Hello from texas!


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Jun 23, 2015
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central texas
Hi I have been reading about tortoises for a while now. I tend to read a lot before I get something, and so I have been researching what to do for a tortoise.

I have been thinking about getting a sulcata tortoise and keeping them outside (my parents dont want it inside much) I live in central Texas and it gets cold in winter and can snow maybe once or twice a year. Would a heated buried box or heated house outside be ok in cold weather?

Also my Dad suggested me getting a male and female adults (we have plenty of yard to have separate enclosures.)

Yvonne G

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Hi Ray, and welcome to the Forum!

It is not recommended to get two tortoises. They are territorial and each will require its own space. Also, a sulcata female/male pairing will result in the female being harassed so badly by being bred all the time that she stays hidden, sometimes even stops eating.

Tortoises don't need or want the company of other tortoises.

Take a look through the Enclosure section to see how our members in colder climates deal with the cold weather.


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Hello and Welcome. Getting just one or a group if fine with lots of space, but not a pair. One may be more personable as you will be able to spend more time getting it used to you.
Btw, @tortadise should be able to help you weather wise and housing.


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Jun 23, 2015
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central texas
Hi Ray, and welcome to the Forum!

It is not recommended to get two tortoises. They are territorial and each will require its own space. Also, a sulcata female/male pairing will result in the female being harassed so badly by being bred all the time that she stays hidden, sometimes even stops eating.

Tortoises don't need or want the company of other tortoises.

Take a look through the Enclosure section to see how our members in colder climates deal with the cold weather.

I read that they don't like each other that's why I was going to have a separate enclosures is a fenced in area with a sight barrier deciding the middle good?


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Welcome to the forum. Sulcatas are great and a lot of work from what I read. Good luck!

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
Hello Ray View attachment 135809 I'm lost why not get one to prove you will take care of it if your sick or well , tired or awake , and rain or shine . And then if you can do that for 30 years get a second one that is 30 years old oh heck get two that are 30 years old . Good luck with your parents . Have a great tort day ! And by the way I don't have a Sulcata either !


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Jun 23, 2015
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central texas
Hello Ray View attachment 135809 I'm lost why not get one to prove you will take care of it if your sick or well , tired or awake , and rain or shine . And then if you can do that for 30 years get a second one that is 30 years old oh heck get two that are 30 years old . Good luck with your parents . Have a great tort day ! And by the way I don't have a Sulcata either !

Thanks for the concern, I am 22 and I will talk to them about getting one, I was planning on keeping them separated unless watched.

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
Thanks for the concern, I am 22 and I will talk to them about getting one, I was planning on keeping them separated unless watched.
What's wrong with the other tortoises ? I have 8 different types of torts and none are Sulcata's


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Welcome to the forum. If you plan on keeping your tortoises separate at all times you can get two of them females, males, or one of each it doesn't matter if they're separated. A hatchling would be a lot of fun to raise but the conditions have to be just right. There are many many adult or at least not baby :) sulcatas available all over craigslist and even here on the forum. But definitely do your research, they can get very distractive. i'm not trying to talk you out of it just saying know what you're getting into, many people don't and that's why they're tortoises are now up for adoption or sale.


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Jun 23, 2015
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central texas
Welcome to the forum. If you plan on keeping your tortoises separate at all times you can get two of them females, males, or one of each it doesn't matter if they're separated. A hatchling would be a lot of fun to raise but the conditions have to be just right. There are many many adult or at least not baby :) sulcatas available all over craigslist and even here on the forum. But definitely do your research, they can get very distractive. i'm not trying to talk you out of it just saying know what you're getting into, many people don't and that's why they're tortoises are now up for adoption or sale.

I would like to raise a baby one but my parents don't want another animal inside, my mom says she feels like we live in a zoo :rolleyes:

We decided on an adult or two outside would be alright, and then when I get my own place I can raise a clutch from them

Also why I want my own adults it because I read here that a lot of the babies are raised poorly and so they wont thrive good :(


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Welcome! I am in Southeast Texas (and am owned by a Sulcata) so I understand your concern. Have you been around Sulcata's? My uncle owns one so my favorite memories of are "Tank" growing up. I highly recommend your entire family visit a rescue (we have a few in Texas) and maybe even inquire about adopting an older one (if your mom is adamant about not letting a baby in the house.) Regardless, you will needed a heated shed (no matter what) as well as areas of intense coolness from our brutal summer heat. The forum has some fantastic articles that are a must read in regards to the care they need:


As well as some great articles on enclosures:



Active Member
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Jun 23, 2015
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central texas
Welcome! I am in Southeast Texas (and am owned by a Sulcata) so I understand your concern. Have you been around Sulcata's? My uncle owns one so my favorite memories of are "Tank" growing up. I highly recommend your entire family visit a rescue (we have a few in Texas) and maybe even inquire about adopting an older one (if your mom is adamant about not letting a baby in the house.) Regardless, you will needed a heated shed (no matter what) as well as areas of intense coolness from our brutal summer heat. The forum has some fantastic articles that are a must read in regards to the care they need:


As well as some great articles on enclosures:


My parents saw some at "franklin drive thru safari" but I wasn't with them, I plan on going to see it sometime with them tho. My dad was telling me I could have one until he found out it could burrow 20 ft:eek:

I told him it wont dig if it has a heated and humid house is that accurate? And could a big enough one be alright for outside? and I was planning on putting it around two semi tall oak trees is that enough shade? and would a buried hide where it can go underground but not dig a burrow, and would a mud pit or buried kiddie pool or both be good for here? I have read a lot of the stuff on the forum and I want it to be semi permanent because I don't know how long I will live here. I want to adopt an adult or two (with two enclosures). Someone suggested to get just one first and I will do that.


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My parents saw some at "franklin drive thru safari" but I wasn't with them, I plan on going to see it sometime with them tho. My dad was telling me I could have one until he found out it could burrow 20 ft:eek:

I told him it wont dig if it has a heated and humid house is that accurate? And could a big enough one be alright for outside? and I was planning on putting it around two semi tall oak trees is that enough shade? and would a buried hide where it can go underground but not dig a burrow, and would a mud pit or buried kiddie pool or both be good for here? I have read a lot of the stuff on the forum and I want it to be semi permanent because I don't know how long I will live here. I want to adopt an adult or two (with two enclosures). Someone suggested to get just one first and I will do that.

Sulcatas are one of my favorite tortoises, and I've had and rescued several in a variety of climates, though I've never bred them.

About the digging. My experience has been that in an outside pen they need several things
1. Walls around it they cannot see through, or climb over. Could be cider blocks, wood, etc. But if they can see through it - they think they can get through it, and believe me, a big one can.
2. Space. As much as you can give them.
3. Hides. One needs to be heated on a thermostat controller. My outside hide stays between 80-90f year round.
4. A large Water dish he can crawl into and soak if he wants, lots of plants and grass he can eat. plenty of sunny spots as well as shade.
4. A "cave" to get into to escape the heat and hide in the summer. You can find may examples on the forum here where people have made these. Its fun, and actually easy to do it. My experience has been that if you provide this, they will use it, and not dig their own (though my "Tiny" has modified his to suit him :)

I also dug down about 12" all around his surround and put a board in there so if he dug against the wall, he would hit that and maybe stop. He's not done it yet. Some people have used farm fence buried down about 18" and this works well too. Many a Sulcata has wandered off after digging out, or pushing through a gate or fence.

If you can provide a good environment like this, a rescue would be great. There are juvenile to adult sulcatas available for a good environment. My advice would be to create the environment first - then find the right tortoise. Its a job to do this for one to start - see how it goes.

good luck with your new adventure.


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Jun 23, 2015
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central texas
Thank you for the great info :) I am trying to take in a lot and there is tons of info on this website lol