New to Tortoise Forum looking for mature tortoise

Stacey Cruz

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
Hi everyone my name is Stacey. My husband is a turtle nut. He has always loved them and has owned them most of his life. Last year at this time we got married in Hawaii and he had his dream come true when we were swimming with sea turtles. He had always wanted to see them but never imagined he would be able to swim next to them and watch them in the ocean doing what they do. It was amazing. It is now a year later and all I hear about is how much he wants a large tortoise. So I am hear hoping to find him one. He has no idea so shhh...
We have 6 kids and 2 dogs currently. We both work but I am a realtor so my schedule is flexible. We have a wonderful home and backyard to house the tortoise. I promise no one will love it more than my husband. So if anyone knows how, where or who I can contact or is interested in selling theirs, please contact me. We live in Louisiana. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.



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Mar 2, 2012
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Welcome. I'd suggest a good starter tortoise or even a box turtle. The key is getting everything all set up and operating perfect before plunging into it. Many great places can provide. One thing you could do is adopt one before purchasing one, unless your dead set on a certain species.

Stacey Cruz

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
He has owned box turtles and other turtles around Louisiana all his life. He has a place in the backyard set up already for them and a room in the house for emergency's. Like I said he doesn't know I did this, but all I hear is how much he misses having them and how he always wanted a large tortoise. Thank you though for your input.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 2, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Tropical South Texas
Ah good deal. Well if you want to take on a large one you can find many big sulcatas on craigslist needing a home. Just make sure it's escape proof. They can dig their way out and push, ram there way out.

Yvonne G

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Hi Stacey, and welcome to the Forum!

Take a look through our adoption and for sale sections. There were two large sulcatas for adoption that seems like were having a hard time being placed. They might still be looking for a home.


Grandpa Turtle 144

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5 Year Member
Apr 3, 2013
Hello Stacey welcome to the TFO from AZ, USA . I would watch for a while to learn what you can and then see who has a lrg .to give you !

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