How to know if my tortoise is drinking


New Member
Feb 3, 2014
I was just thinking about it, and I've never seen Oscar drink water before. I've seen him creep down and get into the water dish, and I don't wanna get my face on level with him to creep him out. He seems fine and healthy, and still eats regular and is normal in terms of activity.

Am I making a mountain of a mole hill or could there be a problem here?


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They drink through their nostrals. He is drinking when his head is under water. if he is in his dish, he is getting hydrated. They will also drink a lot when you soak them. You do soak him right?


The Dog Trainer
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What sort of water dish are you using, and how often do you soak? What substrate do you use and does he have a humid hide?


New Member
Feb 3, 2014
I soak once a day, I am using cypress mulch as my substrate, and he does have a humid hide.


The Dog Trainer
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Sometimes people end up with water bowls that are too deep with steep sides. Those ramped bowls from the pet shop are an example. they can literally kill a tortoise. Sometimes they will flip over trying to climb up and over those high sides and they will land head first and drown. If a tortoise is not comfortable with his water bowl, they will often just not drink.

The best water bowls are plain old cheap terra cotta plant saucers form the hardware store. Sink them into the substrate for best results. They work great as food bowls too.


New Member
Feb 3, 2014
I have been using a paint roller tub with the front cut off sunk down. It has walls to be save.

I have been using a paint roller tub with the front cut off sunk down. It has walls to be save.


The Dog Trainer
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I don't like those because they are too slippery for them to walk on and too deep. If he regularly goes in and out on his own, then he has gotten used to it and you can probably continue to use it. If it stays clean and untouched for days at a time, I would switch it out for a terra cotta saucer.


New Member
Feb 3, 2014
He goes in and out of it regularly, and sits in it for some time at times.

I've never seen him pee as well, which was another notion that he might not be drinking. Another thing I might be pushing too extreme for worry, but I want him to be healthy. He eats, and is glad to eat out of my hands or around me and whatnot. Very adventurous in his new enclosure.


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jiakurai said:
He goes in and out of it regularly, and sits in it for some time at times.

I've never seen him pee as well, which was another notion that he might not be drinking. Another thing I might be pushing too extreme for worry, but I want him to be healthy. He eats, and is glad to eat out of my hands or around me and whatnot. Very adventurous in his new enclosure.

Carry him to the sink and back a few times, lol. Mine pee on me almost every time I take them to their bath.


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jiakurai said:
He goes in and out of it regularly, and sits in it for some time at times.

I've never seen him pee as well, which was another notion that he might not be drinking. Another thing I might be pushing too extreme for worry, but I want him to be healthy. He eats, and is glad to eat out of my hands or around me and whatnot. Very adventurous in his new enclosure.

Hi, I'm not an expert but I actually had the same problem and concern about my sully not drinking water on her own besides when I bathe her twice a day. I also use a paint roller container and it took me a while to get her to go from her hide to the container by herself. I think you are ahead of it. What I did last week was put other stuff around the container. I put grass and now she loves it. Also make sure that the water is warm. I don't think they really like cold water. I have a light on top of the container and she is there a lot. I can see her going there just to drink too.

I hope this helps.

ImageUploadedByTortForum1393363192.658015.jpg here is a pic of the change [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH] I hope it's useful
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New Member
Feb 3, 2014
Yeah. I come home and there's cypress or dirt in the pan and I have to clean and refill it, so I know He's going in there, without a doubt.