Only staying at the hot side

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New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 20, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Lakeside, California
Hello again. I have a question. My babies are only staying at the hot side of the tank. I keep a basking spot at 100 and its about 90 on one side of the tank and between 80 and 75 to the other end. They never venture to the other side. Are alway on the basking rock or close to it. I put them in separate humid hides at night and they just come out and sit under the heat.
How can I keep them from pyramiding if I cant keep the moist?
Thanks for any help.
Btw, they have both grown an inch longer and are eating great now. No aggression between the two of them so far but am watching for it.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Dec 24, 2010
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Sometimes you just have to move the humid hide to where they like to sleep. Your basking light is off at night, right?


New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 20, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Lakeside, California
I have a ceramic heater as there basking light and heat lamps. They have a long tube UVB bulb for their light. I turn the light on in am and off after their bath when ready for bed. I have a log type hid right next to their basking spot also.


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10 Year Member!
Dec 24, 2010
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I had one of those logs too. In no time it was too small for him. My tortoise kept digging into the corner nearest his basking spot. Someone on the Forum suggested that I put his hide where he was digging. I made one of those plastic hides with a hole cut out for the door, put it over where he had dug, and he used it right away. He went through several hides before he finally moved outside, but they were always in that corner.

I used plastic containers to make hides from. They were mostly filled with coconut coir, as that is what I used for a substrate. When my tortoise was small, that 3 to 5 inch size, I screwed a sponge to the inside top of the hide to keep the humidity up. Read about that somewhere on this forum. Also, I put aluminium foil on top of the hide to block out as much light as I could.
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