Concerned about my dogtoise's shell! Beginning separation of the scutes...!

Diesel Dogtoise

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Dec 5, 2021
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Los Angeles
"Diesel", my dogtoise (he's a tortoise who thinks he's a dog, the way he follows me all around the yard) is healthy, active, good eater, good pooper. But recently I notice what appears to be a separation of some rearward scutes on his shell. I'm feeding him mostly wild grass, weeds and hay, with minimal veggies and fruit. He lives in my large Southern California backyard, and sleeps in a wooden dog(toise) house, with a heat pad attached to the back wall. He rarely drinks the water I give him, but I pre-soak his food in water, so he's getting some water in addition to the water content of his food itself.

Here are some pics. What is happening here and what should I do?


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Do you soak him in warm shallow water?


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The 3rd and 4th pic have some perpendicular fine scratches. Maybe got stuck under something. Do you have dogs or some other type of critters that could have caused those scratches?

Diesel Dogtoise

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Dec 5, 2021
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No dogs in my yard. There are oppossums and raccoons around my area but they've not seemed to bother with Diesel, as he's getting pretty large. No evidence of attack. Nothing but a bamboo jungle for him to climb under and that wouldn't scratch his shell. My concern is the separation of the scutes in two places, equally separated on both side toward the rear. Like they're tearing open slightly.
The 3rd and 4th pic have some perpendicular fine scratches. Maybe got stuck under something. Do you have dogs or some other type of critters that could have caused those scratches?


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Opo got a split in his scute. I just kept it clean to make sure no bugs laid eggs. It finally closed up in about 2 weeks.

How big his he now? Big enough to lift? If so I would get a kidde pool. I have a 100' garden hose. In the morning I stretch it out in the yard with the nozzle on. I turn the water on to make sure there is water in it. With the hose laying in the sun,the water gets real hot. I fill the pool and by the time the cooler water is coming out. I keep putting water in till it is warm. I have figured out how deep and temp Opo likes. Sometimes I need to get hot water in the house. I would keep trying and maybe he will get used to it. Sometimes Opo stays in for 1 hr. Sometimes he walks right out.

Yvonne G

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You need to soak him something with tall sides that he can't climb out of. It's for his own good, whether he likes it or not.


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He absolutely needs to be soaked! He's too dry and that long term will affect his organs...For my 100+ lb Sulcata...I had the same I dug a hole and cemented the bottom only...then filled it with water and kept it full and shoved the tort in on a hot day. He started soaking himself and resting on the bottom. He played in the water that way, until he died at 17. Mary Knobbins (35 lbs) uses the same hole and so do the box might try it...100_5048.JPG
she was already pyramided when I got her. She swims good and now she goes into the water on her might try it...

Diesel Dogtoise

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Dec 5, 2021
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Maggie ~ Thanks for the reply and pic. How deep is that "swimming pool" you built? So the sides are just dirt with a cement floor? Doesn't it just cave in as the soaked sides collapse? You mentioned your 100+ lb tort died at 17. Seventeen years old? How did it get that big so fast, and why did it die so young?

I have a pair of box turtles as well. I've never introduced them to Diesel, my Sulcata, as I was afraid he'd be aggressive toward them. Yours get along?


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Maggie ~ Thanks for the reply and pic. How deep is that "swimming pool" you built? So the sides are just dirt with a cement floor? Doesn't it just cave in as the soaked sides collapse? You mentioned your 100+ lb tort died at 17. Seventeen years old? How did it get that big so fast, and why did it die so young?

I have a pair of box turtles as well. I've never introduced them to Diesel, my Sulcata, as I was afraid he'd be aggressive toward them. Yours get along?
I don't allow Mary to swim if the box turtles are out. The sides are not soft loose dirt it's heavily planted clover and grass. It's up to my knees, very nice in summer...freaks out the box turtles when I sit on the bank and put my legs in. Bob had surgery for a bladder stone that weighed over a pound, the surgery attempted by someone without enuf experience...Bob did not survive the surgery

Yvonne G

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. . . a couple degrees BELOW human body temp!


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No, I've only done it a few times as he climbs out of the water. Doesn't seem to like bathtime! Does his shell appear too dry?
Tip: use a high sided bowl they can not see or walk out of! I soak mine for 40 mins 3 times a week in shallow warm water he drinks, poos and wees and I change the water by switching him to another prepared bowl when cold or messy. Your tort looks dry so really recommend soaks. It helps to get a temperature gun to check water in UK 33 Celcium. Also try using coconut oil on the scutes to moisturise the old and new growth.

Diesel Dogtoise

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Dec 5, 2021
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Tip: use a high sided bowl they can not see or walk out of! I soak mine for 40 mins 3 times a week in shallow warm water he drinks, poos and wees and I change the water by switching him to another prepared bowl when cold or messy. Your tort looks dry so really recommend soaks. It helps to get a temperature gun to check water in UK 33 Celcium. Also try using coconut oil on the scutes to moisturise the old and new growth.
About 92 degrees F. Got it! Thanks! How deep is the water relative to his shell? Obviously we can't submerge them, so do you just splash the water over his shell?

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