jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Kerry is trying her best to kill me.....H-E-L-P!

I guess part of it is my own fault, I keep trying to impress a teacher. LOL

We did a marathon day yesterday...but all the yard work is done for both houses...that's a big event for us. Friends came over in the evening for a couple hours and we ordered dinner, no one felt like cooking....but then this morning at 6AM Kerry says, we have to leave in 20 minutes. What? Breakfast with the friends from last night, 30 miles away! Yeah, I agreed to it but Kerry is getting smart, she catches me right after a "smoke break" knowing that I'll agree. I told her that her tactics are "cheesy".....LOL

My stupid thing for the weekend:
I got to her house at 12:30 Friday while she was still in school so I went out to drop the mower deck on her Craftsman mower that she bought from one of my guys at work. It needs new blades, bad! I disconnected the deck....then lifted the tractor off of wouldn't come out the side! It only weighs around 490lbs & I lifted the rear but once I stood up with the rear tires 10" off the ground, , one of the mower deck "arms" got stuck underneath and I was afraid to set it down because I couldn't see it and I didn't want to damage it. I felt silly. I sat there holding it for a while, thinking about where it was going to go & what an idiot I am sometimes. It got done without damage but when I woke at 2am Sat with blinding pain in the muscles on the side of my neck, I was reminded of my pigheadedness! LOL We went to Ace before we started work Saturday but I wasn't willing to pay 55 bucks for a set of new blades. She won't need them for a couple weeks so I'll order them tonight. for 30 dollars.

Got my laundry done and folded...sitting on the bed still but clean and folded. I'm pretty beat today.....I see my chiro guy at noon tomorrow....prob a good thing!

T's pic looked like a grown up version of the boy at the store last week!

enjoy guys....


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Kerry is trying her best to kill me.....H-E-L-P!

I guess part of it is my own fault, I keep trying to impress a teacher. LOL

We did a marathon day yesterday...but all the yard work is done for both houses...that's a big event for us. Friends came over in the evening for a couple hours and we ordered dinner, no one felt like cooking....but then this morning at 6AM Kerry says, we have to leave in 20 minutes. What? Breakfast with the friends from last night, 30 miles away! Yeah, I agreed to it but Kerry is getting smart, she catches me right after a "smoke break" knowing that I'll agree. I told her that her tactics are "cheesy".....LOL

My stupid thing for the weekend:
I got to her house at 12:30 Friday while she was still in school so I went out to drop the mower deck on her Craftsman mower that she bought from one of my guys at work. It needs new blades, bad! I disconnected the deck....then lifted the tractor off of wouldn't come out the side! It only weighs around 490lbs & I lifted the rear but once I stood up with the rear tires 10" off the ground, , one of the mower deck "arms" got stuck underneath and I was afraid to set it down because I couldn't see it and I didn't want to damage it. I felt silly. I sat there holding it for a while, thinking about where it was going to go & what an idiot I am sometimes. It got done without damage but when I woke at 2am Sat with blinding pain in the muscles on the side of my neck, I was reminded of my pigheadedness! LOL We went to Ace before we started work Saturday but I wasn't willing to pay 55 bucks for a set of new blades. She won't need them for a couple weeks so I'll order them tonight. for 30 dollars.

Got my laundry done and folded...sitting on the bed still but clean and folded. I'm pretty beat today.....I see my chiro guy at noon tomorrow....prob a good thing!

T's pic looked like a grown up version of the boy at the store last week!

enjoy guys....


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Thanks Mark, I called a plumber that I have done business with. He gave me some info. I think I made a bone head move. I will check tomorrow, I didn't get a chance today. I had a doctor's appointment. If I made the bone head move. I will definitely share!😁
I never finished my pump issue with you all. Like I said to Mark, there was a bone head mistake I needed to confirm. Keep in mind I have recharged and replaced many pressure tanks for water wells. The air compressor I was using. Was the kind you plug into the power port in your car.( I didn't feel like dragging out the other compressor). I also didn't open the bibcock nearest to the pressure tank. So the weak air compressor couldn't push the water out of the tank. So the Strader valve wouldn't accept air. So I opened the bibcock and water started coming out. Put the air compressor back on. Emptied the tank of all the water and set the psi at 28psi. Everything is working fine but my memory. How many times I have done this and I forgot to open the bibcock. 🤪

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Good for you Ray, RESOLVING it is the most important thing! You need to take care of your wife and she needs water. Now, when you are done reading this post, open Word and type the directions for the well, print them and tape them to the well!

I was kinda floored by the pressures you were using but I just figured that my DA(dumb as., Yes I meant that :)) friend was going to learn a lesson.....looks like he did.

So to get this straight in my head, you thought or "knew" that your expansion tank was waterlogged? You thought the bladder had lost all it's air?
I was just trying to figure out what spurned you to attack the tank with the compressor in the first were saying that your pump was short-cycling I remember. I really don't know well sys very well but I have all the same stuff you do for me this is a learning experience, with none of the risk! Thanks buddy!

When Kerry and I were done her yard work yesterday morning, we fired up the sprinklers to check each zone. The two Big water tossing zones in the rear were hanging up....they are the impact type purely for the sound of them.....I love the Tsk, Tsk, Tsk sound but they can hang in low pressure situations. I know one day I'll prob have to change them to the boring water-motor type. :( We had noticed this was beginning to happen more and more. I ducked into the crawlspace to get cozy with the spiders and reset her low end to 52 and her high end to 72. 7psi on each end higher. Sprinklers work great again!
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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Good for you Ray, RESOLVING it is the most important thing! You need to take care of your wife and she needs water. Now, when you are done reading this post, open Word and type the directions for the well, print them and tape them to the well!

I was kinda floored by the pressures you were using but I just figured that my DA(dumb as., Yes I meant that :)) friend was going to learn a lesson.....looks like he did.

So to get this straight in my head, you thought or "knew" that your expansion tank was waterlogged? You thought the bladder had lost all it's air?
I was just trying to figure out what spurned you to attack the tank with the compressor in the first were saying that your pump was short-cycling I remember. I really don't know well sys very well but I have all the same stuff you do for me this is a learning experience, with none of the risk! Thanks buddy!

When Kerry and I were done her yard work yesterday morning, we fired up the sprinklers to check each zone. The two Big water tossing zones in the rear were hanging up....they are the impact type purely for the sound of them.....I love the Tsk, Tsk, Tsk sound but they can hang in low pressure situations. I know one day I'll prob have to change them to the boring water-motor type. :( We had noticed this was beginning to happen more and more. I ducked into the crawlspace to get cozy with the spiders and reset her low end to 52 and her high end to 72. 7psi on each end higher. Sprinklers work great again!
When the pump starts short cycling. The first thing to check is the pressure tank. If you try to release air from the air valve stem and water comes out. You know the tank is no good because only air should come out. When water comes out that means the bladder has a hole in it. You need to replace the tank. If only air comes out, you need to drain the tank completely of water. Then put the proper psi in the tank. Once you start the system back up. If you still get short cycling. Then it usually will be the pressure control switch.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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When the pump starts short cycling. The first thing to check is the pressure tank. If you try to release air from the air valve stem and water comes out. You know the tank is no good because only air should come out. When water comes out that means the bladder has a hole in it. You need to replace the tank. If only air comes out, you need to drain the tank completely of water. Then put the proper psi in the tank. Once you start the system back up. If you still get short cycling. Then it usually will be the pressure control switch.
When that happens to my pressure system it means the tank is water logged. My son in law then drains the tank and fills it again. easy peasy

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Heck, you guys got this wired. All makes sense and thanks Ray. I really am glad you got it fixed without cost. Make that list and tape it to the tank.

I bought this house in Fall of '06....never touched the well system other than adjusting the spread pressure limits up to human inhabitation standards when I first moved in, my low pressure is 60psi, my high is 85. I've got whirlpools, I need volume to fill. They had some crazy low pressures 35-60.

It's 75F out and I have two humming birds today, one female from the summer and a traveler.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Heck, you guys got this wired. All makes sense and thanks Ray. I really am glad you got it fixed without cost. Make that list and tape it to the tank.

I bought this house in Fall of '06....never touched the well system other than adjusting the spread pressure limits up to human inhabitation standards when I first moved in, my low pressure is 60psi, my high is 85. I've got whirlpools, I need volume to fill. They had some crazy low pressures 35-60.

It's 75F out and I have two humming birds today, one female from the summer and a traveler.
I hate to think I will have to post instructions on things I have done all my adult life. 🙃
Up in Northern Michigan we removed the hummingbird feeders in the beginning of September. So they would start their migration. In MD you can probably wait a little longer before it gets to cold.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I never finished my pump issue with you all. Like I said to Mark, there was a bone head mistake I needed to confirm. Keep in mind I have recharged and replaced many pressure tanks for water wells. The air compressor I was using. Was the kind you plug into the power port in your car.( I didn't feel like dragging out the other compressor). I also didn't open the bibcock nearest to the pressure tank. So the weak air compressor couldn't push the water out of the tank. So the Strader valve wouldn't accept air. So I opened the bibcock and water started coming out. Put the air compressor back on. Emptied the tank of all the water and set the psi at 28psi. Everything is working fine but my memory. How many times I have done this and I forgot to open the bibcock. 🤪
Story of my life 😭 I have to drag the book out everytime! Usually that only helps a bit because where is it in the dang book!!!!?🥴

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Heck, you guys got this wired. All makes sense and thanks Ray. I really am glad you got it fixed without cost. Make that list and tape it to the tank.

I bought this house in Fall of '06....never touched the well system other than adjusting the spread pressure limits up to human inhabitation standards when I first moved in, my low pressure is 60psi, my high is 85. I've got whirlpools, I need volume to fill. They had some crazy low pressures 35-60.

It's 75F out and I have two humming birds today, one female from the summer and a traveler.
Yes I'm thinking along those lines also. I've seen a little hummer today so I have at least a couple of weeks to go. We'll see how long

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Wow, that's some bag Ms Cathie.....congrats on making something whimsical!
That is a real good discription of the gypsy bag 😁 from concept to the end. The dark green thread is crochet thread I inherited from my mom in 2014 and finally found a perfect place for it.😊

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