Help and advice needed- red footed tortoise


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Mar 9, 2024
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Hi everyone. I know that all the information I'm about to ask would be here so I apologise for not searching and starting a new post but I need to be quick 😅

Basically I picked up a 5 year old red footed tortoise, from someone i know, who In the best words hasn't been taking care of "him" probably and knows nothing about taking care of him. Amd he would have been left that way, if I didn't take him with me today....

Anyway I need everything. Starting from complete scratch. Need to know everything and anything. To one give him his best life and two help build him back up.

His current viv is getting to small, and was so cramped with stuff he couldn't turn around and everything was constantly scratching his shell.

He has only ever been fed on pellets (no calucim power or anything) and from what I have read his temp and humidity have been kept to low this whole time. He was kept at between 20-25 degrees and humidity topping 40

So please spam me
. Full best feeding guide including how often

.full tank set up for new tank
.best temp/humidity to keep him at
.everything I would need to know or his would need.

Literally anything you think I would need to know or he would need.

He is currently asleep but I can add more photos of him tomorrow

Thank you all so much for your time amd help with this

Norfolk uk20240308_171802.jpg20240308_171817.jpg

To edit, any problems I should be on the look out for? Or need to do something extra to solve?

His bedding had never been changed, he's lights only ever went on a few times a week. Never been bathed or given any calcium. As stated heat and humidity have always been way to low Unsure or any other care issues. (Know how to solve all the above, just need want to know of any issues that may have come from it, or if I need to do anything extra to get him to where he needs to be)
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@ZEROPILOT @Maggie3fan
He needs fruit, protein in meat, cat or dog food eggs worms.
Temps 80-84. Does not need a basking light but needs tube fluorescent uvb unless you can get him outside. A clay saucer water dish big enough to get in and soak and 80% humidity. Wet the lower substrate keeping top layer dry by pouring warm water into the corners. He needs a large enclosure.
Substrate orchid or fir bark.
Zeropilot can fill you in more.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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Here is some "bedtime" reading to know tortoises and their needs better:
1. General care information:
2. Redfoots-specific care sheet:
3. Feeding plans:

For an adult redfoot be prepared to get a big enclosure. Ideally, 8x8 feet or more (up to room-size). Outdoors space with dense shade zones and muddy puddles or shallow pool is nice, however in UK redfoots have to stay indoors most of time (they don't hibernate in winter).

Feed him everyday, as much as he wants (just leave a food dish through the day).

You can make a photo of bottom shell (plastron) and tail, so we can confirm if he is a male or female.

Please ask more questions!


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Welcome from Devon, and thank you so much on his/her behalf for rescuing him/her. You have come to exactly the right place for help and information here - everyone will be happy to help you - and your reward will be seeing the improvement every day.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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His bedding had never been changed, he's lights only ever went on a few times a week. Never been bathed or given any calcium. As stated heat and humidity have always been way to low Unsure or any other care issues. (Know how to solve all the above, just need want to know of any issues that may have come from it, or if I need to do anything extra to get him to where he needs to be)
Despite all the mentioned issues, he doesn't look awfuly sick and neglected.
A few things to pay attention:
1. His plastron (bottom shell). Redfoots are prone to shell fungus. I can be treated easily and usually is not dangerous but should be caught timely.
2. How he walks - can he lift his body fully of the ground or not.
3. Appetite and poop. Heallthy redfoot is a voracious eater (your photos prove it). And what's eaten should "go out" regularly without much straining and be firm, without goo.
4. Bubbly or runny nose.
5. Eyes should be clear, fully open, no puffyness (like on photos).

For the start, you need to get right temperatures and humidity (day and night). Set some routines (like bathing) and step-by-step establish proper diet. In the meanwhile start planning a new enclosure (it's not always should be expensive, just needs some thought, time and efforts).


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To me, his limbs look bad. The legs are facing sideways and not raising up his body. You probably have some MBD going on there.
Get him some sunlight and/or a T5 ho UVB strip florescent tube light


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Mar 9, 2024
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Thanks for your advice. I will be getting as much as I can together as soon as I can.

I will be getting him a 6x2 viv for the time being and then upgrade again later on.
What size heat mat and light would be best for this size

.What is the best size heat mat and uvb light for this set up.

.What watt ceramic heat bulb

.just to comfim he does not need a basking/flood light?

.have ordered a large clay dish for him (he currently has the deep bathing ponds)

.have got the orchid bark on the way.

. Best hides for a larger tortoise?
All the ones ive found are to small. He likes to sleep under his wood arch atm, but he scraches his shell and it gets caught on him.

. Anything I'm missing for thr upgraded viv? Would like to order all at once if possible.

Didn't see or find and poo yesterday even after full feed.

We had him out today to run around for an hour (can only take a few steps in a row in his current viv)
And he went constantly (think being mobile helped) but was runny and gooey??? Anythig I can do it help it?

.tried to offer him new types of food today as he's only ever been feed pellets.

He's been offered mushroom, carrot, bannana, live worms, the dried dandelion weed mix.
All separately, the only thing he ate was the bannana and only if I hand fed him.

The rest he chewed then spat out😅 I even put a petal with the banana and he spat it all out.

Any ideas to help transition him from pellets or what would be best to offer. O don't think he thought the dandions/weeds were food ad he didn't even attempt to eat them, unlike the rest before spitting them out 🤣

He's fussy he also only eats the pink pellets from his food mix, he will pick around the green ones or spit them out if he gets one.

Have also put a calcium rock thing in there, he gone to it a few times

There's the photo requested, do we have a boy?


Again thank you for all your help. It's very much appreciated

Megatron's Mom

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You might have to chop any new foods up very tiny. Then mix them really well with the pellets. Only add a little bit of the new food to start and slowly increase it as he starts eating it. You're going to sneak it in with the pellets so a very small amount to start with. Make sure though he can't separate the pellets for the new stuff. Soaking the pellets to make them stick to the new food might help.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2023
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Saint Clairsville OH
Thanks for your advice. I will be getting as much as I can together as soon as I can.

I will be getting him a 6x2 viv for the time being and then upgrade again later on.
What size heat mat and light would be best for this size

.What is the best size heat mat and uvb light for this set up.

.What watt ceramic heat bulb

.just to comfim he does not need a basking/flood light?

.have ordered a large clay dish for him (he currently has the deep bathing ponds)

.have got the orchid bark on the way.

. Best hides for a larger tortoise?
All the ones ive found are to small. He likes to sleep under his wood arch atm, but he scraches his shell and it gets caught on him.

. Anything I'm missing for thr upgraded viv? Would like to order all at once if possible.

Didn't see or find and poo yesterday even after full feed.

We had him out today to run around for an hour (can only take a few steps in a row in his current viv)
And he went constantly (think being mobile helped) but was runny and gooey??? Anythig I can do it help it?

.tried to offer him new types of food today as he's only ever been feed pellets.

He's been offered mushroom, carrot, bannana, live worms, the dried dandelion weed mix.
All separately, the only thing he ate was the bannana and only if I hand fed him.

The rest he chewed then spat out😅 I even put a petal with the banana and he spat it all out.

Any ideas to help transition him from pellets or what would be best to offer. O don't think he thought the dandions/weeds were food ad he didn't even attempt to eat them, unlike the rest before spitting them out 🤣

He's fussy he also only eats the pink pellets from his food mix, he will pick around the green ones or spit them out if he gets one.

Have also put a calcium rock thing in there, he gone to it a few times

There's the photo requested, do we have a boy?

View attachment 367692

Again thank you for all your help. It's very much appreciated
Don't use heat mats, redfoots need heat from above not below.
100w CHE's
A dark Rubbermaid or bucket big enough for him to fit in. Flipped upsidedown and clutch a doorway for him. Is a good hide.
He needs a flood light. A led 5500K to 6500K is good to simulate daylight hours on a 10-12 hr timer. The T5 HO 12% uvb on a timer from roughly noon to 4pm.
You can get mazuri pellets and soak them so you can mix it up in the new foods. Or give him the tough love and only give him the new items to eat. He won't starve himself. He'll start eating it when he gets done protesting. Also boil some plain chicken and give it to him like once a week.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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Thanks for your advice. I will be getting as much as I can together as soon as I can.

I will be getting him a 6x2 viv for the time being and then upgrade again later on.
What size heat mat and light would be best for this size

.What is the best size heat mat and uvb light for this set up.

.What watt ceramic heat bulb

.just to comfim he does not need a basking/flood light?

.have ordered a large clay dish for him (he currently has the deep bathing ponds)

.have got the orchid bark on the way.

. Best hides for a larger tortoise?
All the ones ive found are to small. He likes to sleep under his wood arch atm, but he scraches his shell and it gets caught on him.

. Anything I'm missing for thr upgraded viv? Would like to order all at once if possible.

Didn't see or find and poo yesterday even after full feed.

We had him out today to run around for an hour (can only take a few steps in a row in his current viv)
And he went constantly (think being mobile helped) but was runny and gooey??? Anythig I can do it help it?

.tried to offer him new types of food today as he's only ever been feed pellets.

He's been offered mushroom, carrot, bannana, live worms, the dried dandelion weed mix.
All separately, the only thing he ate was the bannana and only if I hand fed him.

The rest he chewed then spat out😅 I even put a petal with the banana and he spat it all out.

Any ideas to help transition him from pellets or what would be best to offer. O don't think he thought the dandions/weeds were food ad he didn't even attempt to eat them, unlike the rest before spitting them out 🤣

He's fussy he also only eats the pink pellets from his food mix, he will pick around the green ones or spit them out if he gets one.

Have also put a calcium rock thing in there, he gone to it a few times

There's the photo requested, do we have a boy?

View attachment 367692

Again thank you for all your help. It's very much appreciated
Glad, you came back with more questions!

For UVB you will need a T5 HO tube, like Arcadia proT5 kit (fixture + lamp). If vivarium is two feet high you will need Forest 6% lamp, if 2.5 feet - Arcadia Desert 12%. Get the smallest length (24W, 55mm), mount it on the side, not in the middle (so one half of the enclosure is dim and the other half is bright). This lamp should be on timer for 4 hours around midday.

For ambient lightning you may use LED flood bulb or LED strip (under cabinet lights or ceiling lamp). You may get them from a hardware store. Look for the "cold daylight" or "neutral daylight" (color temperature 5500-6500K). They run on timer for 12 hours.

He don't need a basking bulb (heat lamp). But if you ready have one, you may use it (adjust temperatures under the lamp to 88-90F with a simple lamp dimmer).

For heating you will need either radiant heat panels (more expensive) or ceramic heat emitters. Don't use heat mats (under tank heaters). Heaters must be connected to a thermostat. I would use 2 75W ceramic heat emitters for more even heat distribution (you may connect them via power strip to a single thermostat).

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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* Diet and runny stool.
Motion, correct temperatures and the right food should correct issues with digestions. If not, you might need to do a fecal test at vet to check for parasites, but I doubt that at the moment.

Tortoises don't eat unfamiliar foods and it will take a long time to make him eat weeds and greens. Try to offer him some grocery foods like radicchio, endive, cilantro, arugula (rocket salad). These are among favourites for my redfoot. Or just a bagged Spring Mix.

* Photo was made against light, so it's not easy to guess sex. But perhaps a boy: peanut shaped shell, longer tail (but not really long) and some concavity on plastron. If you redo a photo under bright light, it could be more obvious.

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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I don't know if I would go less than 10% at 2ft high, with the height of his shell as the 10% gets weak it should still last longer than the 6%.
Makes sense. What's Solarmeter reading in your enclosure (if I remember you have 2 feet enclosure, T5 Desert with reflector and a Solarmeter :) )

Arcadia states UVI 2.9 for a Forest lamp without reflector at 18 inches.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2023
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Saint Clairsville OH
Makes sense. What's Solarmeter reading in your enclosure (if I remember you have 2 feet enclosure, T5 Desert with reflector and a Solarmeter :) )
In my enclosure a 10% after 4 months of use at roughly this torts height it was something like 2.2, I'm running a 12% now the 10% was getting too weak for mojo's height.

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