No Enclosure???


New Member
Jun 11, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego, CA
I've been prepping to adopt a rescue adult male Sulcata, I had planned for a fenced enclosure, house with heating and wadding area. So far all I have is the house.

I spoke with the rescue owner today who said "it looks like you're all ready to adopt!". I was confused.

She went on to explain that "the tortoise if provided with plenty of space to roam, has a home to return to every night and cannot see outside of the fences should not dig or burrow to escape".

All of those things are true:
-Lots of space with grass and weeds
-House/night box
-Fenced in and cannot see out (thick tall grape vines hedge with chain link underneath)

But still?? Thoughts?? I’d definitely be worried about escape.

She has great reviews and has given so many lost tortoises a home and care, though she mentioned she was getting swamped with rescues so... is she rushing me to adopt without being prepared? Also, no adoption fee so I’m not suggesting it’s a monetary thing.
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5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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In a reasonably proper size FENCED in enclosure, with a heated house (even in SD) plus if I were adopting to you, I'd be doing a yard check...just stick up for yourself and say you aren't ready...You do not have a fence yet she's trying to get you to take an adult Sulcata before you are ready??? No way Jose...


New Member
Jun 11, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego, CA
In a reasonably proper size FENCED in enclosure, with a heated house (even in SD) plus if I were adopting to you, I'd be doing a yard check...just stick up for yourself and say you aren't ready...You do not have a fence yet she's trying to get you to take an adult Sulcata before you are ready??? No way Jose...

In a reasonably proper size FENCED in enclosure, with a heated house (even in SD) plus if I were adopting to you, I'd be doing a yard check...just stick up for yourself and say you aren't ready...You do not have a fence yet she's trying to get you to take an adult Sulcata before you are ready??? No way Jose...
Thank you, you’re so right. I want to make sure everything is to my standard for peace of mind before coming home with my new friend.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Apr 19, 2022
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Los Angeles
Sounds like someone desperate to unload the tortoise. Icannot fathom a legit rescue telling you you dont need a fence. I would also therefore be very wary about anything else they have told you about what it’s like to raise or own a Sulcata. Please read in depth the FAQs and other posts here. The last thing you wanna do is take on an animal that size and find yourself utterly unprepared for it because someone has given you false information


New Member
Jun 11, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego, CA
Sounds like someone desperate to unload the tortoise. Icannot fathom a legit rescue telling you you dont need a fence. I would also therefore be very wary about anything else they have told you about what it’s like to raise or own a Sulcata. Please read in depth the FAQs and other posts here. The last thing you wanna do is take on an animal that size and find yourself utterly unprepared for it because someone has given you false information
Yeah, she mentioned an influx of new rescues ☹️ sounds overwhelming. Thanks for looking out for the torts and me.

Before I looked into rescues around me I have been lurking a whole ton on here, what a gold mine of information— I even used a DIY plan on here for the night box 😁 Adopting a big boy who will hopefully live for many long years is definitely not something I take lightly, so kinda scary to hear that from the rescue lady.