

Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Florida
Cupcake weight today 800 grams
I have a weird question Cupcake is out daily in the morning to wander my lanai. I put outdone food and also this is where he gets his soaks.
In the lady few days I noticed he walks over to a certain area understand lawn chair and poops there
He's done this 3 days out of 5 in the same spot. Is it possible he has a favored poop spot? Has anyone ever experienced somthing similar?

Yvonne G

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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
My Aldabran tortoises wake up in the a.m. and just sit there in their house or in a corner of the yard - wherever they happened to go to sleep at night. After about a half hour they will raise up and look like they're in the zone, then after a bit poop and pee comes out. Then they go outside and sit in the sun before wandering around grazing. They DO poop throughout the day, but never in a certain spot. Just wherever the spirit moves them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Florida
My Aldabran tortoises wake up in the a.m. and just sit there in their house or in a corner of the yard - wherever they happened to go to sleep at night. After about a half hour they will raise up and look like they're in the zone, then after a bit poop and pee comes out. Then they go outside and sit in the sun before wandering around grazing. They DO poop throughout the day, but never in a certain spot. Just wherever the spirit moves them.
I'll have to keep watching him. It would be funny if he poops in same place everyday.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Florida
image.jpg After a bath. He does this funny thing. You can't see it in the picture. But if I spray him with the water bottle - like its raining on his shell, He stands up first on hind legs then all the way up on all four. Kind of like when I've seen others stand to get rubbed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Florida
Cupcake is 886 gr. today. At 10 mos old he is 1.95lbs !

I'm sure as I get more used to him I won't be updating so much , but he still amazes me. I remember long ago seeing a big one in a zoo and thinking someday I'll have the time and space to raise one.

I guess this is my " someday" and I'm enjoying him ( her?) so much.

I appreciate @ALDABRAMAN for the great start he gave this baby. Such a healthy little scooter :)

He's already much less afraid of me. Getting used to me being around, doesn't hide in his shell when I walk by, and will eat a hibiscus flower out of my hand.
Let's me stroke his back legs and stands up for it. Still neck and head shy but that will pass.
Already planning his outside shed for next summer. Building his environment is a large part of the fun !


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Florida
Building heated outside hide box. One side for my sulcata Tiny, the other for Cupcake. The box will go right up against the divide in their outside surrounds. They can't get to or see each other. It's heated with a hound heater , fully insulated, heavy ! We get cool nights in the winter - want him to be able to sleep in 85f and go in and out during the day to graze and get sun.
he's not spoiled ..... Not a bit :). image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Florida
Cupcake was 947grams on Nov 1st. Just over 2 lbs at 11 months Seems to be steady and not too fast. He eats a good variety of grass and weeds, loves hibiscus, purslane, mazuri, mulberry leaves, bamboo leaves, and occasional ground up pumpkin ( with seeds ).

Now that we are in winter ( for Florida) seems to spend more time just hunkered into his hide box in the warmth. Only comes out at the warmest part of day to graze , and yesterday only got up to 72f here. I expect his growth to slow a bit for the next few months.

I still soak him every other day , but he's not a fan of this. Just sits in there looking at me as if to say " really?... When can I get outta here?" :).