Help required for indoor encolsure

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5 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
hi all,
i am new to this forum, and looking into buying a russian tortoise. I have been researching into the different encolsures and although when its sunny weather i would be put him outside, i live in the uk so the weather is very unpredictable and needing alot of heat i am wanting to create, or buy a indoor enclosure. however i am not sure of what size i need or any basic infomation that i should be aware of before getting one ? thanks for any help!


Yvonne G

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Hi James:

to the forum!!

I think Russians do quite well in the U.K. They are pretty tolerant of the cooler weather. And remember, if the area is sheltered, the sun warms it up nicely.

Russian tortoises need quite a bit of room to wander, so buy the biggest tub you can afford. Go to a feed store (where they sell horse and cattle food) and take a look at the different types of stock tanks. You can also look at pictures of them online...window shopping online!


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5 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
thank you. so what do you suggest i use as a tub for him a 'stock tank' ?
I heard something about not putting them in a tank is this true ? because that would be easy as there is already a light on them isnt there ?


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5 Year Member
Mar 16, 2010
Hi all, we are following here too. We are in middle of building our Russian Franke a new indoor home. Our weather is not warm enough for her and the tank she came in is too small for her very active lifestyle. Hubby didn't find a stock tank under $122 US big enough and is building an enclosure. We will post photos. It may be as big as 4' x 3' at least. Frank is big though and adult so you may not need as big. Will stay in touch.

Yvonne G

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No, when we say don't put them into a "tank" we're talking about a fish tank, or aquarium. When I refer to "stock tank," I mean a large, either rubber or galvanized steel, outdoor tank used to provide water to farm animals. The sheep stock tanks have low sides, they would be good. You want one big enough that he can do lots of walking. 6' or 8' long is ok, but longer is better. Here in the States we can buy a 6' x 2' rounded corner stock tank for around $100. (they don't come with lights!) This is what they look like:


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 16, 2010
One thing I was gong to ask as the stock tanks are so expensive is if the more experienced keepers do not recommend getting them second hand.....can we get second hand and clean out well enough for our torts? We decided to build vs buy anyways (I sound like I am talking about our home) but I wondered that. I see them on craigslist. Don't know if there is Craigslist in UK. Hard to plop down $122 these days...even for beloved tort.


Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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If you're at all handy, building your own tort table is the way to go. You can build to your own specifications, to fit into the area that you have for the table. Also, you can use used lumber. Besides that, lumber, nails, glue, whatever is all cheaper than the already-made stock tank.


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
what about for indoor enclosures when the weather is bad. especially getting a very young one i have heard they need to be kept inside more than when they are older. so i dont know what to put them in.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
That's what we've been talking about. Either a stock tank or a wooden tort table that you build.

Outside is a whole 'nother discussion.

Did you read this thread:

This is good for baby tortoises. This guy put two tubs together, cutting out sides so they are bigger.
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