
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
I have a bit of a dilemma on my hands.
One of my neighbours is an Independent councillor and a pretty good one - he keeps everyone informed via social media etc and isn't afraid to speak up for people in his ward. He is a good neighbour too However, he has set his sights on turning an overgrown area full of trees and shrubs into a community garden and has people coming next week to clear it.
I don't use facebook much so didn't know anything about it until today and politely suggested that he needs to check for bird nests and hedgehogs etc as it has been just left to grow wild for many years. Also told him the nesting season is March to August. He said that most of the trees will probably be left but I pointed out that some species like the lower shrubs and brambles. He has suggested I go and have a look - which I will first thing in the morning - but I would really prefer it if he left this until autumn. Any ideas for how I can persuade him to postpone the work he has arranged to destroy this little haven for wildlife. Obviously I don't want to fall out with him.
You will just have to find the evidence.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Carol I was thinking about a acupuncturist for my amputated right hand. 27/7 it feels like when you hit your thumb with a hammer.
Pressure, pain and when it's real bad. My invisible fingers hurt. Do you think it might help? I still need to try the mirror box.
Acupuncture takes a while to work. It also depends on the person. It works for some and not for others. I would say that you have nothing to loose to try it. And everything to gain if you respond well to it. The trick is is to find someone who is good at it.


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Oct 26, 2011
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[emoji85] I could not do that anymore. When I started going out with my husband (in my 20's) I was able to do that. But not anymore.

Same for me! I can’t tolerate the caffeine any more and I do need sleep.

I read once that the definition of middle-aged was “when the thought of the morning after is enough to put you off the night before” [emoji23]


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Same for me! I can’t tolerate the caffeine any more and I do need sleep.

I read once that the definition of middle-aged was “when the thought of the morning after is enough to put you off the night before” [emoji23]
Whahaha. That is so totally me. [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]


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Oct 26, 2011
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Acupuncture takes a while to work. It also depends on the person. It works for some and not for others. I would say that you have nothing to loose to try it. And everything to gain if you respond well to it. The trick is is to find someone who is good at it.

It also depends on the practitioner. My physio osteopath is also a qualified acupuncturist and tells me why she is pitting the needles in and what she expects to happen. She asks me to focus my mind on those areas while the needles are doing their thing.

It’s possibly all in my mind, but sometimes I can feel things moving. It’s a very odd sensation


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Oct 26, 2011
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Good Morning Linda.

Good morning Carol. And any other early birds :)

Welcome to sunny Eastbourne where it’s already 21C/70F at 10am with a gentle breeze. It’s lovely :) Today is likely to be the hottest day of the year so far and the horrid high humidity has gone.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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It is illegal to disturb bird nests and to cut back hedgerows before 1 Sept. You need to mobilise those on social media. Can you email someone at your local wildlife trust?

Daughter says it’s a disaster for the slow worms and other reptiles too if undergrowth is cut back at this time of year. Long grass and undergrowth should be cut back once a year in the autumn and then to no less than 6 inches high which suits both the pollinating plants and the reptiles

Can he be persuaded to turn it into a community wildlife garden ? The wildlife trust would advise and Springwatch has made this idea very trendy. He might take that on board.
I have been there this morning but I couldn't get in as it is thick with undergrowth. Two pigeons are nesting in a tree among the ivy and I saw pair of blackbirds popping in and out; sparrows are about but I couldn't see any nests from boundary. Lots of bees and butterflies on the plentiful supply of buddleia and I think rats are in there as I spotted a hole on the outside bank, but couldn't see if any hedgehogs /toads etc were under it all. He has told me the men are going there on Tuesday and I'm welcome to go up then, but that will be too late if they are there to start the clearing. I have informed him of what I have seen and will post a link for the Wildlife and Countryside Act and ask if he needs the county ecologist to advise first. don't know what the next door neighbour who shares a boundary wit this land will think, they will lose a lot of privacy - I was hoping they would come out and ask me what I was doing so I could have a chat, but it was a bit early to knock on their door. I wouldn't want a community garden next door to me especially of teenagers are likely to hang about there.


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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
I have been there this morning but I couldn't get in as it is thick with undergrowth. Two pigeons are nesting in a tree among the ivy and I saw pair of blackbirds popping in and out; sparrows are about but I couldn't see any nests from boundary. Lots of bees and butterflies on the plentiful supply of buddleia and I think rats are in there as I spotted a hole on the outside bank, but couldn't see if any hedgehogs /toads etc were under it all. He has told me the men are going there on Tuesday and I'm welcome to go up then, but that will be too late if they are there to start the clearing. I have informed him of what I have seen and will post a link for the Wildlife and Countryside Act and ask if he needs the county ecologist to advise first. don't know what the next door neighbour who shares a boundary wit this land will think, they will lose a lot of privacy - I was hoping they would come out and ask me what I was doing so I could have a chat, but it was a bit early to knock on their door. I wouldn't want a community garden next door to me especially of teenagers are likely to hang about there.

That’s where planting it for nature can help. The two best trees are our native holly and hawthorn... planted right they’re not an attractive proposition for loitering youths : D


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Oct 26, 2011
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Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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@Lyn W I just bought this book this morning. I’ll let you know if it’s any good. The author is the woman off Springwatch that turned her tiny garden into a wildlife haven.

Wildlife Gardening: For Everyone and Everything (The Wildlife Trusts) ISBN-13: 978-1472956057
Thanks, I'll have a look at that. I saw some of her garden but didn't see the end result so will look it up.

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