Looking to buy

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5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2012
just keep the receipt and fill out the warranty card. mine have lasted almost since march and ive had no problems. just bring it back to where ever you got it (keep the package and stuff the receipt in there so you dont loose it. believe me there will always be bad reviews out there for almost any product, but ask almost any forum member and that's what they will suggest.

check out this page,http://russiantortoise.org/uvb.htm ,it states the UV index both A and B and you will see that the newer PS-100w out perform the PS-160 in UVB, the PS-160 prob give off but more heat. but still you can buy a dual dome kit and run 2-100w PSUV and you'd be set.
this is what im rockin, the mini dual is for my PSUV-100w, the med dual is for my reptisun screw-in CFL (not the junk curly ones by ReptiGlo)


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