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5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Edison, N.J.
RE: Welcome to !

Isa said:
Welcome to the forum :)
Do you have any pics of the enclosure?
Is your basment humid and cold? What are the temps in Mortimer/Mortisha's enclosure?

Hi Back! Actually our basement is quite comfortable. For a portion of the day, Morty is enclosed in an area about8 foot by 6 foot. When I open the gate, she can roam for about 10'x15'. All areas are sectioned off so she can't get into any trouble. She used to be housed in 2 Graco Pack and Plays that I made an opening in so she had a hot side and a cool side. She started trying to climb out soooo down to the basement she went. The temps stay at 83 to 85 degrees. She has three different "hides" that are cooler---down to about 66-70 degrees. 2 basking lights 100w--- 26w uvb and then just regular lighting for when she is roaming. She sleeps in the bottom half of a dog crate with 1/2 soil and 1/2 croir fiber that I moisten occasionally and that has the top half of a cat tunnel over it. She gets her "bath" every day upstairs in the kitchen---lots of sunlight[on the good days] and interaction.


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Apr 8, 2008
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RE: Welcome to !

What is the temps under the basking area? When Morty roam the basement, does she walk on ceramic? And by the way, do you have any pics of her, we love pics :D


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
Edison, N.J.
RE: Welcome to !

Isa said:
What is the temps under the basking area? When Morty roam the basement, does she walk on ceramic? And by the way, do you have any pics of her, we love pics :D

Still working on the pic's. Temps in basking 80-85 whole basement 70-75. 15 year old berber carpet [it's been here for two kids and a gang of friends--three dogs--and now Mortimer


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Apr 8, 2008
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RE: Welcome to !

I would say the temps are too cold. I have an Hermann and the temps under the basking light is 93-94. Have you checked the sulcata section of this forum?
I asked you that for the ceramic, because I heard that if a tortoise lives on ceramic, he can get a prolapse more easily.
I can't wait to see Mortimer's pic :D


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
Edison, N.J.
RE: Welcome to !

Isa said:
I would say the temps are too cold. I have an Hermann and the temps under the basking light is 93-94. Have you checked the sulcata section of this forum?
I asked you that for the ceramic, because I heard that if a tortoise lives on ceramic, he can get a prolapse more easily.
I can't wait to see Mortimer's pic :D

Interesting about the ceramic-- never heard any referrence. The Vet[pretty good rep on whole east coast] feels temps and area more than ok. She thinks prolapse is possibly related to poor husbandry as a hatchling and for the time[7 months] she was in Michigan.


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RE: Welcome to !

It is nice that you have a good rep vet, sometimes, they are hard to find :).


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
Edison, N.J.
RE: Welcome to !

Isa said:
It is nice that you have a good rep vet, sometimes, they are hard to find :).


I'm hoping this pic. will work. If it does i'll send more of Morty's home

Rosemary Lombard

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Dec 12, 2009
RE: Welcome to !

Hi, Stephanie, I've been thinking it's cool, too, for all these years! They keep surprising me. Scientists have had low expectations for these "lower" animals with long evolution times and haven't asked the right questions in ways that the animals would respond to. I'll be getting around to putting up a web site one of these days and will post samples from the book, among other things. You sound like an experienced poster, and I'm a real newbie on the "social" sites and there are a lot of things I haven't taken time to figure out. What's the best place to make announcements like a new web site and the book publication info here on Tortoise Forum--other than posting a lot and including the URL? Are there parts of this site where it would be appropriate to post samples of the book? I'll want interested people to know about it, because nobody to my knowledge has been doing this kind of cognitive work.


Stephanie Logan said:
Rosemary Lombard said:
Hi from a new member
I'm Rosemary Lombard, an animal behaviorist/herpetologist, with an independent turtle cognition lab, Chelonian Connection, near Portland, Oregon. I've had turtles since 1969 and have been involved in research with them since 1979. Our group includes a female eastern box turtle (since 1971), male ornate box turtle, five offspring of above (didn't realize Terrapene carolina and T. ornata could do that!), female pancake tortoise (from 1973) and her six offspring, and a male Russian tortoise. Most of the turtles are rescues or hatched at the lab.

We've done talks, walks, and demos for museums, schools, scholars' organizations, literary readings, and city naturalist programs (the latter when I worked as a naturalist). The last two years we've done featured pancake tortoise demos and, this year, added slide talks at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's Reptile and Amphibian Show. I have a general interest book in preparation that tells the story of the turtle-human relationships and what we've learned about each other over the years. So far it's called Diode's Experiment: A Box Turtle Investigates the Human World. (Diode is the mother box turtle who was called "Grandma" the first time we saw her and the one whose "experiment" showing that she understood categories of objects got all of this research going.)

Wow, that is so impressive. I'd love to read a summary of the Diode Experiment. It would be fascinating to learn how a turtle could understand categories of things, and how your team documented her ability. Cool!:D

Stephanie Logan

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RE: Welcome to !

"Hi, Stephanie, I've been thinking it's cool, too, for all these years! They keep surprising me. Scientists have had low expectations for these "lower" animals with long evolution times and haven't asked the right questions in ways that the animals would respond to. I'll be getting around to putting up a web site one of these days and will post samples from the book, among other things. You sound like an experienced poster, and I'm a real newbie on the "social" sites and there are a lot of things I haven't taken time to figure out. What's the best place to make announcements like a new web site and the book publication info here on Tortoise Forum--other than posting a lot and including the URL? Are there parts of this site where it would be appropriate to post samples of the book? I'll want interested people to know about it, because nobody to my knowledge has been doing this kind of cognitive work."

There is a section called Off-Topic Chit-Chat, which has a sub-forum for books and other media and member reviews. If you post your links there that post will also show up in the "View today's posts" sub-heading at the top of the Forum home page, so it will be seen by lots of members. I am sure you will get lots of opinions on your work. I've only been here a few months, but have seen many interesting discussions about tortoise character, habits, intelligence and socialization. You're in the right place, with an enthusiastic audience.:D



5 Year Member
Jan 6, 2010
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RE: Welcome to !

Hi.My name is Nobody and I live in the Philippines. I'm just new here in this forum and I just got my first Sulcata tortoise yesterday.I still don't if it's a male or a female as it is just 4 inches in length.Anyway,hoping to get a few tips here on how to raise a Sulcata tortoise and at the same time,meet new friends.


Stephanie Logan

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Aug 17, 2009
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RE: Welcome to !

Nobody said:
Hi.My name is Nobody and I live in the Philippines. I'm just new here in this forum and I just got my first Sulcata tortoise yesterday.I still don't if it's a male or a female as it is just 4 inches in length.Anyway,hoping to get a few tips here on how to raise a Sulcata tortoise and at the same time,meet new friends.


Hi Nobody,
Welcome to the forum!

You should post your "how to raise a Sulcata" question in the Sulcata Central section of this forum, where it will be seen and responded to by many experienced Sulcata keepers. Also is a thread on what to expect when you own a Sulcata. Read as many threads in this section as you can and you will learn tons of valuable information about Sulcata.:D

Also check out the Enclosures and Food and Diet sections.

Good luck with your little Giant! Post some photos so we can all admire him/her.;)

Yvonne G

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RE: Welcome to !

Hi No:


to the forum!!


New Member
5 Year Member
Jan 8, 2010
RE: Welcome to !

Hi all,

My wife and I are new leopard tortoise parents! So far so good. Looking for enclosure ideas beyond just a box and the pros and cons of different set ups. Thanks


New Member
5 Year Member
Jan 9, 2010
RE: Welcome to !

Hello Tortoise Fans - My name is Kristen and my family and I are VERY NEW to the world of daughter Stephanie had a turtle on her wish list for almost 3 years and this Christmas her wish came true...we got her a red footed tortoise...thanks to Kevin we think she's about 3 - 4 years old and well, we think she's a girl...we'll see. We have a lot of questions so please be patient with us...I've already learned so much by browsing through past postings...we're jumping in with both feet so be prepared to help us if we start to drown :p

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
RE: Welcome to !

Hi Kristen:


to the forum!!

Stephanie Logan

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Aug 17, 2009
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RE: Welcome to !

new2torts said:
...we got her a red footed tortoise...thanks to Kevin we think she's about 3 - 4 years old and well, we think she's a girl...we'll see. We have a lot of questions so please be patient with us...I've already learned so much by browsing through past postings...we're jumping in with both feet so be prepared to help us if we start to drown :p

Ask and you shall receive...just make sure to post your questions on new threads in the "Redfoot and Yellowfoot Friends," "Food and Diet" or "Enclosures" sections so you'll swiftly get the answers and valuable advice you need.:D
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