Going stir crazy :(

Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
Is it just a vacation trip, or are you going to visit relatives?

I’m not sure I answered, but I was going to!
It’s a vacation/scouting trip mostly. We’ll be seeing a friend who lives in New Jersey, but won’t be able to see husband’s cousin who lives in Montreal. The chief plan though is to take daughter to the Natural History Museum in New York, and then learn more about Canada and Canadians as we might move there next.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I’m not sure I answered, but I was going to!
It’s a vacation/scouting trip mostly. We’ll be seeing a friend who lives in New Jersey, but won’t be able to see husband’s cousin who lives in Montreal. The chief plan though is to take daughter to the Natural History Museum in New York, and then learn more about Canada and Canadians as we might move there next.
Hmmm. Spying on the Canadians you Are!

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