New mommy worrying…

"W" Family

Oct 12, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I have taken some pictures of my tortoise while he is in his bath. Everyone keeps posting about eye issues I was wondering about my little one. He gets a bath everyday for 30 minutes in electrolyte soak. I sprinkle calcium on his food and vitamins weekly. He eats Mazuri diet as well as romaine, spring mix, dandelions and cilantro. He sleeps a lot! He wakes around 7 and then burrows around 12 until the next morning sometimes even earlier. He eats good and poops good. The substrate is coco coir. I have noticed him rubbing his eye some but I mainly think it is from substrate in his eye. The other day I was concerned if he was heavy breathing but I think it is just he is so little so his legs move in and out with every breath. Am I just over worrying?


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10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
We need more information about your husbandry.
What type of lights? Heat? Uvb?
What type of substrate?
What is the temperature and the humidity?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Stop the electrolyte soaks. What was your reason for them?
Plain warm water is all that should be used.
If a tortoise is sick, depending on the symptoms, I recommend adding pedialyte and pureed baby food carrots to the soak, but not for a regular soak.

"W" Family

Oct 12, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
The only reason for the electrolyte soaks was he came with samples from the breeder so I was using them. I will just use warm water. Is the Zoomed electrolyte soak every useful? Reason asking I bought a thing of it after he came with it from breeder and I then ran out. As far as temperatures 70 degrees at night and 90-100 during day in his basking area. Humidity between 60-70% the substrate Coco Coir I keep moist. I just use a 65W flood light for heat and then I take him outside a couple times a week for sunshine here in Florida as weather rain/cold permits. He is in a closed tank, yes, only 20 gallon but in the process of building a larger enclosure. We know what we are doing for the enclosure just waiting on supplies at the store.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
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Corvallis, Oregon
Hatchlings tend to breathe with their legs more, sort of bobbing them with each breath due to their shell not allowing for expansion as well as our chest (though it's normal for a hatchling's plastron to be a bit flexible like a plastic container). It worried me initially as well! It is completely normal though. It sometimes shows that they're stressed in that moment, but if he's just lazing about it's only something to worry about if you hear whistling or see discharge and other symptoms of a respiratory infection I'd think. Potentially he could be overheated, in this small initial tank is there a temperature gradient such that he can get to a cooler area if needed?

Rubbing eyes to some degree is normal as well, unless it's to an excessive degree or with discharge or puffing surrounding it. From what I can see it looks normal to me

I'd recommend a tube type T5 UVB (the coiled can cause blindness), it's rather essential for healthy shell and bone growth, though it sounds he can get some sun. That should be good for the short term, perhaps until you can get everything for the new one sorted out, but is still quite essential in the long run

The soaks with electrolytes each time might be excessive, it is good to have in case of dehydration, but as he seems healthy just water should be best. Maybe every once and a while? Excessive salts might cause issues, as their body functions differently, no salt released with sweat as with ours and all, though I'd have to look into it more to find papers or things of the sort

I wish you luck :)

"W" Family

Oct 12, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Ok today's soak began the just warm water soak no more electrolyte soaks. I was beginning to wonder if that was causing the eye itching some, white around eyes and I felt like sometimes he was a little puffy than others. Again I was worried about the eyes and then he has a spot on his leg he came with that I am watching. This is all so new and a learning process. I just want to do it right. I am so thankful for everyone on here that is responding and helping to answer my questions.

The plan is to get a UVB Arcadia T5 light when I am able to build that table when all the supplies get back in store.

When he breathes there is no sound and no discharge so I do not think he is sick it was just me over worrying! He does have the basking area, a humid house and behind the house where it is all cooler, 75 degrees.Nervous new mom. I don't think I was this nervous with my kiddos when they were born. Thank you all for your help and to calm my worries.


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Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Corvallis, Oregon
I'm not quite seeing the spot in detail, such little legs haha

It could potentially be from substrate staining the scales, coco coir tends to tint reddish brown, but still is widely considered to be the substrate of choice. Maybe an old injury as well? Lighter areas could occur be from the shell rubbing on it or shedding, unless it shows signs of redness and irritation I don't think it's much to worry over with the soaks being done and good humidity. I'm sure there's more potential reasons but those are the ones I know of. As a juvenile they go through patchy shedding periods where scales will come off sort of like snake skin in little patches as well, more like a lizard, especially around areas in contact with abrasion from the shell

"W" Family

Oct 12, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Thank you. I will try tomorrow to get a better picture when he is out for a bath. He has burrowed for the night already. It has been a challenge to get a good picture as he is a quick mover with those little legs.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2020
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Your baby Russian looks healthy to me.I suggest warm soaks, rubbing of the eyes are OK they will do this when wet especially. Some tortoises get swollen eyes from moisture. It’s only temporary when wet. As previous posts mentioned, eye itching is not to be worried about unless you notice other symptoms such as lethargy.

Lets see your babies set up to make sure you are on the right track with raising a happy healthy tortoise.

Russians have a love of personality. I own a Russian myself. They are picky picky eaters. My tort loves @Kapidolo Farms plant mix to add for additional variety.

Chip's mom

Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I have taken some pictures of my tortoise while he is in his bath. Everyone keeps posting about eye issues I was wondering about my little one. He gets a bath everyday for 30 minutes in electrolyte soak. I sprinkle calcium on his food and vitamins weekly. He eats Mazuri diet as well as romaine, spring mix, dandelions and cilantro. He sleeps a lot! He wakes around 7 and then burrows around 12 until the next morning sometimes even earlier. He eats good and poops good. The substrate is coco coir. I have noticed him rubbing his eye some but I mainly think it is from substrate in his eye. The other day I was concerned if he was heavy breathing but I think it is just he is so little so his legs move in and out with every breath. Am I just over worrying?
He's so cute! We switched from coconut coir to orchid bark because the coco choir kept getting into his eyes and food. Ours rubs his eyes sometimes, he seems sensitive about his eyes and at times they've been a tad puffy but it goes away.
Also, if you search for lighting on this forum the coil UV bulbs can cause eye issues. Good luck with your little one!

"W" Family

Oct 12, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
This is the current set up. I know I have been told the 20 gal long tank is too small. Again, I am in the process of gathering the materials for the new enclosure but the store is out of some of the materials right now. The light is a 65watt bulb for heat. We are going out in the sun for Vitamin D in addition to the weekly sprinkle of Calcium with D3 and the herptivite sprinkle. This week has not eaten much if any of his spring mix, dandelions or romaine but daily is eating 2-3 pellets of Mazuri tortoise diet. I think he is a cutie too! Thank you! I have attached the picture of his eyes that I feel look much better. It does look like they get white and a little puffy when in bath. I can not seem to get a good picture of his leg. I have also attached a picture of the what the new enclosure will look something like. It will be much bigger than the pictured one. This is what I was thinking of making something like with a hide under and a house over too. The current one is keeping the humidity and moisture in good for now. He has daily exercise and then a soak in the afternoon in addition to the morning soak and feeding.


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"W" Family

Oct 12, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Ok, so I got tired of waiting for supplies to come in to build a table so I decided to buy a Rubbermaid container to build my Russian Hatchlings enclosure to get him more space out of his 20 gal tank. I am going to continue to use the Coco Coir and add some areas of Orchid Bark in too. I am going to order the Arcadia T5 HO 12% or 6% UVB bulb. Which one is recommended? Also I will use a CHE for heat and just a regular LED bulb for light. Does all of this sound good? I am wondering about the lighting the most. I also have some plants that I have started from seed or have bought from the store like vegetables, hosta and ferns that I was going to plant in a pot and put in the enclosure. I have changed the soil from the store just extra precaution. Does anyone see where I am going wrong and can give better direction. I am trying to use the double dome light that I bought as I have already thrown away so much money in the wrong lights at the start of this last month. Also my little one is so spoiled as he is only eating out of mine or my daughters hands during our bath routine. He is only eating 2 Mazuri Tortoise diet pellets a day. I have caught him once in the past week nibbling on lettuce in his bowl. Can anyone see this as being a problem of not eating the greens?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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Ok, so I got tired of waiting for supplies to come in to build a table so I decided to buy a Rubbermaid container to build my Russian Hatchlings enclosure to get him more space out of his 20 gal tank. I am going to continue to use the Coco Coir and add some areas of Orchid Bark in too. I am going to order the Arcadia T5 HO 12% or 6% UVB bulb. Which one is recommended? Also I will use a CHE for heat and just a regular LED bulb for light. Does all of this sound good? I am wondering about the lighting the most. I also have some plants that I have started from seed or have bought from the store like vegetables, hosta and ferns that I was going to plant in a pot and put in the enclosure. I have changed the soil from the store just extra precaution. Does anyone see where I am going wrong and can give better direction. I am trying to use the double dome light that I bought as I have already thrown away so much money in the wrong lights at the start of this last month. Also my little one is so spoiled as he is only eating out of mine or my daughters hands during our bath routine. He is only eating 2 Mazuri Tortoise diet pellets a day. I have caught him once in the past week nibbling on lettuce in his bowl. Can anyone see this as being a problem of not eating the greens?
Even as an owner of redfoots, I can definitely see a problem beginning with your "spoiled" little guy. His diet should consist of the correct foods for this species with some Mazuri supplement if you need to. But really, the "...only eating out of mine or my daughter's hands during our bath routine..."??? Really? In that case, yours and your daughter's entire future is cut out for you by a tiny tortoise. Stop it now or suffer the consequences. You are the owner of the tortoise, not the other way around! All the best.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
The only reason for the electrolyte soaks was he came with samples from the breeder so I was using them. I will just use warm water. Is the Zoomed electrolyte soak every useful? Reason asking I bought a thing of it after he came with it from breeder and I then ran out. As far as temperatures 70 degrees at night and 90-100 during day in his basking area. Humidity between 60-70% the substrate Coco Coir I keep moist. I just use a 65W flood light for heat and then I take him outside a couple times a week for sunshine here in Florida as weather rain/cold permits. He is in a closed tank, yes, only 20 gallon but in the process of building a larger enclosure. We know what we are doing for the enclosure just waiting on supplies at the store.
This all sounds great.

You don't need the electrolytes. Just pain water.

Add more variety to the diet and look for the right weeds and leaves to offer instead of grocery store greens.

Your baby will do much better in a larger tank or partially covered tub than that open table, and the open table will be much too small for him as an adult. I would not get it.

You have a double hood. You said you are using a 65 watt flood (perfect), but what is in the other fixture? If its a cfl type UV bulb, remove it immediately. That could be the cause of the eye irritation. Those are ineffective UV sources, possibly harmful, and with your routine of sunshine it is not necessary.