Fire Ants in Florida

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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
What is the best way to eradicate fire ants in FL? Can any Southern members spare some tips?


10 Year Member!
May 6, 2010
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One of the best ways of controlling them is with Vinegar and Orange oil. If your other animals aren't in danger, you can alway drive PVC down into their chamber and pout a 2:1 mixture of Vinegar and bleach! But, this is absolutely toxic if you breathe amke sure you wear a mask and that you have it ready-to-go when you run your PVC. The vinegar/orange oil mixture can be sprayed on the ones that surface.


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Yeah I always use bleach or boiling water. dig up the nest as fast as possible and scold the remains, then sprinkle diatemaceous earth on the perimeter. They suck once they come into the area they usually are hard to rid of.


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I have never been able to completely git rid of them. The best control
I have used has been Amdro Fire Ant bait. I believe it is a organic and not a poision. Same way they control termites here, but I could easily be mistaken. Fire ant mounds really sprout up after a rain.


10 Year Member!
Nov 5, 2010
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I am experimenting with grits now, i usually hose them down every day until they move out of the yard.

Yvonne G

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Here are a few recipes:

Several Home-made Ant Remedies

1 – Boric Acid
1 Tablespoon of Boric Acid, 1 tsp of Sugar, 4 oz water, Cotton Balls.
Mix Boric Acid and Sugar in a bowl. This can be poured over a cotton wad in
a small dish or bottle cap. Keep this from drying out for continued
effectiveness. Place Cotton balls in path of Ants. If the ants are drawn to sugar, if you make a solution of boric acid and sugar, not too much boric acid initially, the ants will eat it up take it to their young and feed it to them. This method will kill the entire nest in about two weeks. The solution should initially be weak because you don't want them to taste the boric acid and you don't want to kill the ants before they feed the rest of the nest. If they are protein eating ants mix the boric acid in broth.

2 – Another Boric Acid

>> 1 teaspoon boric acid (available at any drug store,, $2.99 for 4 oz) 6 tablespoons sugar
>> 2 cups water
>> mix together in a jar till all dissolved,, label and store safely.
>>Soak a few cotton balls with it, then put them in a small, covered plastic >container (margarine or <?>) with a few small openings in it for the ants to >get in, (I also put a brick on top so other curious creatures could not get >in)and then freshen it 1-2 times a week.
>> This is a slow acting 1 percent solution to get them to take some back to
>> the nest and even feed the queen :>
>>after a few weeks changing to a 1/2 percent solution should keep them gone.

3 - bacon grease a margarine tub which is sunk into the ground level. The ants here can smell animal fat from what seems like a mile away...Around the outside of the margarine tub I place a big circle of boric acid...and cover it with a rock. The ants have to walk through the boric acid to get to the bacon grease, then back through it on the way out. If they get back to the nest carrying it on their legs, it kills whatever it comes into contact with. We have 4or 5 species of ants here...two of which are lethal!

4 - Found this in Jerry Bakers stuff
Ant Ambrosia
4-5 tbsp. of cornmeal
3 tbsp. of bacon grease
3 tbsp. of baking powder
3 packages of baker's yeast

Mix the cornmeal and bacon grease into a paste, then add the baking powder and yeast. Dab the gooey mix on the sides of jar lids, and set them near the anthills. The pesky critters will love it to death!!""

5 - If you can't find Everclear, liquefy orange peels and pour it around the ant hills. You may get fruit flies, but you won't have any trouble with ants!

6 - I have a friend that put a circle of diatomaceous earth around her aviaries and
effectively kept the ants out that way. She also uses it to directly attack any hills in the area.

7 - I believe that the "new age chalk" is a combination of diatomaceous earth and boric acid. Boric acid is the major component in "Roach Proof" and is a fairly benign and very effective means of insect control.

8 - Amdro is another effective treatment, but it is an actual poison, but safer than others. Both Amdro and Logic are baits that the ants pick up and take into the mound so that the queen eats it.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
TortoiseBoy1999 said:
Tom why would you ask this? You live in California?

Sometimes we have friends in other places. Sometimes we just wanna learn. :D
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