New owner - Partially open tub enclosure okay?


New Member
Dec 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Pittsburgh, PA

I am getting my first Indian Star on Sunday. He is about 4". I purchased a large tote tub already (approx 4' x 2' and 18" tall) but after thankfully discovering this forum and finding out more accurate, invaluable info, I'm seeing how important it is to cover it to keep the humidity in.

My question is do you think it would be okay to use the lid for the tote, and cut squares out large enough for the lighting to sit ontop of wide wire to let through as much light, or possibly rig some piping above so they hang at the level of the cutouts? I feel like this might smother the tortoise and he won't get enough air... maybe i am just being paranoid but i dont really have time/materials to build an actual vivarium by Sunday and may not be able to for a few months.

Also is there a page for a list of all dietary needs? Like all grasses, vegetables, plants that are good and ones to stay away from? I saw there was a list for India but was unable to find one for US.

Lastly, what time do you recommend feeding/bathing and what amount of food for a tortoise of 4"? Is it better to bathe them before/after eating or does it not really matter? I'm hoping to bathe him as much as possible to keep the substrate clean so not sure what time is best to do this for them to get everything out.

I'm still learning and really want to do everything I can to do it right so he lives a long time! Thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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Post what lighting/heat you have selected. The tote needs to be closed, but there are several ways to mount lighting and heat depending on what you're using. As an example I used fluorescent tube lighting so it is mounted to the underside of the lid using screws. I use a CHE for heat that sits on a hole I cut in my lid and is surrounded by aluminum foil. Here is a link where I have pics to give you one idea:

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Hi, and welcome!

Yes, you can use the lid with the cut outs, like you've mentioned. Fill in the open spaces around the lights with kitchen foil. Don't worry about the baby not being able to breathe. There will be plenty of air in there.

You can take a look at the top of the Star section for our care sheet.


New Member
Dec 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Pittsburgh, PA
Hello, thank you both! I have decided I'm going to build a PVC enclosure. Going to try to make the tub as temporary as I can and just spray it down as much as I can until I finish my enclosure!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hello, thank you both! I have decided I'm going to build a PVC enclosure. Going to try to make the tub as temporary as I can and just spray it down as much as I can until I finish my enclosure!
I wouldn't spray too much until you get the heat adjusted. too much moisture and not warm enough will be harmful to your tortoise.


New Member
Dec 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Pittsburgh, PA
I wouldn't spray too much until you get the heat adjusted. too much moisture and not warm enough will be harmful to your tortoise.

That is true, thanks for the reminder. I just bought all of the PVC and have time off work next week, so hoping to get it built within the next 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2018
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Here is Nyx's setup.
Same size tote.

Not the best setup in the world but it works for now. Hold temps well and humidity stays between 80-90%.


New Member
Dec 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Pittsburgh, PA
Here is Nyx's setup.
Same size tote.
View attachment 259548View attachment 259549View attachment 259550View attachment 259551View attachment 259552

Not the best setup in the world but it works for now. Hold temps well and humidity stays between 80-90%.

Thanks for sharing. This is exactly what I am going to try to go for in the meantime. I'm just a little unsure how I'm going to read my temps/humidity because i bought little digital ones without probes. Maybe I'll cut a few windows and glue clear plastic/plexiglass to see in.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2018
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Amazon has shower thermometer/hygrometers that are water proof that you can put inside the enclosure. You will also want to get an infra red temp gun.

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