Does my baby sulcata look healthy??


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
Just wanted some feedback on my baby sulcata I give him 2 soaks a day and I soak him outside in natural sunlight at least 3 times a week but I just wanted to know if he looked healthy. I have recently noticed his urates looked like small pebbles and it has gotten to look like sand this was very sudden it has been 2 days and I have been soaking him longer than usual he poops ALOT in his soak and they seem fine I have also noticed small white spots on his shell is this normal?



Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Are you soaking after you take him outside?
If not you should. The sunlight can dehydrate him. The urates should be like toothpaste. Not rocks or gritty looking. My sully when young produced urates often. Even soaking everyday after being outside.
Also have a water dish for him.
I think its a learning curve them. Drinking enough water when soaking. Is your enclosure completely enclosed to hold the humidity in at about 80%<. What temp and what heat are you using at the basking area?
He looks healthy.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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How long have you had him? Looks like he was housed too dry in the past. This would account for the urates and the pyramiding. In time, with the right care and conditions, the urates will stop and he will grow smoother.


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
He looks very healthy. What are you using as substrate and what are you feeding

Thank you I just wanted to make sure and I’m using coco coir and cypress mulch and I keep it very moist it is usually 85-90% humidity and 100-83 degrees across the enclosure (100 being the basking haha)


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
Are you soaking after you take him outside?
If not you should. The sunlight can dehydrate him. The urates should be like toothpaste. Not rocks or gritty looking. My sully when young produced urates often. Even soaking everyday after being outside.
Also have a water dish for him.
I think its a learning curve them. Drinking enough water when soaking. Is your enclosure completely enclosed to hold the humidity in at about 80%<. What temp and what heat are you using at the basking area?
He looks healthy.

Yes I don’t let him outside everyday just once and whole but I soaks him 2 times a day once in the morning for about 25min and then a second time outside for about 30min and I feed him zilla pellets for land turtle and tortoises he loves them but I mix them with a different veggie usually for right now I am using kale and turnip greens and yes the enclosure is closer and humidity is always above 80% and substrate is always moist and temps range from 100-83 degrees across the whole enclosure


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
How long have you had him? Looks like he was housed too dry in the past. This would account for the urates and the pyramiding. In time, with the right care and conditions, the urates will stop and he will grow smoother.

Yes that’s what I was thinking as well when I saw the pyramiding and his urates even after 2 soaks daily I have had him for about 2 weeks now and he’s been eating and pooping a lot he loves his humid hide on the warmer side and he is active moving in and out in the heat and cooler side but I never see him use his water bowl I see him drink only when I’m soaking

Also tom i know you are a tortoise expert so I was wondering if the small white spot on his shell is normal??