Hingeback in Lansing

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Jun 18, 2010
I went to Preuss Pets in Lansing today. They just got a "Forest" (Another name for Erosa?) Hingeback in about a week ago. It's under quarantine for the time being. Very cool looking tort, I was glad I made the trip even though I didn't actually need anything. :D It was out in the open with it's head out, looking around (Seems I've heard that Hingebacks are typically quite shy). With my limited knowledge I guessed it was female and one of the employees confirmed it. She's about 7-8", I'd say. I snapped one pic on my phone, I don't think it turned out great. Maybe I'll post it later. The guy I talked to wasn't sure what they were going to charge after the quarantine period was over but he ballparked it around $200.

Not sure if this should be in the for sale section. I wanted to tell my tale and also let any Hingeback enthusiasts in the Lansing area know about it. Moderators do your thing, if necessary. ;)


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I can't wait to see the pictures. Both the Erosa and Homes are termed Forest hingebacks, but at that price it should be an Erosa.Wil be interesting to see what the picture shows it to be. I know I sure would love to get my hands on it, if it is indeed a female Erosa.

Redfoot NERD

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Did it look anything like this -


This may be of interest / help - http://www.turtletary.com/hingeback.htm - there are a few sex determination pics toward the bottom.



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Jun 18, 2010

Here's the picture. As I said, not great. I didn't take more because I didn't think they would come out much better.

I thought it was a female because the coloration of the head and neck was quite drab. As I said the employee confirmed that, and their employees are typically rather knowledgeable, and not above telling you that they don't know something. That said, I never rely on their word 100%. Obviously didn't get a look at the tail.

Probably could have gotten a shot of the gular scute from the side, but not sure it would have helped. I didn't think of it at the time.

The hinge has the much more gradual sloping, not the very sharp angle.

I really like the coloration on her.

Anyway, there you go.


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Is that a nuchal scute I see above the head? From the top view photo, my vote is for a Home's. Though it is so hard to tell how sharply the shell drops off with a top view picture; a profile shot would do wonders for ID, but might also cost that pet shop owner $150! But, I was just recently in Detroit and found two recently imported Home's, and since the timing is so close, I would almost think that this is likely to have come in the same shipment. Whatever it is, it sure is a pretty hingeback.


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Preuss is EXPENSIVE, so I would bet that the price does not reflect the species. They wanted $175 for an obviously wild caught Russian last time I was there. I almost died.

They claim they charge more because they worm them and quarantine them for a long time. But after seeing the size of the enclosure that the two huge Redfoot "store pets" live in, you kinda have to take it with a grain of salt. A store is still just a store and out to make money.

Looks like a female Homes to me. My males have longer, thinner, and brighter heads, and it appears that the shell drops off in the back.


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Jun 18, 2010
I'm not sure what's up with the RT they have for $175. They still have it. They've had dozens of them in the past year, all for $100-$130. Preuss is somewhat expensive, but typically no more so than other pet stores. I really don't know if the $200 price for the Hingeback more closely reflects the $175 asking price for the RT they have now, which is an anomaly, or their usual asking price for torts.

They claim they charge more because they worm them and quarantine them for a long time. But after seeing the size of the enclosure that the two huge Redfoot "store pets" live in, you kinda have to take it with a grain of salt. A store is still just a store and out to make money.

I'm not sure what one of those has to do with the other, to be honest. Of course they have limited space and are in it to make money, as you said, they are a store. The way I look at it is that they charge roughly what other pet stores are charging, perhaps a little more, but you get a hell of a lot better service, support, and knowledge, and they take a lot better care of their animals than most pet shops, though obviously not the kind of care that a private owner possibly can. I'm just glad they care enough to bother quarantining their animals and getting them checked out before they stick them on the shelf with a price tag. And even if you're paying a bit more for a pet, which isn't always the case at Preuss, isn't it actually worth it to pay a little more for a healthy pet than a pet you have to take immediately to the vet? When it comes to pet stores, Preuss is one of the better ones out there, at least that I've seen. Unless one's stance is that all pet stores are evil, I really think it's hard to knock Preuss if you've spent any time in there at all and talked to the staff.

Next time I go back I will get additional pictures if I can. Maybe I'll even take an actual camera. :p


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Jun 18, 2010
I wanted to edit that last post, but I can't, so instead I just want to say that if what I sounded sounded a tad harsh or whatever, I didn't mean to be confrontational.

Not that this is a great excuse, but I'm having a terrible week...

If I could edit that post, I'd just say that all my experiences at Preuss have been overwhelmingly positive.



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travisgn said:
I'm not sure what's up with the RT they have for $175. They still have it. They've had dozens of them in the past year, all for $100-$130. Preuss is somewhat expensive, but typically no more so than other pet stores. I really don't know if the $200 price for the Hingeback more closely reflects the $175 asking price for the RT they have now, which is an anomaly, or their usual asking price for torts.

They claim they charge more because they worm them and quarantine them for a long time. But after seeing the size of the enclosure that the two huge Redfoot "store pets" live in, you kinda have to take it with a grain of salt. A store is still just a store and out to make money.

I'm not sure what one of those has to do with the other, to be honest. Of course they have limited space and are in it to make money, as you said, they are a store. The way I look at it is that they charge roughly what other pet stores are charging, perhaps a little more, but you get a hell of a lot better service, support, and knowledge, and they take a lot better care of their animals than most pet shops, though obviously not the kind of care that a private owner possibly can. I'm just glad they care enough to bother quarantining their animals and getting them checked out before they stick them on the shelf with a price tag. And even if you're paying a bit more for a pet, which isn't always the case at Preuss, isn't it actually worth it to pay a little more for a healthy pet than a pet you have to take immediately to the vet? When it comes to pet stores, Preuss is one of the better ones out there, at least that I've seen. Unless one's stance is that all pet stores are evil, I really think it's hard to knock Preuss if you've spent any time in there at all and talked to the staff.

Next time I go back I will get additional pictures if I can. Maybe I'll even take an actual camera. :p

My point was what does quarantining an animal and giving it a little dose of Panacure have to do with the price being jacked up? Panacure isn't THAT expensive. And quarantining should be a routine thing. I don't feel that it is worth it to pay an inflated price, when I can quarantine and dose wormer myself. For that matter, what in the world good does a week or two quarantine do? We all know how stoic ill torts can be. That is why a lot of us quarantine for 2-6 months. Saying that their animals are wormed and quarantined and so are fine creates a false sense of security. A lot of other things can be wrong.

As to getting a healthy animal that doesn't have to be taken to the vet, all you have is the store's word on that. I do not believe they have a vet on staff, so they are not qualified in my opinion to state that an animal is 100% healthy.

You are saying that the staff is knowledgeable and gives great support - and yet they are displaying animals in enclosures that are far, FAR too small. The owner of the store has had those Redfoots since he was in college, something like 25 years. At least that was what I was told. I would hope that he would lead by example, and give those torts a proper living space so that his customers could see what they require. Instead, he is showing them that it is okay to keep them in cramped quarters. So in order for the employees to properly educate their customers, they have to say, "Do as I say, not as we do." You know as well as I do, that won't work. The employee is NOT going to criticize his boss, and risk losing his job, for one, and two, the customer is going to be thinking, "Yeah, right, if THOSE torts are fine, then mine will be too."

Not to mention that those torts have been with him a quarter of a century - and they garner enough respect from him to have a proper enclosure... Oh, wait, they don't. ;)

Honestly, I have never had a good experience there. I am very glad for you that you have. I was ridiculed and told that I was abusing my fish when I was talking to employees about my tanks. You guys have seen me go to bat over goldfish before. Do I really sound like I would abuse my fish?

I have always wanted to open my own store, and someday I will. And I for one WILL lead by example. Will you see calci-sand or heat rocks on my shelves? You bet your butt you won't. ;)

FYI I did not take offense at your response, I just happen to not agree with you, lol. I hope you will not take offense at mine.

The big male (no pyramiding) is 16" if he is a centimeter. He is HUGE. The enclosure is no more than 8 X 4.



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Jun 18, 2010
I think you have some valid points and I don't necessarily disagree with all, or even any, of what you said. I guess I just adjust my mindset when I walk into a pet store. I tend to assume that others do, too, but they probably don't, and as you said, they see what the store is doing and they imitate it, and it's the animals that suffer. Sometime I forget that some people are idiots.

That said, all I really want to add is that I think the better pet stores can still be a force for good, as long as the people who shop there are gathering information from other sources as well. Anyone who gets their info from only one source is asking for trouble, whether you're talking about pets, child-rearing, investing your money, or anything else. And in that case, the pet store still deserves some of the blame for setting a bad example, but I don't think they deserve all of the blame, because the pet store itself can ignite a passion for animals in every person that walks through the door, and a lot of those people are going to go on to further educate themselves and become great pet owners or maybe even work in zoos, or education, or conservation.


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Travisgn, That is a pretty nice looking hingeback. I have two of them and they are really cool torts!They were a bit shy in the beginning but after a week or so they got use to the enclosure and are out all the time.They love their nightcrawlers and mushrooms and sweet potatoe and....well you get the picture.I love their big dark eyes.Thanks for sharing the picture, I enjoyed it.Thanks,tom.:p


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Jun 18, 2010
Glad you enjoyed it, Tom. I'm starting to think that when I get ready to branch out into other species I'd like to go into Hingebacks. They seem so interesting and unique. The coloration, though probably considered drab by some, is gorgeous in my opinion, especially the marbling. And I love those armored front legs.
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