Lyn W

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5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Good morning/afternoon all.
A good day for drying washing outside today so the washing machines been busy.
I have to take my nephew shopping for some new bedding which he needs later. I've been helping him with a good clean and noticed he's getting low on decent sheets etc. - not something he would notice himself. IT will be nice to spend someone else's money for a change!!

Hope you're all well and having a good Wednesday in spite of the horrendous weather some of you may be having.
Take care and TTFN

Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Glad you're all Ok Ray
I see they've evacuated the Big Bend areas because of waves of 16 feet expected to hit land. Not everyone would go though so I hope they'll be Ok.
One old guy they interviewed was saying he wasn't going anywhere and 'if you don't expect to get a wet butt now and then you shouldn't live near the coast!' His home looked like a flimsy shack though so I worry about his chances.
We'll be getting a Blue Moon tonight (not the colour of it - the second full moon in a month) It has been a beautiful red colour the last couple of nights as it's risen.
I saw it starting last night. We may be able to see the super blue moon tonight even better from what I hear.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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I saw it starting last night. We may be able to see the super blue moon tonight even better from what I hear.
Yes it's a bit cloudy here but we can see it in the gaps. The next Super Blue Moon won't be until 2037 so a sight worth seeing!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
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Jul 22, 2014
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I'm a halfassed ok. I've had a cold and guests too. Then my phone got updated so I had to fix all that etc etc. Along with my usual chaos so yes I'm still on planet Earth which means I'm ok ☺️. Hello 🤗 I got this.
Keep on keeping on Cathie - that's all we can do!

Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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There were people form the USA who travelled across the pond for the hunt, all hoping to catch a sight of it but apart from some unexplained sounds on the sonar they all left disappointed.
Nessy was probably hiding from all the visitors. 😉I don't blame the critter. I would too. Since Nessy is so different it's hard to tell what kind of place would be their nest. Too many people have reported seeing them for me not to believe they exist. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to think there is animals we haven't seen yet. Of course there are.🤗

Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Looks like the outer bands of hurricane Idalia will miss us. We had a hard windy downpour from a outer band around 5pm for a hr. We might get some rain in the morning. I feel sorry for people in the area where it will make landfall. That area is like a bowl. With the full moon, the incoming tide will be higher than usual. The storm surge will be devastating because of that area. I believe that area is only 4' above sea-level. With storm surge in the excess of 12'. It probably won't be a good outcome. 😕
Well... I'm so glad it missed you and other friends here that I know of. I've been sick so I haven't been able to keep up with all of what went on when the hurricane landed up in the panhandle. I'm still sending 🙏🤗 anyway still though.


Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Well... I'm so glad it missed you and other friends here that I know of. I've been sick so I haven't been able to keep up with all of what went on when the hurricane landed up in the panhandle. I'm still sending 🙏🤗 anyway still though.
Hope you feel better soon. My brother and 2 of my friends. Ended up with covid last week.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
Blow right through that cold, just tell it to go's amazing how being direct, can help! Call me crazy, I promise you won't be the 1st.....but I don't get sick so maybe, just maybe.....LOL Hope you are all better now Ms Cathie!

The weather here has turned. It's still going to be 90F all next week but the gaps in the woods are beginning to grow and that is a sure sign!

Yardwork weekend and I'm going to work Kerry like a rented mule this w/e!
Next w/e is us over working on Kerry's yard so I'll get money's worth out of her this weekend!

Yesterday I sent out the rear mower with the height set really low to "scalp" the yard before seeding.....and it was taking a knee with a red blinking light when I spotted it from the deck. I walked up to it and began cut it's own perimeter wire and it shuts off when it doesn't sense it. I called a timeout grabbed the battery soldering gun(thanks youngest daughter-its a lifesaver) and stuff, 5 minutes and 10 mosquito bites later he's back in the game.....I set the deck height a little higher...I'm such an idiot sometimes....LOL

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Kerry would be SO mad at me.....but come on, it's keeps getting posted!!

The only thing keeping me from doing it since I think I could repair my relationship with Kerry is that I would likely kill myself, by accident of course.

What did that Dr say on Tuesday "You're 65 & a half, its not like you are doing anything dangerous anymore, right?"


enjoy the day's Gorgeous out here!

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I got a voicemail on my phone yesterday from pearle vison wanting to discuss my "billing" I paid them in full and in fact I confirmed it that Discover paid them $460 on 8/7. I wondered what the issue could be?

Do you call back?

Of they are refunding my card $250!!!

They overcharged me and we're honest about it!


Excellent lens btw- best I've ever had since glass was no available!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I went outside last night to try and get a sight and picture of the super blue 💙 moon. We had so many clouds that I couldn't get a full view. I think the pictures are interesting anyway. It looks like there's a light tornado in the clouds.IMG_20230830_212743328.jpgIMG_20230830_212724381.jpg


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 11, 2020
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El Sobrante, CA.
Kerry would be SO mad at me.....but come on, it's keeps getting posted!!

The only thing keeping me from doing it since I think I could repair my relationship with Kerry is that I would likely kill myself, by accident of course.

What did that Dr say on Tuesday "You're 65 & a half, its not like you are doing anything dangerous anymore, right?"


enjoy the day's Gorgeous out here!
Ah, but Jeff . . you'd look So'oooo GOOD in it, and it would be a hellava lot of fun!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Those pics are neat but they are creepy!!.....I think it's cool that we can take ANY pic at night, much less as good as those.....nicely done!

MG is trying to goad me into getting myself into trouble because she can tell I'm the kind that will often take the bait...and she's right, I am and she's also right, it would be a lot of fun....not so sure about the "look good" part though. I think it would mostly look like an old man trying to relive his youth? Those are bad optics for me, humiliating for me personally, but maybe in that tinted poly cockpit, where no one can see who "Pisces-2" on the river is, like a secret identity and no one will no a broken down old man is the driver. Think maybe I watched too much tv in the sixties?

FRIDAY.....before a 3 day. Kerry is coming over b/c she is off today & she's bringing the scooters for some park time! Even if I don't get a chance to swim, the park is cool.

I was thinking about surprising her and taking her to Calvert Cliffs she can find fossils for her class. If you go on Sunday's, no Rangers are present to shoo you away from the cliff faces where the good stuff is. They collapse over time into the water so the cops are just trying to keep you alive. With 2 people working together where 1 watches the cliff face from the water for cracks & the other searches, danger is reduced.

I don't want to experience the irony of being killed by a falling Megalodon tooth that had waited 12 million years lodged in the earth only to kill again! LOL Holding the remains of something that lived 10-15 million years ago is a trip...we've been around how long, 1.9-2 Mil years?

enjoy the day guys

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning all. Happy Saturday and Happy September too!
It's a bit grey here again but dry, and the weather is supposed to improve from today and into next week - just as all the kids go back to school - I bet they (and especially the staff) will be cursing! 🤬

There was a really interesting programme on BBC tv yesterday about the evolution of torts and their shells called - David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities - Incredible Shells - you may be able to find it if you Google. The second half was about bird egg shells.
It was sad to hear that whaling ships used to take giant torts from places like the Galapagos Islands as fresh food sources and keep them alive with just water until they slaughtered them. Incredible numbers lost - as well as all the whales :( Mankind has a lot to answer for!

I'm waiting for my nephew to arrive as we are off out on another spending spree to look for some new chairs for him - the ones he has are falling apart. They are going to have to be really sturdy as he is quite a large man so I've warned him we'll be spending quite a bit of cash - I'm just glad it's not mine!!!

Have a good day and I'll see you later.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning all. Happy Saturday and Happy September too!
It's a bit grey here again but dry, and the weather is supposed to improve from today and into next week - just as all the kids go back to school - I bet they (and especially the staff) will be cursing! 🤬

There was a really interesting programme on BBC tv yesterday about the evolution of torts and their shells called - David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities - Incredible Shells - you may be able to find it if you Google. The second half was about bird egg shells.
It was sad to hear that whaling ships used to take giant torts from places like the Galapagos Islands as fresh food sources and keep them alive with just water until they slaughtered them. Incredible numbers lost - as well as all the whales :( Mankind has a lot to answer for!

I'm waiting for my nephew to arrive as we are off out on another spending spree to look for some new chairs for him - the ones he has are falling apart. They are going to have to be really sturdy as he is quite a large man so I've warned him we'll be spending quite a bit of cash - I'm just glad it's not mine!!!

Have a good day and I'll see you later.
Dear @Lyn W,

I hope you got to see my photo

Jacky the tortoise